
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone has information about Hekate :pray:


HEKATE ( Hecate ) was the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy. She was the only child of the Titanes Perses and Asteria from whom she received her power over heaven, earth, and sea.


Thank you have you ever worked with her

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The answer to that question is no, my friend. Sorry. But good luck.

From experience? She is Lilith under a different mask. She is primordial, and her energy and power covers many different frequencies.



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Do you know if there is any way I can contact her because last night I asked lucifer a question and I wake up with her name being repeated in my mind


HAHAHAHA! That is his girl. Evoking Lucifer opens the probability of being handed over to Litlith. Use the wheel of Hecate and go Theta-Gamma synch on it. Just download and print and use. You can trace over it if you like.


Thank you I’ll use it in a minute okay so do I just stare at it I’m fairly new to this


I have, in fact I am doing a working with her currently. I don’t think anyone can ever be an expert on her, she is the dark goddess of the crossroads. A goddess of herbs, baneful herbs, magick, the underworld, ghosts, the moon, you name it, she is the big one. Not for beginners. I would advise you to do as much research on her as possible, and gain experience before calling on her. She is very much a champion of women and children. One of the most powerful of the female deities, and she can be very helpful to those who have chosen her as their matron goddess. She is quick, and her judgments can be severe. She will always see both sides of a situation, and if asked to punish and the caster is also to blame, target and caster will receive due punishment. Don’t go to her hastily lol. Make absolutely certain you have done nothing wrong and the other party is guilty haha. Not to be taken lightly. If she loves you you will know, because when she responds it can be like a warm loving hug and you will know she’s there with you, but if you’re interested in her, please do your research. She is bad ass and one of my favorite deities, but this did not happen overnight. Best wishes. :grin:


I’ve been in contact with lucifer for some time now not that long but right now I am working on my chakras and last night I spoke to him but he didn’t answer but then I woke up with name in mind and I asked someone I know if they knew why and she said that lucifer probably gave me her name because she might have the answer to the question I asked him so I did some research about her but can’t find much i don’t know if you can but is there any way you could ask her about it because I’m confused :woman_shrugging: it’s okay if not


Wow, I can tell you she won’t answer someone else’s question that isn’t present. I would lose contact with her. If I were to give you exact details of my ritual, I would lose contact. With her details are private. At least that’s how she is with me. If you are working with Lucifer that’s high up the food chain so to speak, so I really believe if he gave you her name, perhaps you may be ready to call on her. Like I said noone can really understand her by the info that’s available. You have to be prepared to experience her though. Years ago when I first had experience with the dark goddess she scared the living daylights out of me. I was very intimidated by her, and I’m not saying to be afraid of her, but if you seek an answer and Lucifer gave you her name, it may very well be ok to ask her, just be honest and real, and prepared for her presence. At first she may come across as a bit fearsome, maybe not, but it’s possible. Be respectful, and know that she absolutely will not come unless you call her dragons first. May be helpful if you visit Hecate’s Cauldron online, and get the things necessary for your altar. I keep a potted peppermint plant, garlic and fresh bread as an offering to her. After awhile it gets easier is all I can say. Just research. KmBlessings, Divina


on this forum look up Theta Gamma Synch. On youtube watch E.A.'s video, Evoking spirits into bodily manifestation lecture. That should get you the vid where he goes over this.




@Shauna159 Hopefully you can see the pictures I posted. I haven’t worked with her though unfortunately I do plan on it though when I connect to Naamah… which I find it quite difficult to do so. the pics I posted is from the book Unholy Goddesses of the Darkness by Daemon Barzai


I thought she was a mask of astaroth

Thank you so much for the pictures it’s gonna help a lot again thank you

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Thank you and how do I go about calling her dragons and I can’t have an Altar as I share a bed room and live in house with 8 people so will I still be able to work with her


@Shauna159 no prob👍

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