Have angels invited you back to God or Christianity?

I deal with this from time to time. Don’t judge. I never have asked to be invited back to Christianity and I really have no clue why ‘they’ would bother. But there are times where I hit a bump in the road with my path working where I have to get back on my feet and periodically an angel or angels try to remind me that not everything was bad back when I was in Christianity. Honestly, I would choose NO path then to attend church somewhere, even if that meant that I had a ‘group’ to be part of.

Sooo it seems that an old angel that I parted ways with has reached out to me and reminded me of not just how good it felt (at times) to belong to a group, but also the powers of clairvoyance and etc that I had back then. The truth is image

The vibrational frequency of that particular angel is unmistakable. I remember this entity from back in my Christianity days (by feeling) and now I know for a fact that angels were ‘working’ with me. Maybe some people can relate.

It is thee same offer. 1. Have my mind ‘fixed’ so that all of this magic stuff was a bad episode of paranoia or whatever I choose to believe 2. Get reinserted back into the Matrix (OOOPPSSS!), I meant Christianity. 3. Live an easier life (give up my path workings-have more females to choose from since ‘everybody’ down South is a bible thumper…my family would no longer feel at odds with Christianity, etc.). My return would be ‘under our protection’.


It was not concerned about my material evidence (my magical journal). It was positive that it could help me ‘distort the facts’ so as to transition me back. It was even ok with me getting into the LBRP so as to feel closer to Christianity. It came to me peacefully, so I parted ways with it peacefully.

I know others must have had stuff like this go down… I could say more, but this is long enough for now.


I never felt likeI belonged. I get embarrassed when people pray. Never got answered prayers. So there really is nothing to go back to.


I felt like I belonged in the beginning, but the more I became less traditional in my understanding, the less I fit in. Well, I DiD get answers to prayers. Often. However, I sometimes wonder about snychronicity as being the answer to such things.

Nope, angels have not invited me back to Christianity. Then again, I live in New England, not in the southern US so it is different here. I’m surrounded by to many people who have too much respect for things like universities and the government and corporate endorsed “sciences”
Sure, there is power in the mass, even here, but I truly feel much better when I go against that current even though sometimes I wanted to belong just for the sake of belonging to a community of friends and relatives. I also stick pretty closely with the christian sexual mores compared to a lot of young people, so you won’t find me wanting to join a Neo-pagan group. (seriously, I’m a married woman and sex with one man is enough.)
I found the LBRP depressing when I practiced it briefly, and for years I wondered what was wrong with me, and basically hated myself for what basically amounts to a spiritual difference, something I feel is more fundamental to a person than what sex or gender they prefer to have sex with.
Sometimes I just want to repeat Belials quote “You don’t need religion.”
And by that he means this idea of belonging to a group for the purposes of impressing people, or basically just joining because you are desperate to fit in somewhere. And I also think he refers to the dogmatic ideas propagated in the name of religion. It wasn’t even about prayers, rituals or practices, it was entirely about this whole idea of “religion”. And ironically, he called Thelema a religion even though he had no objection to (and in fact encouraged) things like recitation of the Libre Samekh.
Sometimes I hate the fact that here I am, a “good person” associating with this so called "evil demon.


Not Christianity no, but before I yeeted my angel guide out of my life she tried to keep me to the Judeo pantheon. Human religions are tied to them by humans choosing to tie it to them but there’s some small truth in it in my opinion. Just as if you follow the Nordic faith you’re inviting the Norse gods into your life actively.


Okay, but angels don’t really serve God.

They’re far older than the Abrahamic religions.


Not on my end, no. I get it more from humans.

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GodYahweh himself predates the faith as well, it technically doesn’t mean he didn’t create them or that they don’t serve him/her. It just means human faith isn’t directly tied to them.

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but theres no certainty that the Archangels and Yahweh are interconnected in any way imo

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Yes, it happens to me sometimes in moments of temporary weakness, thinking that “It would be easier if I became a Christian”.

Sure, that is the easy way out, but the LHP in no about taking the easy way out at all.

I’ve seen this “temptation” appear more in people who were indoctrinated as children

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From my experience they are, Yahweh’s original father name was El in mythology and Yahweh was soon given that name and he then was said to name his children the sons of El and every archangel has El in their name.

On my etheric expeditions the angels ive met and archangels were In Yahweh’s domain/7 realms. Just as the angels of Ma’at were in hers and the Erotes were in Aphrodite’s of course I’m not saying my experience is fact however I will say I believe people who view angels as some all powerful here since the beginning of time kind of beings as a misconception. Many beings predate religions doesn’t mean that God didn’t create them. People confuse the fact man chose to create religions around those Gods as those beings being bound to that religion when they’re not they may not be tied to the Christian faith but doesn’t mean that faiths deities didn’t create the entities in that faith. Valkyries and the Norse gods, yokai and the Shinto gods, the list goes on.


That is definetly interesting, however the Archangels themselves are also directly derived from Ancient Babylonian Anunnaki mythology imo, so perhaps Yahweh = Anu?

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and this has always posed a question of curiosity and confusion for me, as people on here have worked with both Angels and Demonick kings and they had no problem, some even worked together, but then i read stories where some Ancient Gods (if you want to call them infernal, though I personally dont use it for certain of these beings) are not fond of Yahweh, that has confused me


There are some theories around that but Yahweh was said to be one of El’s sons and a god of the sky and war. Anu if I remember correctly was a God of the sky, but he’s linked to Enki no?


I think it’s personal preference to the being and what they will and will not tolerate depending on what’s required. Same with Gods, Demons, Angels, etc. individual preference to the situation.


Enki Enlil and Anu are the Trinity just like the Trimurti imo, how they are interrelated i am not sure exactly


There’s more then one Yahweh, the god and the thoughtforms, if I remember correctly


yes well, in Judaeic mysticism, Yahweh Elohim has many names there

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I liked this little discussion lol thanks for that :slightly_smiling_face: