Hekate/Astaroth connection

Yes. I do believe that could be happening.


The only reason why I’m annoyed is I’ve been attacked personally for asking questions like this. While it does keep conversations flowing, I had to grow up fairly fast and keep my thoughts to myself most of the time.

Hmmm. :face_with_monocle: I don’t consider Lilith or Hekate demons though. Then again, calling them what you believe them to be could be a direct reflection on you - if you also do mirror Magick.

Just sayin’ what I think.

But Demons, yes… are interesting!

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I dont think Hecate is mentioned in demonology, though the titan Goddesses and Gods aren’t really ever demonized like a lot of the egyptian Gods (sadly) only one that really connects to demonology is Lilith because of her jewish mythology and her alleged sumerian mythology.


In my hellenic devotions, Hekate “ranks“ (I hesitate to rank the polytheistic deities i actively praise) highest, and I have found Hekate to be extensively multifaceted. She can be all underworld, or she can be heavenly and celestial (ourania), or she can be the sea. She has many epithets for a reason.

I try to just remain entirely open, while keeping holy her sacred rites, though i find my bond with her most strengthened through my work in the garden, which connects to her cthonia, as well as pammetor, and others. But ultimately for me, I have found it more effective to worry less about what or who she could be, and stay present and open to what and who she is.

At the end of the day, i will only say she is difficult to define, and sometimes i think shes projected onto or molded by mortal perceptions to be easier to understand.


Demon/Daemon/Daimon: Lesser spirit or god. A devil in Christian mythology. Literal meaning for Demon- “Replete with wisdom” derived from the Greek “daimon” meaning divine power. From S. Connally’s The Complete Book of Demonolatry
I don’t think of Hekate as a demon necessarily either but definitely falls under the umbrella of the study of demons. I do wish people wouldn’t make people feel bad about their questions or experiences. We should have a safe space to ask silly questions. Many of us get enough nonsense from people outside the community.

Daemons were in onenote considered spirits between Gods and Man

Another is spirits who were personifications such as certain primordials.

Hecate is a Titan Goddess not a personification, personifications example is Thanatos, Hypnos, Eris, etc. Basically many of Nyx’s primordial God children, the titans aren’t personifications.

But Hekate’s mother is a titan of the stars which makes Hecate tied to aspects of the cosmos the moon/night, her father is a God of destruction. Her home is said to be the Greek Underworld which is why she is tied to the underworld along with her connection to Ghosts and necromancy.

Many cosmic deities are tied to multiple elements as the elemental energy cosmic is an original amalgamation of many elemental energies.


Very true!

However, those silly questions, in my experience, annoy the crap out of those who think they are “evolved” and have a lot of experience. :roll_eyes::shushing_face::slightly_frowning_face:

Since I am not evolved, I still ask silly questions, too…

I like your inputs and questions, it was never my intention to put you or anyone down. In some cases, I do believe we are a direct reflection of the Dieties we work with.

But Demons, mmmm, not so evil. What have you learned from Astraoth?

But why must we group her with a Mother and Father figure?

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Because it gives background and insight into who she is, and the Devine feminine and masculine that helped create her.

Family trees are also helpful when figuring out where they align.


Because she has parents. I’m not sure how that wasn’t known. Gods inherit traits from their parents just as we do and other entities.

For the same reason @anon48079295 mentioned they are not similar and then there’s these things to.

Hekate (yes I prefer spelling with a k), is a titaness, she rules over magic, witchcraft, poisonous plants and holds the keys to the steppest pit of Hades; Tartarus. In terms of holding keys to different doors - she is similar to Hermes in a way. Hekate is the watcher and initiatrix of the crossroads as she holds the keys to the doors to it. Hekate is a Greek titaness, although she was worshipped as a goddess with offerings of flowers, hymns and sacrifice, she is not a goddess at least not in the commonly understood way. She is more akin to a Primal force much like the other titans.

Astaroth has both a male and a female aspect but most commonly is viewed as a male demon. Astaroth is mentioned in scriptures like the Goetia, Grimoire Verum as well as the Book of Abramelin, where he is mentioned as one of the three demonic rulers of the world. In the Goetia he names as one of the three Kings of Hell along side f.e Lucifer and Belial. Astaroth is usually found in the Goetia as well as in later Kabalistic texts then as the ruler of the Qliphothic realm of Gha’agsheblah = the smiter.

