Help? How to clearing the gunk, to bring in the power

Hi, just need some advice… last night I heard like twice like two wierd loud crow screetches in my house … and some weird dreams ( so I got abit supersticious lol, but it motivated me to try and write something here, -hopefully doing the right thing…) also, (working my way backwards-in a nutshell) also while in the kitchen that day heard like little footsteps walk up behind me…etc
I think alot of the recent weirdness started happening again especially about 2 days ago when I preformed my own version of an uncrossing ritual … I used a black candle and improvisations… the candle started acting weirdly at one point and I started messing to make sure it burnt properly etc … and I think maybe from the uncrossing oil/powder like the smell went up my nose and caused my front head to cause a migraine… and feel nausious… it got worse at night - the stronger pain killers didnt help and I wallowed all night in pain… I was quite sure something was ‘going on/wrong’. I remember vaugly in my sleep opening my eyes and asking whatever was there troubling to leave my room. I felt much much better on awake but that feeling started alittle to seep in again later that day, battled with a cloud of deppression in that time but today feeling cheerier … the point is I know something is there and harrassing… I only did that ‘spell’ to start off with was because I was getting signs of starting to get hassled again , in particular family,… there have been loads of weird goings on also way before this, eg, like heard a voice coughing in my room etc ( that others were able to hear too…) money going missing, front door being found open, people not wanting to associate with me like the plague for no reason no matter how nice I try to be, fighting with an unexplainible boughts of unexplainable illnesses and sudden boughts of sever deppression and fear … that almost feels not my own, because rationally I would not be thinking or wanting to feeling such things … and many more. Although, I dont mind abit of creepiness in a house as long as it causes no harm… but I have also felt for some time that there is some big malicousness (curse),being sent my way, for a fact that I know ‘many’ people around me have had it in for me but at one point about over 2 years ago it started to become a ‘spirtual warfare’ (which was obvious because I was in court and all,and they tried to hex me very likely). But to some degree Im still fighting it and it wants to do me flat. At times I can resist it, at times I almost can’t. I dont want to say too much as I dont want to get silly naysayers responding hurtfully which I will kindly not respond to.
All I need is some honest advice or tweaking on what Im doing or what you might sense in the situation that needs to be done and cleared. My first question as I have heard that if one doesnt know everything and is not an expert in black magic one should not ‘dabble’ or experiment as it can cause worser things, for example a ‘death spell’ can end up , for example, on the practioner if not done correctly. Is this totally true? Should I be going to an expert and not try everything in hopes of winning by myself? Am I causing harm as well as good…
Secondly, and probably most importantly, how does one extracate oneself magically from a deep rooted curse/spell done by a ‘group of people’ (and also dont have all the names of them but know quite a d*mn few.)Is there a way of excaping or triumphing this at all…especially if similar people of this religious/influencial group targeted my dad ( diffrent people diffrent reasons but same type of jewish and political groups and family and aquintances and reaction towards him…) and he ended up dying suddenly an unexplainable death (big hunch malicious magic was involved too) and ( I dont want to sound grim but it seems all too similar the symptoms and scynarios and involvement that I almost think there is an ancestral thing going on here too.)
Ok, enough said on that, I just need something magically efficent, big bold and sure to break this repitition and snag, something simple yet effective that I can use to break this cycle, something achevable in my current situation, to draw a line in this old life, ( cuz Im not getting younger)( and if I didnt have the responsibility of kids I would be out of here - this time for good) . So what should I do now. Also being physically being bound and fatigued and mindfogged at times all makes things difficult - all contributing to the intensity of the onslaught…
Gosh, I started off with something small and gone all the way to something heavy, didnt mean to, so here goes, I hope I wont be judged and get some decent helpful remarks that I can apply or help me on my journey. To open up once and for all who I am meant to be and achieve … and sustain it. Peaceout.

I had some thoughts off the top of my head…

For the first part, sounds like some entities have been attracted or sent to the house. Banish and cleanse, smudge, wash away nasty energies with open windows and running water, take showers often.

Raphael is the best healer I ever encountered, every time I meet him I’m more impressed, and he never fails to help, I recommend calling him for help with health, depression and parasites.

With people sending you energy you can’t ground and deflect or send beck, I trick I learned right on this forum is, eat it. … Someone did it in @Micah’s sparring thread and I quietly stole the idea and tried it next time I had the chance. I liked it, maybe try it with nothing more than ill-wishing thoughts or normal anger and see how you feel about it first.

So, see it coming in, and really focus on using your own energy to hold it back outside of you as you take your time to filter and convert it to a beneficial form that you can absorb and use to boost your own power. Kind of like you’re vampirising it, except instead of this being a tendril to a person you have to suck through, it’s a bucket of energy you’ve been handed free.
I see it like black sunlight. Pull it through a filter into your solar plexus with intention that it will nourish you and run it around to help settle and finalize it to becoming your personal energy, and/or find a vessel or crystal (ask the crystal first) to store it in for later use.
I find that can be very yang, which is also good for counteracting the yin of depression, but can be a bit much and make you buzzy and hyperactive, make your heart race etc, so do be careful and very concentrated about processing and condensing and storing it in the lower Dan Tian/Chakras safety, and follow your intuition. Probably keep it away from your third eye if you get migraines. Send any excess into the Earth - shower again, let it rush down the plughole. Your will over theirs. Fingers crossed.


A note I will add is do not eat everything you encounter.


At least someone is benefiting off my experiences and posts :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: