Hearing Unwanted Voices? Have You Tried This?

Living VeganAF and therefore also SoberAF

I heard that such a lifestyle can cure schizophrenics hearing voices…

Anyone here tried that path?

I know someone who has and it seems to be improving their life drastically…

For example, eating dairy would trigger some really nasty voices, and now that they don’t partake in such activities those voices have gone completely… with the residual voices getting quieter and softer and further away and less frequent each and every day.

My best guess is that by consuming foods where the animal/s have unnecessarily suffered we assimilate that suffering and then experience unwanted side effects such as voices and so forth.

What are your thoughts?


I dont know what to think about this. From someone that as a schizophrenic family member, I wouldn’t say eating certain foods cure it or make it worse. It might work for some people, but i wouldn’t advise it for everyone.


Most people are not sensitive to the energies in meat and the human system is designed to deal with it.
Grass fed/pastured and humanely raised non antibiotic is healthier and more nutritious, but not everyone can afford it or find it where they are.

Some people will do Ok on a vegan diet, some won’t. It’s not a healthy diet for a human any more than it is for a cat. Everybody is different metabolically and it’s a mistake to try to find a one size fits all diet.

Take me - I’m violently allergic to all pulses and grains and carb sensitive. I cannot consume plant-based protein or get enough aminos from juicing. I tried, I was vegetarian for 15 years and had to start eating eggs to get protein. The human body can synthesise all the carbs the brain needs and doesn’t need to eat them, it cannot synthesis fat or protein, it must get them through food.

You don’t have to like it, but at the end of the day, if eating animals was a deal breaker we shouldn’t have signed up to incarnate as a human, it’s how humans work an it’s a bit late to complain about it after the fact. For now. Roll on the 5th dimension, if I could be a a breatharian I would. but that’s not doable in a 3rd dimensional body.


@Mulberry Hmm cool you seem to know your stuff. I was hoping you didn’t cause you said something about believing you’ve incarnated a million times and that sounds depressing to me. I didn’t want to believe souls really did that.

@OP: About schizophrenia… I read something interesting once. Apparently everything that makes us up, plus our major life events can be found in our natal chart. Apparently when Neptune is a certain way, angles or house or whatever, it points to mental issues like this. Neptune is a dominant planet in my natal chart, after Venus and… Mercury, I think? Neptune is about imagination and fantasy.

I am a very creative person with a vivid imagination, I live and feel the effects of Neptune. I can look in the mirror and focus and literally see different things. Like I can imagine one of my eyes is an inch or more above the other and I can actually see that. Is that normal for everyone I wonder? But yeah when you live with Neptune blurring your reality, and that aspect isn’t controlled like in people who have schizophrenia, things like subconscious thoughts are just so tangible to Neptunians that they are vividly heard/seen. It’s a disorder alright, but interesting when you think of it that way.

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It sounds like bullshit to me. Yes, certain diets can affect your mood, but cure mental illnesses? If that were true, then we’d see a lot less people with mental illnesses.

And schizophrenia is more than just hearing voices. It also has a lot to do with delusions, disorganized thinking, agitation, diminishment of of emotional expression and so much more.


Oh, that was based on the gnosis that ‘I’ve been everything’. In this case there’s so many ‘things’ a million times isn’t very much, and it’s possible but I could be wrong, and also that might be only me. Also many of them weren’t on Earth, a whole lot of them weren’t even 3D in the physical - they were 4th or 5th dimension, as it takes some work to get down here I don’t think you can go from 8th down to 3rd just like that, takes some learning - and further, as timelines go they aren’t all done yet. It’s like having the lifetime of the universe to get different jobs, it would be really depressing to me to do be stuck in the same job all the time? I need variety to realise my individuality, or I’d have gone to source a long time ago.

I don’t think it means that everybody does this, and I’m sure it’s equally possible that there’s people who are doing the human thing on this planet just the once. Just as there are daemons that never incarnated into 3D ever, not even bits of themselves, and those that have. I do think we are all spirits having a human experience, so there’s a very voluntary aspect to it, you see.


@Becca - are you schizophrenic? don’t let your thinking get in the way of truth… i’m simply posting something that has and is working wonders for one person i know… so thought i would share with the community here as I read a lot of posts if people looking to get help for them or a friend, etc.

