Hello all. Trying to get back into the jist of things [Introduction]

Hey everyone,

I’m new to the forum but not entirely new to the path. I’m 18 now, but a few years ago, when I was 15, I had some intense experiences working with demons for several months. Unfortunately, I had to step away from it, not by choice as any 15 year old lives with there parents that is but I’ve always felt the pull to return as of recently since taking in a lot of thc from my cart for a week i felt like it opened my mind up a bit and now that I have the freedom to explore again, I’m excited to reconnect with the occult and deepen my understanding.
I felt like i was getting so close back then do and i was in a healthier state of mind too, since then things ain’t been too great as Ive just remained agnostic,

I’m particularly interested in ars goetia (i started with this) norse paganism, necromancy and i want to create and egregore for myself consisting of 3 people (if curious about this please do ask) but I’m also open to learning from the experiences of others. I look forward to discussing, growing, and sharing insights with this community.

Looking forward to meeting like minded people again. Really hoping to find someone who knows what’s best for me as i was in a small discord server with very experienced practitioners before. Shame i had to say my goodbyes but i dont think they were the best of people at the same time too honestly

Feel absolutely free to ask me questions im more than happy to ask you. It can be anything regards to myself or my beliefs

Welcome to the forum.

Where are you form?
How long have you been practicing and what currents do you practice - you said Ars Goetia are you using more modern methods, chaos magick, Solomonic magick or something else?

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Hello mulberry

I am from the uk, (it’s fucking awful here and there is so much conformity and despair, one of my goals is to literally get out of here)

When i was practicing it was for several months from December 2021 to around summer 2022 i had stopped.

By then it was chaos magick i was wanting to advance in as i have a lot of enemies and i wanted them gone (still do)

I want to get into it again and hopefully make it work this time, but also want to improve my appearance aswell and prioritise that

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