I have a heart pain that followed me lots of years it disturbs me during meditation and I gotta say some more information
During intense moments and emotions the pain increases
In moments of peace it eases and lighter and airy cold
I feel internal inside my chest
Its always here 24 hours In a day
Fast breathing makes it increase
I am asking for help, what that can be? And what I can do to heal it?
I recently healed heart pain and described it in my journal, the most recent entry. Perhaps the issue is your heart chakra. Are there any issues to do with love or grief that you’re not acknowledging to yourself?
Then that sounds like the literal exact issue. I had heart pain for a while and tried to intuit the answer but never could. It was only when I started using logical steps ‘okay what chakra is there? Anahata. What is it about? Love and grief. What about my life, if I look at it, is hurting me about love/grief that I am ignoring’.
I know what it’s like to have constant emotional body pain that you don’t understand, so I hope this helps you.
May be some blockage. U can work with raphael so resolve the issue. Regular Energy transference, Using us left hand held over his activated sigil and imagining green whitish energy flowing through your hand into that area of pain. More powerful your imagination is, more effective it will be. Also keeping his sigil always with you as a talisman isn’t a bad idea either.
I think ritual stuff like that would be very effective if you were under a curse or some pressure were effecting you. But there is always a reason for uncomfortable sensations in our mind-body since feelings is the language of the soul, and introspection works best in my opinion.
Thank you guys for the suggestions
Aslo I can’t imagine how life would be without that pain because I it was with me for so long and my overreactive brain makes it worse and it creates a chatter that I hardly resist myself to not crush my head or beat myself
HE said fast breathing makes it increase so sure it is physical. And any illness can be cured by the Witch-Shamanic way. That is getting rid of the illness causing being or giving that area contrary-healing energy.
To cure illness shamans get rid of the astral nasty entity first and the physical change follows. Modern medicine gets rid of the physical ailment by using contrary chemical and if successful the astral entity leaves/dies.
All astral entity causes some chemical change in the body if it is attached to it. SO, it Works both ways.
Unfortunately we’re not raised to analyze in this way. And I think plenty of humans probably killed themselves, or lashed out in other ways to subconsciously mend a pain they don’t understand and became worse.
I don’t know much about the stuff you’re talking about, so maybe it does work just as well. All I can say is that my way was very freeing and effective for me.
I did what you said I feel much better now, Raphael said that I need to call him on night and put his sigil in my chest aslo Raphael told what @Encore19 said, logical reasoning and understanding of the issue much thanks to you guys
Yay good one! After releasing the mental inner issue the pain would have no reason to come back, but if you feel little echoes you just remember to affirm the truths that healed you. You should be pain free now
If you are acknowledging that you have emotional problems I’d really try to address that after you get some relief. A person can literally die of a broken heart and it’s not how we think.
I’ve seen it twice in my life and it’s devastating. It doesn’t necessarily have to hit your heart as in the muscle but the emotional and psychological responses take a toll on the body and pretty rapidly if it’s really intense. You sort of give out. That’s how one died that I witnessed - a decline in health and spirit and then gone. The other developed Alzheimer’s within weeks and lost coordination and had an accident. Both lost the love of their life.
I’d look into Queen Beleth for understanding and getting a hold on your emotions.
Here some updates
I asked for some energy scans and they found that my heart chakra is very strong but I waste energy and sending (vampire? Attachemend?)
Short breath is caused by smoking and high levels of anxiaty
They found some black tar on my lungs
Raphael :
Yesterday at night I evoked him and spoke my request he agreed to work with me
He told me to meditate with him everyday till its over
He showed me pictures on my head of what I should do
Eat ginger and drink ginger tea
Eat garlic, beetroot and other
Do specific yoga asanas
Run with special breathing
Cold shower with special breathing