Have you evoked all 72 kings/queen, 72 daemon evoke challenge

7 posts were split to a new topic: Request For Virgins & Succubi

Well after giving some thought to it I decided to give it a go. I don’t know that I will do all of them yet. I started with Astaroth because she was among the first that I kind of had an interest in and I felt more comfortable calling her.

I started calling her and felt the energy shift relatively quickly. It felt like she was standing behind me and my shirt kept getting flipped up from behind a little. There was lots of creaking around me as well, at one point the glass that was holding the candle started creaking and popping loudly, I actually wondered if it was about to split and asked her to please not break it as I didn’t want to clean green wax up :joy:

Anyway, I invited her in my body and almost immediately felt a lot of vibrational pressure inside my entire body. I said my request then just meditated for a bit. Couldn’t hear her but my ears repeatedly were popping a little and I heard static type of noise.

Since then I’ve had lots of muscle twitching and I feel really off…not in a bad way but energetically there’s definitely been a shift. Almost feel a little disconnected honestly. Yesterday I invoked Eisheth followed by Lilith and between the 3 so close together it’s just a really odd feeling. Going to continue with the meditations over the weekend and just try to process it all I guess.


Definitely Im not ready for evocation… The only thing I got is chills and a strong tinkle on the left side of my head plus a really loud ringing in the left ear. Not impressed…! :joy:

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We are only Bound by the limitations we set for ourselves


My self decided to give me a headache right now! From the said side!

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Then the first seal is open headaches are very common. Am I right @DarkestKnight ?


Yep :slight_smile:


I tried to evoke Bael… Said my request…to myself. And this happens.


I’m glad others get to experience that with me lol


Well this is about freeing your mind and opening up new experiences from what I can tell it’s caused a lot of changes in my life and you know this isn’t just a simple evocation.

simple evocation is just talking to that side, this is calling on the spirit and letting them in letting them change your mind and your body and you will feel it lol

Let the magick flow.

I bet if you completely went through with this entire challenge that afterwards you would have spirits talking to you Non-Stop and your magick would be intense k

By the way I am driving right now so some of this might be a little bit Babble


That’s so sadistic hahaha!

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That’s why I’ve been taking it slow. i need to get used to the changes.


Trust me I know the physical changes are the worst lol


I’ve got Belial coming up so…I’m a little nervous about what he is going to open me to :cold_sweat:

I love the Big B and have called upon him before, but I’ve never called upon him for internal changes so I’m expecting some possible intensity compare to the others I’ve evoked so far.


Well keep at it lol


Yea I been a bit nervous about him as well lol


I will try again maybe tomorrow around this time… Not sure if I should try again Bael or move to the next…


Move to the next one he already open the door for you


I was debating, after completing this challenge, doing a ritual to evoke all 72 at once in a more woodsy environment. But idk.


I was about to go to sleep but I have to update this. Its been 4 hours since I tried to evoke Bael. What I’ve noticed within these 4h: The pain in the left temple keeps going. Left ear keeps ringing, I hear statics and weird sounds. The right side of my head is fine, but I hear distant sounds from right ear. I sense energy shifting more clearly, eyes changed colour from brown to hazel, saw an old fellow shadow (long time no see lol). Also I think Bael came from North, I was facing Southeast during evocation, I’ll try to summon from North tomorrow. P.S. Stupid headache…