Have you evoked all 72 kings/queen, 72 daemon evoke challenge

Wow good luck post your updates and yay Bael was same for me to at first, but then really helpful


Been following the thread since you started. Am amazed at responses, you mind asking the next deamon of their thoughts on me?

  • Inessence

Yep I can ask


Which Deamon would you be contacting next?

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Sitri again and Beleth


Sitri was a challenge for me, seemed like I kept losing reception for lack of a better term lol. A bit of mixed messages too. Either way, I gazed at the sigil to open it, I did. I noticed I was going into an image.

I saw women burned that had been crucified, except for one that was whole and alive. A man appeared, Sitri, he released her with a thought from the cross and she undressed herself for him. At this point Sitri noticed me and charged me. This is where the flurry of mixed messages came.

At the least Sitri agreed to open that aspect of my mind.


Sitri says, “first you must know yourself, then you must know what you want, and then you must have the desire to impose your will”

Beleth is Tonight!


Thanks for this


It’s a tough answer though really means anyone into seduction magick definitely needs to have full control of themselves and be able to control others


I called Beleth,

his voice is deep and that of intelligence,

Beleth, can you unlock the part of my mind?

“It’s already done been done for calling upon me”

What can I expect?

“A move”

A move?

“A move in time”

What does that mean?

"A move in time forward that will send you spiraling to the ground

Uhh, thanks

Then I asked about @inessence he says you need more practice and insight, so get reading.

I guess you would know what that meant?


I do. :open_mouth: Very interesting . Where would you recommend i start? @Mapachtli


I’m not sure everyone has their own priorities when it comes to magick


Tonight is Leraje, deamon of kicking you while you are down or throwing salt in your open wounds.

Sounds like a good guy!


Can’t wait wait to see what he says

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Doing the “seven steps” sigill spell E.A. gave; over evening/night and this afternoon I practiced it with Gamigin, Amon, Barbatos, Paimon, Buer.


where is this found?

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I called upon Leraje, his sigil activated quickly I called and called perhaps a dozen times until he showed. He was cloaked, eyes came through a veil of darkness.

Leraje I have a request of you. Will you unlock the portion of my mind you have access to?

“I suppose you will be wanting the key?” He said holding it

Yes well I was hoping you would unlock it.

“Don’t expect others to do what you want, if you want something you must take it” still holding it.

I reached but he was elusive, I chased and he fled.

“If you truly want something you won’t let it get away so easily”

I bolted and grabbed him. He laughed and turned to smoke his eyes purple and fangs of blackness glittered.

I finally imagined the key in my hand.

“Very good”

I unlocked the part of my mind he is associated with.



Stomach ache past few days, beer firmly settles it :grinning:

Precognitative abilities improving

Focus increased

My workload has become drastically easier, mentally, nothing has changed physically. Actually, kind of boring lol.

To the next one is Eligos, he discovereth hidden things… good my cat laser has been missing for weeks lol

Wow I just realised it has been 15 days since I started this, I definitely feel a lot different then since I started.

Just did a banishing on my stomach pain, it subsided quickly and I got the image of a shadowed entity, has someone cursed me? Tread lightly.


Tonight was the call for Eligos,

I opened his sigil and proceeded to call him. I laid in a deep meditative state waiting for a glimmer. Suddenly I saw a pit open up. I looked down and and saw a great humanoid like creature pull itself up with long forearms. It came out revealing it’s height and shrunk down into a suit of armor.

“I have come” he spoke softly, but with great authority.

Can you prove it is you and sign your name?

(He proceeded to sign a paper, it was very lovely cursive, some old style)

Thank you for coming, your description says you know of wars to come, are any coming?

“The horizons are not yet set to decide”

Thanks, will you unlock the part of my mind you are associated with?

“It is done”

What can I expect?

“At the height of knowledge, there is an even greater risk of fall. Be weary”


I proceeded to inform him of his welcome to stay and also ask him to help boot unwanted pests, seems I snagged up a worm stalking me earlier. Had that taken care of thanks to some good scanning. Of course, next to a cemetary will have many issues.

Note: I could use a human skeleton :thinking:


Tried to evoke Zepar, but I’m too tired.

All I see is an image of goats on a field at night with a massive moon behind them.