With respect, and not at all diminishing the diagnoses and protocols provided by your healthcare professional(s), but as a healthcare professional, I would urge you to evaluate your eating habits. As for amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, (e.g., Adderall), you don’t need a pharmacology desk reference to at least partially understand at first blush what these typically over-prescribed substances do to the body. (The withdrawal is unpleasant to witness, and obviously inflicts a great amount of discomfort upon the patient.)

However, sufficient evidence (long-standing research evaluated in peer-reviewed journals) time and again points to one’s diet (read eating habits) as being responsible for causing/ exacerbating or relieving/ diminishing one’s ‘symptoms’. Work with your healthcare professional to arrive at a sensible eating plan. (And exercise… at least a bit, 3-5 times a week.)

Go well on your journey, and Be Well!


I have ADD. I used to take a medication called metadate. As a rebellious teen, I basically went off of it and stayed off. You’ll find that the more you meditate, the more control you have over yourself, this includes the add. I can behave just like I’m on the meds. You should be fine, I feel it’s a personal blockage that you may have unknowingly set up.

Now. Many (not saying you specifically) will use it (add) as an excuse as to why they cannot meditate. The thing is, meditation IS easy. It, stripped down, is just maintaining a natural and calm breathing pace, whilst focusing on the idea of relaxing. But what about silencing the mind? Truth be told, it’s impossible. The idea is to not ENGAGE in them.

You’re on track, for now. King Paimon is Also a great “starter spirit” for lack of a better term. Do third eye opening meditations, along with black mirror scrying, that’ll catapult your spirit communication.


Practicing magic is the cure for ADD. We are born with a finite amount of attention, and not knowing it’s value, we squander it on bullshit out of habit. Your magical practices erode those habits, freeing up that attention, increasing your magical potency. Meditation trains you to focus and hold it.

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ADD and ADHD won’t stop you from anything. If you can learn to have better control over your mind ADD and ADHD can be used as a gift.

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You got some helpful replies here - one thing I will suggest is imagine writing a short stiry for fun and the lead character is a fictional magician with ADD/ADHD.

What does he do to create the right circumstances for magickal work?

Sometimes we can create solutions more freely when we treat things as a creative game and imagine someone else facing a challenge.


Wow what a mess.


So, my little brother has ADHD and is unmedicated and is pretty much a genius. He chooses to channel the distraction and energy into the things he learns and practices. He does all this through plain old perseverance and willpower. He has cerebral palsy too, and never EVER let that stop him.

Rather than feel like this response is talking down to you, take it as inspiration. Anything my brother can do, you can do.


Oh man…I thought this kind of thing was rough. But I guess I just suck at this LOL

@fallen_angel the Idea of “not engaging in them.” Piqued my interest quite a but but I am gonna guess that comes from alot of meditational practice to achieve that.

I realize that after coming here to BALG…I suck at this. I came here to improve ways to communicate with my spirit as they seem to have gone quiet but seeing things like black mirror drying and whatnot…I gotta master the most basic of basics first I think. Seems I’m gonna have to put alot of things on hold and focus on what I can and should be doing first and foremost.

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Well the best way that I know how to deal with ADHD as I don’t take any more pills to help with concentration, is through meditation and in order to get there especially if you have a hyperactive mind I found was to take a lot of walks or do some sort of physical exercise before meditating. If you skip that step or can’t do physical exercise for some reason then they key is persistence just doing something until it clicks for you.

There are several meditations out there that’ll really help with calming and focusing your mind if that’s needed, if images keeps popping up review this post first regarding correct breathing, like the poster I had problems before I found out somewhere that breathing is a very important key component, when meditating, and then return to your meditations with this concept in mind to see if it helped out in some way.

I think in addition to calming your mind I wonder have you or are you developing your astral senses? Like clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc? Because if not that’s an important thing that’ll really help the evocation process along.

If the I suggested was irrelevant or not of use, let me know what kind of info you need and I’ll see if I can help you out in some way.

