Hekate Experience/Initiation

I looked up a hymm for Hekate on V.K. Jehannum’s Website. Being drawn to the Goddess Hekate, Mother of Witchcraft.

I also wanted to test V.K.s Hymms and chants out. Ill post a link below.

Laying in bed While speaking the hymm to the best of my ability a presence came into my room. My intention was to call and speak with Hekate.

“Hello Hekate, Thank you for coming.” Hello Dear" she said.
“Hekate can you initiate me into your current”

A black dragon appeared swallowed me. My flesh was burning away, Melting. To what seemed like a black core was left.

Then i could feel as if symbols where being drawn at the top of my head. Then my body started convulsing, spikes of energy started rising from the base of my spine. More convulsions. It was intense. My eyes rolled back in my head as waves of energy rippled throughout my body.

I saw somethings as this was happening, damned if i can remember them now.

After a while. Guessing thirty minutes the energy calmed down.
I thanked Hekate. Opened my eyes walked down stairs went outside.
It wasnt over yet.

I sat on the step then my head moved by itself, left, right then down. Then it felt like my spine or the energy within it was being ripped out from the back of my neck.
My body convulsed again, my back arched, my head tilted back, my eyes rolled back in my head.

I fought to open my eyes as i stumbled inside. My back arching and head tilting back again. I started growling. I felt like howling.

WTF is going on i thought. “Possession?” Burning the thought away. I stumbled upstairs and layed back in bed.

As waves of energy pulsated again and again. I saw me on an alter. The goddess standing above me with a dagger as she stabbed me through the heart.

My head just above the temples started to burn. As horns started to grow in a twisted formation from the skull of my head. When they finished growing they were set a flame with fire.

My head was burning more intensly where the horns had grown.
Some things were said i cant seem to remember what though.

The energy settled down after a while. I Thanked Hekate again. Opened my eyes and wrote this.

My heads still burning. And every now and then i get spikes of energy through the body. No physical markings on the head where the burning sensation is.

Sensing the horns puts me into a instant trance state. But makes my head physicaly burn more.

Maybe theres energy centres there i dont know about?

Awesome but intense Experience.

Thank you Hekate


Thanks for sharing your experience.
That sounded incredibly intense, I’ve read she’s known to respond fairly quickly. I’ll be sure to try VK’s hymns, I like him because he’s straight forward about everything.


Definetly intense.
Ill have to try a few more of his hymns.
Hekate does come quick.
Be interesting to see others experiences with the hymns. Might do a quick search.

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So I just tried to out. She really does come out quick. I did the usual, sat up, and recited one of the hymns in my mind and spoke aloud the last three letters. During the read I felt the vibration of the hymn become more intense as I was getting more into it.

She appeared. I don’t know for sure what I saw so I edited this part out but it seemed like a greyish/green feline/female archetype.
Saying saying along the lines of “fear is a product that you make, so why make it? I will show you how not to fear”.

I think I’m very very interested in working with her now. Thanks for amping it up. :wink:

What I’m feeling right now is like a cigarette craving mixed in with a line of cocaine. It’s a very powerful energy that a psychic seer would appreciate and also advantage from…

Thank you Hecate for the experience.

Edit: wow, she’s quite a guiding and protective force. She is full of this particular energy I really resonate with.


These are awesome intense experiences. Thanks for sharing this hymn.

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Shortly afterwards she made me look into the mirror head on with my nose nearly touching it. She made me begin to conceptualise myself and myself reached into the depths of the reflection that I saw the entire self right before my eyes. It kept bouncing back out forth. She made me do this to actualise who I am and that fear isn’t to be stored within this body I’m in. I felt really comfortable with who I was during the process, also somewhat powerful.

I stepped back focused on the reflection and did certain unfamiliar stretches/breathing techniques resembling tai chi. My body felt
like it was morphing with an acute energy that everything became distorted in a blurry way. After my final breath and stretch, I thanked her for the experience.

Her feeling is very comfortable and warm, for some reason it feels similar to coke and a ciggie craving for some particularly pleasant reason…


Still buzzing :smile:

Found this:


:heart: Hekate :heart: is awesome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Glad it was helpful.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Very powerful energy, very pleasant feeling and a caring nature. As you say also Guiding and protective.

Doing a search also found this

Theres 2 books on the ixaxaar website if your interested. Have purchased both to have a read.
The Hekataeon
Hekate the crossroads: Dark Goddess


That hymn you shared is for work with the Atlantean Trident of Witchcraft of the primal craft. It is recommended everyone working this hymn have worked through the first three books in succession, as mysteries and energies of the scorpion god and the spider queen are incredibly life altering especially without the encorcelling of the soul through infusion of the queen of hell’s energy.


Welcome @Set_Amun_Ra. Please make an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you have in magick. It is a rule of this forum.

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I was aware at the time that it was intended for primal craft. That’s what drew me towards it. And of course Hecate.

Reading the words of V.K.
“My magickal hymns may be used for any intention selected by the celebrant. They can be integrated into any ritual to call on the deities named to empower the rite or empower oneself. My magickal hymns can be recited without any added ritual for a specified intent as miniature self-empowerment exercises– one of the advantages of reciting some of my hymns in times when a full ritual cannot be performed is that these hymns will strengthen your energetic resonance with its deities, making it easier to call forth, perceive, and communicate with said deities.”

