Help with a legal decision falling into my favour! URGENT!

Of course. Yes, I have been practising that already

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Your mind and brain is strong

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I like to think so. Iā€™ve had a rough life and if it wasnā€™t I donā€™t think Iā€™d be here, though Iā€™m not sure how you came to that conclusion :stuck_out_tongue:

Also I mean @themysticpenelope this is real life and not Hollywood, so not every magical operation is successful, especially when you first begin. I had much higher success rates than I expected my first year, but I had plenty of failures too.

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You can be in circle
Cause it can balance the energies

Some people get so much obsessed that they keep praising them

Belial likes to be worshipped I think

Zadkiel and Raziel comes to mind as possibly being helpful as far as angel goes, although that is a guess on my end.

As for other none demonic or god suggestions, a servitor is a good one. There are also a couple aspects of my current pathworking (the 72 letter name of god) that the author Baal Kadmon claims to be able to do that could be helpful, but i have not gotten that far yet in testing. But, based on the sheer power of the first part, I can see it being helpful.

The second, third, fourth and seventh in particular, if not in its entirity.


Honestly I donā€™t believe in circles giving you protection. I think it helps you get into the magical mindset but I donā€™t use them.

Every spirit likes to be worshipped. Worshipped means they have free and plentiful food. He can like whatever the fck he wants, but he wonā€™t get it from me. He also knows he wonā€™t get it from me.


Have you even seen Belial during the evocation?

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Balance not protection


I could feel him

Get ea book
He has explained from invoking to possession

So you can get what you want

Many people post photos of horned bull forming in incense

Currently I havenā€™t tried cause I live with room mate

Privacy and less disturbance is required

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Sighs. Iā€™ve evoked in public places, with my children in the same room etcā€¦ Unless the people are sensitive or you need the privacy for your mind set and to do it, itā€™s not required eitherā€¦

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Hey have you seen belial

Or full evocation??


I rarely get visual impressions of demons. Iā€™ve got yin eyes so I see spirits of the dead, get visual impressions of the Loa, some gods and servitors. Usually I just get the clear feeling of a presence and clairsentience/telepathic communications with demons. I donā€™t always get that. Sometimes I roll with I opened the sigil and put in the right amount of effort to call them up, so itā€™s a one way call.

I donā€™t even try to physically manifest anything. I think itā€™s a waste of time and energy for me at this point, due to anphantasia inhibiting my visual abilities.

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Belial is a good one spirit for legal issues. That being said, he is a loose cannon and you do need a firm hand working with him in my experience. I definitely do just recommend offerings to him until the task is complete and not being lavish with them.


Same here

But evocation is really difficult and you need to be in deep trance. Thats why those barbarous words are chanted

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A deep trance facilitates images which my mind can not create due to anphantasia, I can only see what is in front of me so no, I use a light trance or less.

And get the sigils from Goetia of dr Rudd

They are more accurate that crowley

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Zadkiel and Raziel from 72 angels of Magick?


what would you use for protection against violent people and enemies?

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Fourth seal of saturn

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A restraining order. Shielding and warding, and a servitor.

I also carry a knife in my bra, and I know how to use it to get someone off me or to kill them, regardless of what limb or body part I can reach.

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