Good luck.


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It was pretty sickening to see this person get repeatedly invalidated (even by the mod). And then the person who started it all got 11 likes.


(For forums in general, not just here)

This is some kind of Saturn thing for OP, and once they come out the other end of it, they’ll be better at something than everyone else, whether it’s occultism or something unrelated.

Are you kidding me… I am doing the very same thing. I have ADD which is pretty debilitating and have tried all sorts of things to help me. I am now seeking magick and specifically King Paimon for assistance. I am very new to magick and evocation myself. I understand the difficulty of getting to/ keeping a Theta brain wave state during meditation.


If it’s ADHD like the hyperactive kind, I would just tell the person to not bother with magic because that’s not where their power is. They don’t need it.

Wherever somebody’s hyperactive, that’s where their power is. For example, I’m naturally spiritually hyperactive, so I’m at the top when it comes to spiritual power. I’m physically hypoactive, so that’s why I’m at the bottom when it comes to physical power.

I’m a beginner at physicality, basically, and I always will be, no matter how hard I try. (And I used to try very, very hard—in fact, I was prescribed an extremely high dose of amphetamines for years to speed me up so I could be like physically-oriented people. Otherwise, I slept 20 hours a day.) Conversely, somebody who’s naturally physically hyperactive is spiritually hypoactive and will always be a spiritual beginner, no matter how hard they work, or how much they study.

I didn’t have any power in my life until I started living through my spiritual hyperactivity, which meant abandoning efforts at a physical life and becoming a mystic. I only use my physical body now for things that are necessary for survival.

I suspect someone who is physically hyperactive would not have any power until they live through their hyperactive physical body and abandon efforts at a spiritual life (become a rock star or something). Only use the spiritual body for survival needs. These people are the natural masters/kings of the material world. They cannot be topped. They have a free pass to move freely through the earth plane.

Your dominant function in MBTI is where you’re naturally hyperactive and automatically a god. I’m an INFJ, so my dominant function is introverted intuition. I’m naturally a spiritual god. There are also physical gods (sensing doms), emotional gods (feeling doms), and intellectual gods (thinking doms).

The people with true physical hyperactivity are ESTPs and ESFPs, because they’re extroverted sensing doms. Physical gods.

Just be like this

Havent really made headway in the clairaudience. And honestly, the only things I’ve really done is meditation (more like attempts but the breathing sounds like something I am missing to get where I want to be) and some attempts at lucid dreaming. I put in twice for the chakras for clairaudience I’ve found in the forums somewhere. Not much else after that.

Biggest thing is finding time to do what I would like to do and need to do outside of my family.

:face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle: I highly question this.

That’s fine, I stand by what I say.

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That’s good I was not meaning any offence by it any way.

Just like magick, I feel people experience ADD/ADHD, very different from one another.

What works for one, does not necessarily mean it will be the same for someone else.

Do you understand what I am trying to convey?

I agree here. For the longest time ppl have been asking what’s wrong with me. Fast forward to a time in iraq when it was asked in my group of buddies and someone chimed in that my thinking is like a 4 way traffic stop and all the lights are green LOL

And I’ve always questioned why I was wrong with me up to that point. Now that I feel that I have a mild form of it, being able to recognize that since that moment, i can work around that if that makes any sense and function somewhat better than before, if only a bit better. For me, its identifying when I drifting off and to get back on track.

Because all the time up to then it was a perfectly natural thing for me and with no other means to compare myself to how others do things I have been able to find alternative ways to do things. Usually in a way of if the round isnt fitting into the square, leave the room and find a different room where the round fits. Its finding that room that’s take a minute or 2 to find.

Does this make any sense perhaps? Just throwing in my exp and thoughts here.

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Try the ideas in this;

Also, try working dance and drumming, and any other physical rhythmic movements, into your practice wherever possible. :ok_hand:


Yuss! I’ll be there!

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