Help with keeping a job!

I want a job! But i haven’t been able to work more than 2-4 months at any place for the past couple years…
I feel cursed -_- by myself or some ancient witch. Either i quit or get fired, i do remember i let things in my life go off balance and then i guilt myself.

Im currently finishing school part time, im in the US, and basically, i need to earn some money to live and save up for a move im planning later in the year or early 2022.

Ive gotten interviews in the past two months some were good, nothings panned out.
I’ve had lots of good opportunities in the past 15 years, but either i stop showing up or get let go.
Its so annoying. I get caught up in the moment, sad one day, and then i am like “i can’t work”. Looking back, its always so stupid. Im trying to not get so caught up in the moment.

In the past, I’ve had bad issues showing up to work after the one month period. I blame my anxiety. I’ve taken medication for it. Its not a magic pill for me.
Since i quit my last internship, i got off meds.
The past few weeks I’ve been working on my inner dialogue.
Anytime im faced with those feelings, i want to overcome the fear.

Anyways, i need to get out of that mindset or find a job that is super flexible. I prefer it if i could be consistent.

Im applying to whatever i think is good. I am focusing on remote jobs especially. Im looking at temporary jobs or contracts in this area as well because im not planning on staying in my area after i graduate.
I think i want a remote job, since it might help avoid social anxiety. But the wage is less.
Most remote stuff are customer service related and not related to my degree. I don’t know application languages, so i unfortunately cant work as that… Lol i might try learning it because im in the biochem field, if i get a chance after school is over.

What are some things that helped you all turn a new leaf?

I started around 2-3 weeks ago working on my self-concept , affirmations, etc. Its helped a lot! I wish i started doing this like years ago.
Ugh… I don’t want to repeat the same cycles. I want new better ones.


What I’ve found from the book ‘72 angels of magick’ are two angels: Nememiah (power to ease anxiety) and Sitael (find employment)

Good luck!!


Do these cycles repeat themselves in other areas of your life too? Like, not being able to keep friendships and relationships, always having the desire to stop or quit after a while, losing interest, or not being able to push through when it gets tough after a few months?

Maybe you might want to look into birth trauma therapy to break that.

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I think have good relationships with friends and family. I try to maintain them as best as i can.

Its only things I have a lot more control over like work.

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Magickal Job Seeker may help you to find the good job you are looking for.

There may a thousand reasons why you are forced to leave the job. This is not always due to a curse but if we assume it’s so for a while, then I may advise you to do some divination or get help to predict the situation in a better way. Once you understand the curse -if there is one- you may try to get rid of it by finding the best remedy for it.
On the other hand; I may suggest you analyze the situation. Why you are fired or you feel bored so much…Is there a common aspect? discuss the events with your friends, to understand better what lies beneath and how can you fight against it on a mundane level… IDK, you may need better education, you may need to work on anger management, and so on…

Hence I may also suggest some NLP work that would turn out to be very useful to address some common job problems and even on the LOA level NLP may help to change your expectations ( why you attract such problems or negative people to your life and so NLP is very effective to correct them)

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