He's a NARCISST! That's why!

Magick is all about intent, and if he is a narcissist I don’t think they can have soul ties because they don’t view people as people. They view you as an object to control. My ex called me property all the time and said I’m forever his property, because of how

The only way to get rid of them is to completely cut them off, to include looking at their social media, and getting rid of anything they gave you.


I don’t wanna say nothing has not worked. Because im really not sure. They live 2500 miles from me. Like i said the results im asking for have not come about. Yet… He is stubborn AF. I will give him that and its true without a doubt. I dont have anything from him and I dont look at his profile anymore. Havent for a very long time.

If he’s really a narcissist, then the odds of him giving an genuine apology are pretty low. Trust me on this one.

You’re better off cursing him and/or moving on.


Why do you want to hear the words sorry from a supposed narcissist , those are empty words of obligation


Lilith told me in a dream “Limitations in Manipulations” I need to keep reminding myself of that. Whether he is a narc by definition or not. I’m going to regard him as such. He doesn’t deserve any favors.

So yeah I think your right. I sleep pretty sound at night. Like a Vampire with her days and nights mixed up lol. It’s all good.

@John_Wick I know it sounds weird. I wanted a true apology. Not empty. I was also “mostly” testing what I can do as a witch as the same time. I don’t care about him as a person. Not in that way. Actually kinda disgusted by him. Like in Martial Arts they have what is called an Ukai (the one the teacher demonstrates moves on for the class). Kind of that. A human poppet. No harm come to him but trying to get what I feel is deserved to me. I can live without it. I have already. I know im not sounding like it. Im just confused why two freaking people. Only two ever have “evaded” me. I look back at other spells on others ive cast. Always worked. These are my only two … limbos? So yes im a bit baffled and i guess looking for a “reason”

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You can curse him but the more you focus your conciousness on him he is just going to keep growing in your reality based on the energy behind it


My son’s father has diagnosed mental and personality disorders. He’s a monster to deal with, told me repeatedly he hates me, hates talking to me, and the situation “You put yourself in” as if I got myself pregnant, so I chose not to be bothered. At one time I was at a point of wanting revenge, the I’m sorry, the admission of guilt etc, but after seeing he was incapable and instead, only cared about himself and the woman he discarded his son for, I had to step back and ask myself why I gave a fuck. He’s only going to self destruct and ruin this relationship, just like he ruined the relationships he’s been in previously.

To target him and hit him hard, I didn’t hit his mind, I hit his wallet, his looks and his sexual ability. He’s complained to me recently about pains in his groin, he’s always in pain, he’s always broke, taking out fraudulent loans, so he’ll be in trouble soon, he’s going bald and from the pics I’ve seen of him, he’s gaining weight, which he’s self conscious about. I hit him then moved the hell on because I refuse to let him take my power away. I have a kid with him, but the guy is a monster and I limit any contact with him to almost nothing. These people will suck the life out of you if you allow them, and that pain is soul crushing.

You need to think outside the box if you intend on cursing him and dwelling on what he’s done, otherwise do another cut and clear, work with an entity to break whatever bonds or chains etc and move on. Come to terms with the fact that you may never get your apology.


They are actually the embodiment of the sphere of Thagirion. They use people for there means instead of being tiphereth serving other people :wink:

I guess the fact i dont mess with people i get really really mad when someone messes with me. I trusted him as a friend not to do that and he did anyways. That is what eats at me. I can accept not getting the apology I guess. I can walk away knowing I never did a damn thing to hurt him or to give him reason not to trust me. Part of me wanted to get the apology and tell him to F off and never contact me again. I wanted the final push back like some want the final say (which in some ways i guess he “got”. Fine whatever). Bitter? Yeah I can admit it. He’s miserable. That much I know. Otherwise he would have never given me a second thought. Whatever his intentions were in contacting me recently im not sure, Im done. Really done,

Im gonna do the soul bond spell and break it. If something has been done and is there I will get rid of it. I just hope it affects both of us in he does not contact me again ever. I want out of his mind forever.


That about intent. Also, do it and forget it in terms of whatever working you do. You must put the working out of your mind and not second guess it or yourself.

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What you are describing sounds more like the vast majority of the population. :joy:

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It’s actually an extremely common disorder. Luckily it’s one people can grow out of.


I think our society these days has a tendency to produce this en mass through various forms of media influence.

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I have all I need to do it. Im just waiting until im 100% ready. Thinking it through in all the steps first so it’s perfectly executed (I have to do this often with things in my life, important conversations, spells, sewing clothes etc. …lol)


Omg, I’m going through something similar to this!!

My partners mother is diagnosed with schizophrenia and she lives with us because no one else in her family will…
This woman causes so many problems for my partner and I; whenever we try to talk to her and discuss anything (especially things that put her in the wrong) she goes mental and says I’m making everything up and I’m playing victim.
What makes it worse is that she’s started to mimic everything I say to try and get me angry; once she saw that doesn’t work either, she’s started to flat out scream at me…

Both my partner and myself have come clean to her about self harm, she called us weak minded. To this day, she thinks nothing is her fault and knowing that people are willing to leave, instead of caring about a parent never seeing a child again, she’d rather put him through that.

Now I’m searching for cord cutting and possibly moving away. My health is more important.