Im wondering if anyone else has the same experience. If a Mantra resonates , i feel like sonething gathering on top of my head. its a comboination of tingling and numbness and slight pain too. a sort of squeeky pain. There is a wakefullness as well. A bit like a forced awakeness.like you make yourself awake when sleepy. Only some Mantras and Enns do it
I noticed it very quickly with the Paimon Enn
Has anyone else had this and if so what do you suggest. Is it a good sign to continue? If you did , where di it lead to?
All information warmly welcomed
Thank you
Sounds like a gathering of energy. There’s an energy point on the top of your head that connects you to the cosmos, and chanting with intention to connect with higher beings could be bringing energy to you.
It’s good generally to bring up the energy of your whole being on a level, to avoid imbalances, even if it’s just a headache. You can use your intention to bring that energy down through your throat and heart down to be stored in lower dan tian, just put your mind where you want it to go and watch it move. From there it can be distributed naturally to where it’s needed.
Thank you
Have you ever had similiar? Im listening to the ENN now and the headach aspect is slowly growing. Yet its not painful in teh normal sense.
Woudl you suggets chaneling it to the chakra most suitable for the magickal intent of the time?
Happened a lot in my first days of meditation, but these days it’s just a slight headache or slightly intense one but it doesn’t last for a long time anyways.
excellent - so you know what i mean. Was it a harbinger of anything?
Did you channel it anywhere - maybe to a sigil?
Im finding the Paimon Enn brought it on within minuites
Right now its becoming more intense. Ive been listening to it over an hour. Small pins felt in 3rd eye region now
Probably not, since I don’t use the chakra system… I use qigong I ideally want my energy evenly flowing freely through my meridians, nice and strong and even in my organs, and as much as possible and more stored in my dan tians.
For magickal applications, it depends on what I want to do with it. So let’s say I want to charge a sigil, sword fingers directing general energy into it is fine. For healing, directing green energy from the heart organ probably has a parallel in the heart chakra, though that also can stand is as the solar plexus or middle dan tian, so, it depends. The energy will have slightly different qualities based on you intention.
In all cases I don’t deplete my own energy, I breathe it in, circulate it ad then use it having alchemised it. You can also direct energy say, hot, bright energy from the sun, without having to bring it into you first.
Thank you Mulberry. Your suggestions are gold! I have CKD so i will send it there.I think you are right to evenly distrivute it whilst one has it
right now, its started to feel as if there is a lid on top of my head which is opening. the hinge is just before the crown and teh opeing is an inch or two from top of my forehead. Its getting actually itchy too.
Maybe Paimon is having a peek? lol
It happens with other mantras too. Thats how i usually know that the mantra is different. Howver, Ths Paimon Enn has been teh fasted and strongest worker so far
You can. There is an older post here where someone was working through a version of the Necronomicon, and they chanted demonic enns at the chakras for each of the seven gates.
cheers. Im goint to giev it a go. Make some use of it.
I moved it directly over my crown chakra a few minutes ago and i suddenly felt nore grounded. and present. Awake without headache.
Maybe this is energy gathered and then going the wrong way.
If anyone tried the above Enn and feels anything. please report back here. I woudl be fascinated to hear.
DhyaanGuru Dr. Nipun;s mantras are good. I was going through several a few montsh ago and then i started feeling these senstions. ( not as strong as today with Paimon) . The Mantra was
A side effect of thsin mantra was much more energy. I managed to work harder and faster on the cross trainer without even realising
I listen to ritual music frequently at work (through headphones). It still.affects.me, but I’ve listened to different styles, in and out of rituals, for years. Eventually, it becomes something that can relax or get you ready for ritual. It still affects me, though I save a few pieces only for ritual meditation. Paleowolf (Origins, Aiwu) and Atrium Carceri (The Traitor, Leviathan (most of that album) and a third I can’t place right now) are my go-tos for most of my ritual stuff.
Behemoth-X has a Black Flame chant video I frequently put on loop at work.
At this point, I know techno pieces I could use. If my stuff ever gets delivered, I can share specific links.
I drip the names up top to get you started. My stuff won’t be here for weeks, so I wouldn’t wait for links and would start with those mentioned above.
I let myself slide downwards into the trance state and, taken far enough, I’ll feel like I’m almost swimming in the music.
I haven’t really had location-specific reations for a while. It passes when you get used to the way the state makes you feel, for the most part.
I have the same thing in crown, third eye, & root chakra. I mostly do silent meditation, but I get it with chanting and stuff too. The mantras give you something to focus on. Usually I use the third eye tingling sensation as an indicator that I’m “really meditating” and not just daydreaming or getting sleepy.
I had the crown chakra one sometimes even before I learned to meditate, but the others came on strong after I started meditating regularly… along with other bodily sensations.
There is so much misinformation out there on this stuff, I don’t know what it’s really about. I wouldn’t worry too much about a head parasite. If you ask 10 different ppl, you’ll get 10 different answers.
IMO the crown chakra activation means you’re getting in contact with some spiritual entity, or someone is targeting you with a spell of some kind.
Thank you for your reply.
It’s great to hear that you know exactly what I mean.
It comes with the right mantra) Enn.
So if it is a positive sign that some sort of non ordinary event is occuring ( like spirit contact) , we should be able to utilise it.
When it’s happening, it’s physical, real and present. So in theory, ones magick should be effective when the strange sensations are felt.
I’m going to try utilise it rather than just feel it. I will update if anything happens!
I found that the sensation changes when the duality is switched to unity. So rather than feeling it on my head, i feel it as part of myself. Immediate change is in breathing and sense of being present. A sense of solidity.
The next step is to continue this and see if it leads to direct contact.
I would appreciate if someone else tries it too and lets us know what happens