Like @anon48079295 and many others have said on this forum. The name: Astaroth is derived from the phonecian name Astarte which is a fertility goddess who also rules over the affairs love and sexual pleasure, that sounds way more similar to Aphrodite or Venus if you ask me. Which other than virtue of having derived name from a fertility goddess belonging to the same pantheon, don’t share a very similar function in terms of what can be found in overall myth and lore.

In defense though of Astarte’s links to Astaroth there’s this; “Astarte is equivalent both to the Babylonian goddess Ishtar and to the earlier Sumerian Inanna” Mason (2017, pp. 188-189).

The two goddesses are similar in terms of the myth of descending into the underworld. Inanna is slayed by her sister Ereshkighal and is hanged on a hook for three days and three nights and on the 7th day she leaves the underworld, the great below, and thereby conquers death. Ishtar goes though something very similar or rather indentical. So if you want to make the connections by name as well as baking the aspects of the myth into the mix, then sure. But I would say that they are not that similar they share similarities in terms of name but that’s sort of it.

You can make the argument that Astarte was demonized and made evil into Astaroth. But I would want to find more evidence of that first. A lot of entities changes function and names as a nation has been conquered throughout history. And finding the hidden or obscured connection is our job as magicians in the making.

I am not going to take away form your experience though. If that’s how you perceive them they are going to reflect that. Hekate as an entity I know very well as I work with her on a regular basis. The energy in general remind me of a tide, the energy ebbs and flow. Has a very reflective lunar quality to it. With that being said depending which of her faces she shows up in, for she has more than one, one being Brimo (the furious one). Her energy can change radically as well as her appearance.


Mason, A. (2017). Qliothic Invocations and Evocations. Become A Living God: USA


While I admire you wanting to defend the Goddess, you’ll find two sources.

I believe the other half they are talking about is her son. Tootles! :slightly_smiling_face:

"Hebrew scholars now feel that the goddess Ashtoreth mentioned so often in the Bible is a deliberate conflation of the Greek name Astarte and the Hebrew word boshet , “shame,” indicating the Hebrews’ contempt for her cult.

Ashtaroth, the plural form of the goddess’s name in Hebrew, became a general term denoting goddesses and paganism."

Added for content: Notice the spellings as well.

So, in reality, everyone just needs to calmly go look at linage again.

And the Demon:

A male Demon who evolved from the ancient Phoenician mother goddess of fertility,Astarte or Ashtoreth. Astaroth is also a Fallen Angel and 29th of 72 Spirits of Solomon. According to Judaic lore, he was a high-ranking Angel, either one of the seraphimor a prince of thrones, prior to his fall.
Astaroth is a grand duke and treasurer of Hell and commands 40 Legions of Demons. He is one of the three supreme evil Demons, with Beelzebub and Lucifer, in the Grimoire Verum and Grand Grimoire, which date from about the 18th century.

In the Lemegeton, he appears as either a beautiful or an ugly angel, riding a dragon and holding a viper. He possesses a powerful stench and stinking breath. Magicians who desire to conjure him must hold a magical ring in front of their faces to protect themselves against his smell.

Astaroth teaches all the sciences and is keeper of the secrets of the past, present, and future. He is invoked in necromantic rituals of divination. When conjured in magical rites, which must be performed on Wednesday nights between 10:00 and 11:00, he will give true answers to questions about the past, present, and future. He discovers secrets and is skilled in liberal sciences. He encourages slothfulness and laziness.

The Demon is said to instigate cases of Demonic Possession,most notablythat of the Loudun nuns in France in the 16th century. The nuns accused a priest, Father Urbain Grandier, of causing their possession. At Grandier’s trial, a handwritten“confession” of his was produced detailing his Pact with the Devil, witnessed and signed by Astaroth and several other Demons.

Astaroth loves to talk about the Creation and the Fall,and the faults of angels. He believes he was punished unjustly by God, and that someday he will be restored to his rightful place in heaven.

Astaroth can be thwarted by calling upon Saint Bartholomew for help.


I’ve noticed in this case, spelling matters.

Edited to add content.


Doesn’t matter if I have or have not, I’m speaking on written information not UPG. But thank you for that little bit of information.


Astaroth has two popular sigils, the one in the lesser key and the one in the grimoirium verium. I think of the lesser key one as the more masculine one and the one in the verium as very feminine. So when you refer to Astoroth, it might help to say what seal(s) you are using, or if you are using one at all.