Hekate Experience/Initiation

Thank you


Just a bit of a heads up for everyone. The reason I did this was unknown at the time, I just followed my intuition. I felt a strong pull towards it and just went with the flow.
I sat down and asked the purpose of all this with Hecate.

There is a connection with the primal craft pathworking. Which I’m recommended to do. Considering I made a personelised sigil of the trident not long after this. And a overwelming desire to get a hold of the Queen of Hell book. Along with a few other experiences that have recently occurred.

I have had my mind stretched a number of times to what feels like breaking point. Im not saying this to cause fear. Please listen to your intuition. Use a pendalum to get yes or no answers if your intuition isnt developed. Ask if it’s meant for you.

If your a beginner I’ll share other ways to connect with Hecate. After doing a bit of research and seeking guidence.
I do agree and see the potential of harm for those who are not meant for this particular path.

Hecate is a Goddess of many paths and many faces. Let her decide which one for you to walk.

Ask questions
Is this path right for me?
Is there another path that would better suit me?
Do I need to be initiated?
Should I initiate?
Can you initiate me?

Again if you can’t hear or see entitys yet.
Use a pendalum for yes or no answers.
Trust your intuition.
If it feels wrong, don’t do it.
If your scared work on removing fear.

The most important thing is to create a solid foundation. Work on yourself.

Visualisation every day.
Spirit communication everyday.
Trust in those you work with.
You put the effort in and so will they.

A simple method I have used is picture Hecates wheel in your mind and travel through it.

Feel the shift.
Know that your in her domain and presence.
I see a forest and walk through it and she is there.
Sometimes I end up in other places.
Go there everyday to work on yourself, she will help and guide.
Be respectful.

She may guide you to other entitys to work with, acknowledge that, it’s for your best interest.


@Eve1 Practice visualising in your mind first.
When you get the inner work done the outer manifestations will appear In time.
What i saw was in a trance state.

If you feel small compared to your ex make yourself bigger.
Close your eyes.
Expand your awareness
Beyond the earth
Beyond the planet’s
Beyond all universes
As far out as you can go.
Until you feel big enough.
Until you become the universe.
Feel it, know it, Breath it.

Look with your imagination.
Do you see magick effecting you?
Your the Goddess of creation.
Dissolve it, shift it, change it, remove it.

When you open your eyes
Remember that feeling of power.
You can change whatever you want to change.

Using this method with repition to change your reality.
Will also help with visualisation.
After a while you won’t have to visualise, it will just be there.


Yeah I agree! I don’t think Hekate or queen of hell should be taken lightly. There are some great resources! I’m reading Hekate: liminal rites at the moment, it gives some really great a thorough links to her throughout history including mythology and worship, I’d say it’s a really great place to start for anyone wanting to know more. The mark Alan Smith works seem to be super cosmic :joy: And he says over and over again in his writing and interviews that ‘there’s no going back’ once you’ve initiated through Queen of hell. So yeah, definitely something to think about deeply before doing :joy::+1: having a grounded practice and skillset is probably a good idea too :joy: I’ve had my brain bent sideways too, and it’s not a fun time and can be fucked to untangle yourself from (I found that anyway :joy:)



There’s also “keeping her keys”
There’s a Facebook page and on YouTube.
Think she has a blog on patheos as well, the links are on her Facebook page.

Haven’t read “Liminal Rites”
Thanks for adding to the list.

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Dont be discouraged by not “seeing” things. I feel things heavily - i only recently started to see, and for me, she manifests overhead among the stars - Ourania, and very much heavenly queen. Yet shes been in my life for years, even before i officially devoted myself to her, and even then, she called me to work with the plants first veneficium and that was how i grounded. After studying the plants of Hekates garden, as well as sacred and magic plants in general across cultures, growing them, engaging with them, harvesting, using in magic work, then i was set on the path to start more heavy spirit work, and thats where im at now, and the vision of her in the stars came. Its like she gave me a curriculum tailored to what i could handle, step by step - call, and see what comes up - books, areas of magic study, spirits, dreams, etc. Just because you dont see something immediately does not equate to her connection with you as a person, as a being of spirit, she may be wanting to ease you into it.


Eee i love that blog!

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Liminal rites is on my reading list! Im not sure how to get a copy of Queen of Hell at the moment. its definitely not in my budget.

It’s such a good book! Definitely check it out! Mark has released the book for free online in PDF. Just punch it into google. I think you’re paying for the consecration when you’re buying the hard copy. I haven’t read much yet :joy: got a bit into it and was like ‘this is above my pay grade right now’ :joy: but from what I’ve seen it’s beautifully written


I’ll have a squizz today! Thanks for that, the more I can get my hands on and learn, the better!


That is so beautiful! I love what you’ve been working on, gardening is so rewarding and plants are deeply connecting! (I think anyway) it’s great you’ve got a solid practice!
Yeah, I haven’t seen her fully yet either, although I can sense how big she is :joy: MASSIVE. I’m a senser too, depends on what day of the month it is as to how clear or what I sense :joy:
I get the feeling she’s very good at leading people where they need to be, I was full a no to working with her until really recently. Then she was everywhere :joy: but I think she’s been around for a while, but not 100%

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Mark has created a streamlined version of Queen of Hell and The Red King which contain all of the “important” rites and techniques. I know he used to send it via email if you had, say, The Scorpion God and wished to work all of the material prior to pathworking The Scorpion God (which is a wise decision).

I would also recommend trying to find a copy of The Hekataeon if possible. It’s a great book and will really give you a solid primer on Hekate, many of her epithets, other gods/goddesses she’s associated with, etc.

i found it yesterday, and it is beautifully written so far. i wont comment on the material itself: im trying to read it with an open mind. Thank you so much!

That’s great and no worries! Glad it’s helpful

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@SHaDoWSToRM696 …damn dude. that’s some crazy, thanks for sharing!

I just finished a new moon dedication ritual to our Lady as I’m going through a rough patch myself. She knocked on my door in 2016 and gave me a hell of a ride through dreams and nightmares (underworld related which manifested itself through the old basements of the flat I used to live in, funny enough I encountered Lucifer on the top floor and he told me to find a comfortable position to relax in so he would play my drum for me (built a shaman drum in that same period) but she’s intense) now I’m going through a time that I need to stay at home due to a burn out from work and past related issues coming up, I decided to download the modern hekatean witchcraft course from Cindy Brannen, keeping her keys.

When i set my intention for the dedication and paused in order to contemplate I had a vision of big black hands opening themselves so I could place my letter which I wrote to her as dedication in her hands. I took my time to place it there carefully and then she closed them like praying hands :pray:t2: But towards me and not upwards. That was it!

In the past I decided to do a random meditation with her by chanting in nomine Hecate whilst using my black mala beads and when I got to the end I had a clear vision where I ended up in the deep blue ocean (always been frightened of deep sea and waters) but this was very serene and open of course which would normally scare the shit out of me being there swallowed up by such a vast open water. And a child dived in to the water. And he stared at me and I stared back at him. We recognised each other. Once I opened my eyes I realised I could’ve stayed there longer. But it was a pleasant experience. My conclusion is that she definitely responds.

I love VK Jehhannum’s content. It’s always on point. I wasn’t aware that her initiation could be that simple though. I thought you had to follow a specific initiation that had already been created. Thanks for sharing.

Hecate is very strong and very helpfull. A word of advice from my experience is don’t forget to do offerings to her

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Wow, that’s an amazing experience. Hekate seems to me, to be very intuitive and even sense when a practitioner is questioning working with her or even thinking about her.

It sounds like what you experienced was profound and intense, something you’ll never forget.

Thanks for sharing!

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