Heartbreak Problems

@Maxwell what happened?

I learned about my situation and why things are the way they are. I learned about truth and it’s nature. I have begun to sharpen my intuition strongly. I learned about futility, and how facing it isn’t futile.

But I’m waiting to see the day.

I’ve made a whole lot of mistakes on my journey here. I regret a lot of things I’ve said to people or things that I’ve done, and ultimately I don’t think it was one effort. I was trying to get a hold of myself, and I didn’t exactly know what I was supposed to do. But I know now that this is not a problem of our design.

this wasn’t a test or trial. It was a cosmic coincidence. The lesson that I could take away from it can only be determined by myself, but there are many lessons that I did learn. For one, I sort of regret being is cruel to some of the people who read this as I was. Sometimes they said things that rubbed me the wrong way, but I honestly should have just ignored them or ignored what rubbed me the wrong way. In my quest For Truth they told me to trust my intuition, and get my intuition was just saying that a lot of people were wrong, so I ended up having to discredit what people were saying. But ultimately none of that matters.

Not anymore.it’s in the past and I really couldn’t be carried to open up that baggage upon myself especially in a time like this. I’m quite happy with how things are going. I’m sorry.


So I figured out a good way to do a yes or no questions spread. I’m not going to ask such an arbitrary question like “Will we get back together”
Ultimately the tarot is a vehicle for my intuition and my intuition says that’s a question I don’t need to ask anymore.

No, actually I set a sort of deadline for myself this time. It’s looking like he’s going to contact me relatively soon. Within from now to this Sunday.

but if he doesn’t, I will just assume that he’s been working himself up to do it and I will take the initiative myself. Basically, on Monday if nothing happens I’m going to talk to him.

I asked this spread if I was going to have to do that.

My answer was no.

in the main position we have the Knight of Wands, which represents the essence of the question. Whether it is reverse or upright means yes or no. This is the Knight of Wands reversed. Meaning, no, and it shows the Knight of Wands which is sort of a reckless passionate burning speeding moving I take that ass because he’s going to do it before my deadline anyways.

In the conscious aspect of the question, we see the two of cups. The very obvious answer is that we will sort of come to a mutual understanding and work with each other.

then in the unconscious position we have the four of Swords, another reasoning. Right now we are sort of in a resting position. At the very moment.


I have also come to a new revelation. I don’t need any of your approval or validation of my readings. I trust them now. Because I trust my own proof to be true. I learned that recently. The only reason I’m even posting them here is because I feel like I want to keep you posted, the people who are actually reading this. I’m sure there’s some other reason, but Ithink it’s something like seeing your reaction. But not taking it personally. I have come to a point where I can realize what the truth is.

really, I am a seeker of Truth. And when you boil it all down that’s what I’ve been doing. I’ve been seeking the truth. And it was a hard to fight to convince myself that I was seeing the truth but now I feel a sort of quiet confidence in such.


Funny, seems every time I look at the clock it’s exactly 11:10. Never 1111. Lots of 111 showing up. I feel like that’s positive and real. I also got a 777, which my intuition tells me is true. Its luck, I think? No idea


An 1111 and lots of twos.This isn’t actually the time, I just time skipped ahead without looking at the time and apparently I ended up on this

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It’s 11:11 am on April 22nd 2020

The url for this thread, 100399, simplifies down to 22.

The number 22 is a number of precision and balance. In its full capacity, this number is the master builder, which means that it provides the power to achieve almost impossible things. People who are influenced by this number are very ambitious, confident, disciplined and pragmatic.


You did a free reading for me a few months back which was pretty accurate. I understand what you are going through…you go through a range of emotions that don’t make sense to the point that you don’t know what’s real anymore. Add on top of that really bad advice from friends…and a pandemic.

Being in a space where you are angry or indifferent is better than being sad in my opinion. Give yourself the time to think and heal, this is a great time for that. Think about what’s right for you above all…is this person fulfilling your needs? Above all keep praying to your deities for guidance…my situation is far from perfect but it’s getting better with time. PM me if you need to.

Yeah. Thank you for the support. It means a lot to me. Things are actually going pretty well, all things considered.

I have this forum, and my friends the thing for that. They didn’t necessarily do my work for me,but they shed the light on situations let me get to be eliminated. Nw things are looking okay.

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His birthday is in a few days. Ironically, playing Stardew valley I had to plan ahead for a character named “Sam”’'s birthday. I said aloud, “Sam’s birthday is in a few days”.

Then I remembered.

Funny how that works, right? This makes me feel terrible and I am not entirely sure why. Maybe I am upset I won’t be able to celebrate it with him.

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School is over. I feel like any semblance of… I don’t know… I feel like something left with it. But it was never there, really. I wish I could know, you know?

On that matter, am I awake? I feel like I am feeling, but I am hardly awake. I kind of feel like Azathoth, the blind idiot god who sleeps, except without the god part.

This is more of a venting thread as the beat goes on. I don’t know. Part of me just wants to sleep, but I can’t.

This really all is worth being grateful for. This kind of experience is more valuable than I can describe. Hindsight is 20/20 for a reason.

Reality is a strange thing. I’ve been living in it for a while and yet I keep getting deeper and deeper into immersion with it lately. Life before this was hardly real.Every later I go deeper, the last layer becomes more clearly, and infinite wall of glass behind me, an infinite sea of black before me. I guess I should learn some foresight.

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Ah, animal crossing.

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bruh. I came here for a completely unrelated reason, this website. And I pressed the button to see what would happen without anything in mind and got image

I have read some of this (I skipped ahead, however). It’s frustrating because it’s like, why are there so many synchronicities if it’s not meant to be with that person, you know?

Because life is a weird game, and I was supposed to grow a lot before anything happened. I couldn’t see it. I wasn’t aware. And that’s fine. Because this journey brought me to a place where I could be aware. Everyday I become more aware.

In truth, it will happen. I don’t even need it, and I don’t want it nearly as much as I did before, but i definitely welcome it.

I guess that’s just how life works. It takes you one wild ride to figure it out, but the effects and memories will last a lifetime

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Pain brings the ultimate realization,
The ultimate realization frees you from pain.
Let your heart rejoice in your struggles,
Let it sing when you fall,
into the deepest pits of your own despair.

Because the world is aligned with you,
Everything has your best interest in mind,
Infinite realisations await you,
And with this power you will quell the pain inside.

Don’t be fooled,
this was your doing.
Wear is smile and wear it proud.
You’ve been freed from eternal struggle.

Become an enlightened one,
Unkindled spirit.
When your heart dies out in it’s fear,
May you rise up to replace it a thousand times over.

I haven’t felt like this for a long time. No, I’ve never felt like this.

I know it’s over now. I feel it. The whole thing feels over. For real, this time. This is amazing.

Not like my chances with Sam, no. I don’t care about that as much. Or hardly at all. I feel fantastic because the event is over. In a few days time I will view this as something I dealt with, rather than being in the process of dealing with it.

My next post on this thread, capping off of the post with 400 agonizing messages, will be the one where I tell you about what’s coming, once it’s come.