Hereditary Movie

Love his answers

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Sounds like one to torrent - I shall await accordingly :wink:

No need to DL, stream it.

I like to dl then watch it on my media player through the tv when my wife is not around…


The movie was pure crap! King Paimon is nothing like the way he is depicted in the film. This movie was not scary at all. The people who made this movie should be ashamed of themselves. Toni Colette needs to stick with her role on “The United States of Tara” as a lady with severe Multiple-Personality Disorder.

Of course, that is my opinion.

The King is like, “Whatever. At least they’re talking about me. I’m honored to have a motion picture made about me. Maybe I’ll get an Oscar.” Then he laughed.


I can see King Paimon getting nominated as best supporting actor, although the acceptance speech would be interesting.

Have to have a group summoning on demand.


I love this guy.


I want to see this now.

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I just watched half the movie and didnt see anything about paimon

you kind have to watch the entire movie… sorry to say. @SoulofCinder

It was total crap! :joy: I never thought I would make it to this point. That was just lazy writing these people obviously know nothing. But it did make me laugh!

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Yeah it made me laugh when the girls head fell off.


Nice genzoman picture of lucifer @wolfinsheepsskin :sunglasses:

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Yes it was a very amusing movie… to say the least but it was still terribly made in the same sense but what are you gonna do. :man_shrugging: @SoulofCinder
Unless the members of BALG decide to create there own movie!

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I am going to recommend a King Belial movie twisted with Immortals & 300 theme

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Hmm :thinking:. very interesting I would like to see how that would turn out! @SoulofCinder

Oh and if you liked that one… What about this one too?


Thats pretty funny with the lolipop reminds of the kid from the Omen

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@AdamThoth is supposed to be working on a screenplay for his movie, I think. The idea of BALG having a feature film isn’t a bad one. If somebody comes up with a feasible idea and can get @E.A’s or @Timothy’s permission, then start a Kickstart account to fund the movie, it can be done!