@Mulberry - please don’t tell me we came to Earth to eat meat, i know enough to know that’s a complete load of bullshit… maybe that ‘apple’ that we took a bite from was meat itself which just happened to open the pandora’s box itself… here is one article that you may like to read The China Study Summary: Everything you need to know | Well+Good

@Encore19 - interesting point of view, although essentially the encyclopedia of mental health issues keeps getting added to over and over again, and as such leads me to believe that our lifestyles and our attitudes to life have created these issues because we have strayed from an optimal way of life

@Prophet - the main concern for people with schizophrenia is hearing voices, and when one cleans up their diet they also see improvement in other areas of their life… it’s a flow on effect, as if the main agitation and frustration is improved then all other aspects of life are naturally improved, and the rest may be easier worked upon to get a desired result of living a healthy, happy, fulfilling life… please don’t tell me that’s bullshit as i’ve seen the benefits first hand and can attest to the truth :slight_smile:

May you all have a great day!

@faelix No, I’m not. My older brother is. I’ve seen him in his mood swings when he didn’t take medication, authorities were involved in multiple situations. He’s at our house more than he is in his own.

Just curious, how is this the truth? Why is it not broadcast worldwide?

Didn’t say you couldn’t post it, I said I wouldn’t advise it for everyone. Would hate to see someone stop taking medication because they’ve been told this is the cure, and to do something during an episode that can land them in jail, or a mental hospital.

I didn’t say that; don’t put words in my mouth. There’s a huge difference between having a purpose in incarnating, and what you have available to incarnate as to meet that purpose. That’s what I’m referring to. What I said was, I have little patience for people that chose a path and then complain about it.

If you really want to know what I think, I think it’s incredibly irresponsible of you to tell others you think their mental disorders can be cured by being vegan because it’s due to eating animal products. There is no evidence that eating vegan helps. There is documented evidence that shamanic soul retrieval and exorcisms have helped people though.

If this is about you touting your vegan agenda I advise against that - we don’t do politics any more here.


That’s only one symptom of it though. Lots of people hear voices, but many of them aren’t considered schizophrenics because they don’t meet the other criteria for a proper diagnosis.

There’s a website for people like that: https://www.hearing-voices.org

…That’s not how it works. You’ll need more than vegetables to be healthy in those circumstances. Like therapy.

Just because they are living happy lives, it doesn’t mean they’re cured. Mental disorders stick with you for life. Even if the “episodes” are less severe, it doesn’t change the fact that they’re still there.

Nope. Still calling it bullshit.

Bread, and specifically gluten, has far stronger clinical evidence for causing schizophrenia:


I think the takeaway is to read different studies and what affected people are sharing online, and try them out carefully, making sure to stay healthy, see what grants the most relief.


Here is about the ketogenic diet and waterfasting. Water seem to be helpful for mental health issues, I do not know how long is safe to do at home.

For me the ketogenic diet with exercise have helped a lot with anxiety and similiar problems.

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@Becca i was just posting a success story so if anyone else is interested they may go ahead and try for themselves… call it truth or call it anecdotal evidence… either way i did read another article which discussed raw veganism as opposed to just veganism curing a lady of her schizophrenia How Victoria Everett Keeps Schizophrenia At Bay With Raw Foods (i’m not saying your bro just ditches his meds if they are working - although we must also be aware that our lifestyle choices impact our overall health - and diet is our main lifestyle choice :hugs:)

For example… I see many people throughout the day and sometimes eavesdrop on a conversation or two… they are older people who have been living the ‘normal’ life with meat and alcohol as the staples, and now are not doing so well… issue with the liver or the heart or whatever… so they are in and out of the doctors getting their checkups and taking their meds without making any lifestyle changes… and that’s just the way it is for them because they consider that THE way of life

Although look at any natural health protocol… even one of the most famous being Rick Simpson who is most famous for introducing marijuana as a way to treat many illnesses to the masses… even he states that it is not a miracle cure and people need to most importantly make the necessary lifestyle changes and use the cannabis oil in conjunction with making the right lifestyle choices

@Mulberry as I touched on the topic above, I’d like to continue by stating “We are what we eat and sometimes we are suffering needlessly and unknowingly because of our diet.” I don’t want to debate the topic, although the internet will provide many case studies of people using diet to successfully treat their mental illness… that’s got to be a good sign, and far from me touting any agenda, if you don’t appreciate and are supportive of such people then keep your meat eating agenda to yourself without trying to belittle a more compassionate and holistic way of life… here is another article you may like Treating Mental Illness With A Plant-Based Diet (take your time and be sure to read everything)

