Having succubus in my household, as spiritual sisters

I want to know if anyone have succubus sister or succubus sisters, and if they younger, or older, or even both living in their household?

no but i wanna summon a succubus/incubus for spiritual teaching


really? U could work with Lilith, or Nammah, or any other succubus queens if u want to summon a succubus spiritual teaching


How do you summon them?

I have succubus sigils in my household

Did you evoke them? Or you have Sigils in your house?

I have sigils in my household

Letter of intent resquesting one incubus for spiritual teaching

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I have a question totally unrelated. I want to do candle magick tomorrow, but Are there any prerequisites? Like do I have to be able to feel energies? Or see them when doing the candle magick? I am going to try candle magick from EA koettings baneful magick, and become a living god books.

Well with candle magic, all one need is candle and a lighter, I mean candle is is the in the world Candle magic which hint u need need candle. And two like Kagamine say is u need intent, and need to believe in magic, energies, and the unseen realm.

two u need a god or goddess that have succubus/incubus or both types under rules

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U can search leter of intent by succupedia

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Thank you

u welcome


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And thanks fallen angel! :))

My familiar is a succubus. I have had many interactions with them and incubi and I regard them as my brothers and sisters.

You know… somehow, of all of the ways I could have foreseen my life going… this wasn’t one of them. :man_shrugging:t2:

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u welcomed

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what do u mean?

here is a picture of succubus sigils that I have hanging around my household. You can print it out yourself and put it in a picture fame to hang around ur household as well.