Have angels invited you back to God or Christianity?

I’m a fallen. Management seems to understand that due to creative differences, and administrative friction, I have severed employment under YHVH…My contact information has been erased from their database, and as such I can not be found unless I desire to be seen.

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Just an up date on this for me. About a month ago, I’m not sure if it was a test or what, but as I laid on my bed all the sudden I heard quite loud in my head “Stop talking to demons.” But I said no. Then out of nowhere the voice said “Read the Bible.” And I was starting to get grouchy. All I wanted was to relax and lay down. I told them no and how I will not read a book of lies. Then I saw crosses come and hit around me like throwing knifes. But I just stood my ground and basically told them through my energy I was NOT budging. They left after a short time.

When you enter this world you get offers from both sides. In my case I was surprised who I got the offer from (since I never went anywhere near that way.) Makes me thinks both sides literally watching me.

Making the transition internally from Christanity to luciferianism has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done really. I’ve been expecting an angel to tell me I’m wrong and that I should go back. I had issues falling back into associated fear.
But, they are positive about it. They said I should do what I feel most comfortable with, and they Lucfier was a helpful and good energy to allign with.
I’ve invoked Micheal, Euriel, Metatron and Raphael (I actually love him a lot and he’s a main spirit I like to go to).
They tell me that: our bodies are temporary and we are not, that I’m a good person and shouldn’t be afraid, and that they are here for me to talk if I ever need to.
The only instance I noticed where I don’t feel like angels/demons are cool with each other, is in regards to Azazel and Raphael. Definitely wouldn’t be the energies I feel like I could summon at the same time. I definitely understand why tho

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You can be a Christian without going to church and dealing with the crazy radical types. Or if you don’t want to be Christian that’s okay too. But it is your decision at the end of the day. Not the people around you, not the people on here, and not some angel.


Those are Valkyries, while angels come in many shapes and sizes (erotes, Ma’atis, Judeo angels, etc) I find that many here only really try and work with Judeo angels while “rejecting” the entirety of the pantheon they come from under their own dislike for Christianity, but the pantheon doesn’t really hold the same ideals as the human “adaptation”


Raphael told me to remain faithful to my own path, but I am NOT anything JCI lol

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Im going to ask an odd question. Why does everyone, (well alot of at least ) suffering from schizophrenia develop delusions involving this god specifically during their psychosis? Have a relative with it, and when they are psychotic, god seems to be punishing them, and the archon want them dead…I’ve also noted sort of paranoid delusions centering around persons of Jewish practice and ethos involving them controlling some kind of evil occurrence by which they be persecuted. IN ABOUT 3 i have seen this. Hyper-religiosity and an almost servile adherence to tetragrammaton in the Christian ( but not the Hebrew sense which baffles me…never met one who in a psychotic break tend to associate with Judaism itself)…

Maybe my selection is too small and data set definitely way too small a sample by which to determine this…but the XIAN god and a war with Satan comes up over and over agin when they are experiencing psychosis…When the psychosis is gone, the hyper-religiousity is either not there, or is diminished…

Its a bs question maybe…dunno but why does this god and its “angels” seem to play a role in the psychotic states of schizophrenia? i always found this odd.

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I would wager it’s because of the prevalence of the Christian religion in Western culture. Society is saturated with it, and it forms a big part of our everyday life, regardless if we actually worship or not.


That’s the most sensible answer! I almost entirely overlooked that.

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:slightly_smiling_face: Yes, that is true. Many people think they can’t talk to angels anymore after they’ve left christianity. But guess what, they don’t care.

This is correct.
Not all entities get along well.

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I never felt anyone calling whenever I prayed. God didn’t answer, angels didn’t answer, demons didn’t answer, Lucifer didn’t answer, Satan didn’t answer. No one can seem to hear me or I can’t hear them. Either way I never feel like anyone ever heard me whenever I called on them so if a spirit is telling you to go back to religion maybe it’s a dead family member that’s never known anything other than religion that wants you to go back? Maybe an evil spirit? I’ve never felt any kind of “pull” from spirits, only judgmental living humans. Maybe do a banishing ritual and ask an angel or demon to get them out of your life? I wouldn’t go back to a do-nothing religion that promises the world only after you die and expects you to suffer for, trust, and obey Yahweh and fear Satan and Lucifer your whole life. Ugh pass.

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Update: A little bit ago someone who doesn’t go to church, doesn’t pray, doesn’t read the Bible, isn’t actively involved in church life at all told me to be thankful to God that they’re “there for me.” This person is a very distant person that doesn’t talk about their problems, blames their problems on their spouse, doesn’t admit when they’re wrong, talks over people, is incredibly rude, and other nonsense behavior. But I’m supposed to be thankful to the same God who made me suffer around these people??? Self-fulfilling prophecy right here!