HELP! Mantra or easy method to banish demonic energy

So I summoned many demons over the past days and now belial, naamah and some other demons keep coming like every 30 minutes. I need something easy I can do to banish this energy.

Edit: Is it also possible for a succubus to banish energy? I will ask her

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After you have done your ritual, you give then the “license to depart” or otherwise tell them face to face “you are free to go leave, please go away until I call you again”.

Since you called them personally, it’s probably polite to ask them personally t o not be around all the time, otherwise how would they know?

Blanket banishing are good for unnamed random entities that you didn’t personally invite over.


Try the banishing from EA’s Kingdoms of Flame:

Ashtu malku ta dat arkata Sastus seckz altamu partu
Iretempal krez ta felta Vaskalla regent met senturus
Ta sastrus estos melta Kelta, kelta, ketla hine.


I will do both, I just read that mantra a few times. I also asked my succubus if the energy has been removed and she said yes. So next time they come around I will politely ask them to not come over all the time. Man occult stuff is hard and punishing… Thanks a lot!

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I told my succubus to remove the energy and she did. She told me only work with me and that was the only way she would remove it. I agreed, it’s difficult with bigger entities it’s too much work and nothing works to remove their energy.

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