So I decided to use it to initiate into her current by asking her.
That was 8 months ago. Your right, it has life been life altering and serves a purpose.

I’m told its fine and was meant to be that way.

What I take from your post is a message to get a hold of those books and work through them. Asking Hecate I get the same message.

Thanks for your input and concern.
I do understand how it could possibly mess some people up in hindsite. Always ask those who guide you.

Would you happen to be Set Amun Ra of the Infernal Current?

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Yes I am he. My only reason for saying anything is because of what it takes to call upon Sepheranz most specifically. A level of purity. I know parts of the chants are inspired by workings of the Scorpion God. Both Mark and VK place emphasis on a precautionary approach to some of this material and we know as practitioners mental illness and death arnt far from us as we sift through the subconscious mind. You are obviously fine but there exists many who would not be.

Working through the queen of hell provides a deep devotion and connection with Hekate so much so that you are pulled into her current and encompassed by her energy Her energetic signature would be infused with yours making your encounters with new energies and entities alike much safe and more digestible. But for the best results the systems should be work through in their designated order and timely fashion.

I left my message out of love.

With all that being said if you have direct commune with Hekate herself you know better than anyone to trust your intuition and her guidance. I encourage you work through the books should you feel called to it. They are so beautiful.



Hey @Shauna159 I saw this topic and remembered me of you. Maybe something here can be helpful.

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How is everyone seeing and Im not? I tried it. Just saw abit of a shift of energy in the room, like when concentrating deeply on a sigil.
Later I did sense abit of a darkness in my periferal… and thats basically it.
Tbh, (I know this is random but) once I saw the stuff my ex did through gnosis ect I feel so small in my magical workings and dont know how, but want to make a breakthrough. I still feel like his magic is messing with me, yet he broke up with me. I dont know what to do.


Heya eve! I’ve had a similar experience at times with a few people in my life and it sucked. What worked for me was just working on my own magic and my own skills; and with time my own experiences grew. After a long time, how others were/worked didn’t bother me much at all!! Practice makes perfect :joy::joy:


Hekate is super powerful, that’s for certain!! Great to hear your experience! I’ve never had anything that visceral! Amazing :slight_smile::blush: I’ve just recently made some contact with her too. I’d asked in my morning ritual for some kind of sign because I was sitting on the fence. That day the lights at the cross section all went out as I was walking back from work :joy::joy: people are polite in cars when there’s no lights :joy: but that was sign enough for me :joy: I’m thinking of Mark Alan Smith’s work, but still not sure about that yet either. I wanted to get through the Qliphothic sphere initiations first. I’ve found what I’ve used of VKs work to be really powerful and have always had results using them.


Thank you


Just a bit of a heads up for everyone. The reason I did this was unknown at the time, I just followed my intuition. I felt a strong pull towards it and just went with the flow.
I sat down and asked the purpose of all this with Hecate.

There is a connection with the primal craft pathworking. Which I’m recommended to do. Considering I made a personelised sigil of the trident not long after this. And a overwelming desire to get a hold of the Queen of Hell book. Along with a few other experiences that have recently occurred.

I have had my mind stretched a number of times to what feels like breaking point. Im not saying this to cause fear. Please listen to your intuition. Use a pendalum to get yes or no answers if your intuition isnt developed. Ask if it’s meant for you.

If your a beginner I’ll share other ways to connect with Hecate. After doing a bit of research and seeking guidence.
I do agree and see the potential of harm for those who are not meant for this particular path.

Hecate is a Goddess of many paths and many faces. Let her decide which one for you to walk.

Ask questions
Is this path right for me?
Is there another path that would better suit me?
Do I need to be initiated?
Should I initiate?
Can you initiate me?

Again if you can’t hear or see entitys yet.
Use a pendalum for yes or no answers.
Trust your intuition.
If it feels wrong, don’t do it.
If your scared work on removing fear.

The most important thing is to create a solid foundation. Work on yourself.

Visualisation every day.
Spirit communication everyday.
Trust in those you work with.
You put the effort in and so will they.

A simple method I have used is picture Hecates wheel in your mind and travel through it.

Feel the shift.
Know that your in her domain and presence.
I see a forest and walk through it and she is there.
Sometimes I end up in other places.
Go there everyday to work on yourself, she will help and guide.
Be respectful.

She may guide you to other entitys to work with, acknowledge that, it’s for your best interest.


@Eve1 Practice visualising in your mind first.
When you get the inner work done the outer manifestations will appear In time.
What i saw was in a trance state.

If you feel small compared to your ex make yourself bigger.
Close your eyes.
Expand your awareness
Beyond the earth
Beyond the planet’s
Beyond all universes
As far out as you can go.
Until you feel big enough.
Until you become the universe.
Feel it, know it, Breath it.

Look with your imagination.
Do you see magick effecting you?
Your the Goddess of creation.
Dissolve it, shift it, change it, remove it.

When you open your eyes
Remember that feeling of power.
You can change whatever you want to change.

Using this method with repition to change your reality.
Will also help with visualisation.
After a while you won’t have to visualise, it will just be there.