Help with an upcoming exam

Hi there! I’ve been using this site to find/learn new stuff for a while now and I’ve seen that there are a lot of kind and caring people in this forum and in this community as a whole. I’m now posting this because I need some help and guidance about a big thing in my life. I’ve an upcoming university entrance exam and I’m really nervous about it. I’m nervous because I’m probably not gonna go to a great university because of my nervousness and lack of knowledge about the topics on the exam and I want to ask for help and guidance from you guys because If I don’t get into a great university my family would probably disown me. I would really appreciate any kind on help on this topic and I really wanna thank everyone in advance.
Hope someone would help me.

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Try King Paymon. He can help with discipline and teaching

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i thought his name was King Paimon not Paymon? now im confused

Please use the search function next time :slight_smile:

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Both are ok. The name comes from old sources, one of which even spelled it ”Bayemon“ (don’t ask me which grimoire it was, tho).

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