Hearing a demon

Here’s what you do. This is an exercise taken directly from EA’s evocation course.

Forget about your obsession with making pacts for now. Choose 3 spirits or more to call upon. Decide on 5 questions to ask each spirit and write them down. Remember, you can ask them anything you want to know. Draw out their sigils.

Choose one spirit to begin with. Get into the TGS using whatever method you have found most useful and open the sigil. Call out to the spirit, using what ever conjuration or enn you feel is appropriate. When you think you feel a presence (it doesn’t matter if you think you are imagining it or not) thank the spirit for coming, and tell it you have some questions. Ask the questions you have prepared and WRITE DOWN whatever you receive as an answer. Don’t worry about whether it is your own internal voice or not. Ignore any doubt you may have. When you are finished, again thank the spirit for answering your questions and give the license to depart. Come out of the TGS and put your questions away for a day or two so you can look at them with an unbiased eye. When you read back over your answers, you should be able to distinguish the spirit 's voice from your own internal voice. If you can’t, don’t worry about it. Experience comes with practice.

Rinse and repeat with the other spirits you have chosen.