@Prophet your view of the world seems very limited, especially for someone on a forum discussing magick and other esoteric things… i’m guessing if we met on the street you’d be one of those people that simply says YEAH because you’re in the vicinity of me… good luck with your life :sunny:

@Lady_Eva thanks for those links… i’ll probably have a more in-depth read at a later date, although that would suggest that diet is very important to proper mental health… on a somewhat side-note on my personal path of awakening and spiritual growth i got to a point where i was so sensitive to eating meat that i could literally feel the suffering that the animals went through when i ate it and would just breakdown and cry… call it empathy or call it whatever, no studies done just my experience :wink:

@anon2081083 glad you are finding success with tinkering with your diet… and as Eva touched on and as many others have pointed out on their journeys, if you take it little by little and step by step then it easier to keep track of what is and isn’t working… I have also heard good things about water fasting, and strangely enough about darkness retreats too… personally i want to try water fasting as it is a great way to detox although would probably go to a specialized center to be supervised

Thanks for all your inputs… minus the negativity we all seem to be on a consensus that diet can indeed be both positive or negative towards your mental health… now that’s promising!

@faelix Just please don’t tell people to stop taking medication. To each their own with veganism, might work for some, might not for others. But please don’t suggest it more highly above medication. Not being negative, just saying

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@faelix I found something else here that is the opposite of veganism Feeding Versus Cleansing - Dr Natasha the “dr” which is not a psychiatrist, she is a neurologist says that only eating meat, carnivore diet, can be beneficial to mental health, there was someone else here posting about this “dr” so I started to do my own research on her. People with mental health issues should not stop taking their medication tough without talking to their doctor.

What about vitamin C and magnesium? Well people on an all meat diet seems to be fine without vitamin C even after many years without it and there is magnesium baths one can take and magnesium body spray that you absorb through your skin.


Luckily I’ve been voice free ever since I gave up skunk.


I told you, I was a vegetarian for 15 years. For welfare reasons. I’m very educated on diet an nutrition and I’ve been studying it for 25 years. It was when I tried to become vegan that I developed allergies to plant proteins. It made me fat and sick and pre-diabetic. You don’t need to preach, you do need to do more research and realise your way is not the only way.

Here something you haven’t considered: plants are alive and sentient too, and they don’t want to be eaten either. That’s why they contain toxins designed to stop animals from eating them. Animals however incarnate knowing they are providing service. I absolutely disagree with how they are treated by big industry, and it’s true that the elite place abattoirs with cruel practices on ley lines on purpose to help diminish the awakening of the population. That’s why humane and healthily fed animals, hunting or or raising your own is ideal. Death is not a bad thing, and compassion is not the limited right of vegans, get off your holier than thou kick, it’s not a good look.

I agree diet is massively important to health, however a vegan diet isn’t for everyone. Every human must find their own diet, there is no one size fits all.

@Speedo - yes the carnivore diet is having fantastic results for diabetes and carb-related disorders. I’ve been keto for 2 years and can attest to the well-documented clarity of mind it provides, I may be going carnivore at Azazel’s behest as my allergies to plants gets worse, this year’s been pretty bad. I also do intermittent fasting and regular water fasts, but the less I eat plants the worse I feel when I eat them. Pity, really, they’re becoming like treats I have to pay for. I just found this, you might like:


@Becca each to their own… i’m not about to tell people to take or not take their meds… we are all sovereign and can make those decisions for ourselves… (p.s. - your profile pics are always very classy :blush:)

@anon2081083 thanks for sharing… keep doing your research and let me know what else you find… let’s make this thread about helping those with mental health (especially getting rid of unwanted voices) - i managed to stumble upon this video you may like Psychiatric Illness Treated As Nutritional Deficiencies - YouTube

@GinalsHere - conratulations

@AtlantisFrequency - life is beautiful :smile:

@Mulberry - we are all different and therefore have different approached, although proper nutrition usually equates to good health… either way, there is also that thing about humans and aliens co-habiting this planet yet being considered one and the same and therefore a lot of confusion arising in terms of what is the right diet etc etc (for further talk on that you may visit this thread https://forum.becomealivinggod.com/t/aliens-walking-among-us-dressed-as-humans/)

sorry i didn’t reply sooner… i’ve got a lot of work on so be patient, i will do my best to reply if the conversation continues… thanks and have a great day!

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Something I found useful was thc-free CBD-oil. It is legal where I live and have many benefits for mental health.