I was considering buying an amulet of Beelzebub from the shop here and I was wondering if anyone had purchased one before. Do they work to invoke the powers of hell and do they work to invoke protection?
I was considering buying an amulet of Beelzebub from the shop here and I was wondering if anyone had purchased one before. Do they work to invoke the powers of hell and do they work to invoke protection?
Yes it’s basically a communication device, preprogrammed with gatekeeper’s phone number, if you will (such as Ba’al Zebul in this case … I don’t like the nickname and he doesn’t care so I don’t use it, he’s Master Zebul to me, “master” as in master adept). Each entity has certain offices that they can help you with if you ask them.
I have the Lucifer talisman that came with one of the books and it feels alive and strong. I don’t actually work with Lucifer though so I only used it once or twice.
Here is the blurb for this amulet from the site… it says it will help you cast these spells, it’s not automatic if that’s what you mean. But then you can get help will a range of things and with Ba’al Zebul that’s a lot.
Wield the forces of your patron demons to fuel the day-to-day needs of your spellcasting in every area of your life like ascent, love, wealth, and protection.
So, you have to talk to the entity to ask for what you want, and learn how to use this as a consecrated tool you can use as a mage to empower your spells, evocations, conjurations and so forth.
Would buying a $250.00 amulet be worth it though, or would I get the same results with a $50.00 amulet? I recently ordered the seal of Belial through another seller, and am waiting for it to arrive. Do you think that the magicians who made the amulets did something special to them to make it worth that price? Or do we have to do the consecration on our own? I know there is a guide but to be honest I am not able to openly practice magic at the moment and would like it done for me.
In my opinion, you’d get the same results with a sigil drawn on a bit of paper for free. And there’s something to be said for doing your own work. It’s good to build experience and learn to trust your own magick.
So, I don’t really think you need these, you’d get them because you wanted a nice high end piece of artwork that was also enchanted.
I have a few talismans that I enchanted myself made from pendants I either already had or bought for the aesthetic. They look like regular if goth jewelry. It’s a nice way to carry an idol of an entity you’re working with on you. I have also enchanted chess pieces and carried them in a pocket, and rings. I have heard of someone recently on here you enchanted his whole phone. You could enchant your favourite shirt and call it your lucky shirt if you liked.
Since you can’t openly practice, doing this for an ordinary looking necklace might be a safer option for you.
The Talimancer, who is the artist who created them, the website says he consecrated them for you.
(I use the term “enchant” not “consecrate” because I’m not JCI and I associate this term with JCI religions, and I avoid their terminology as tainted with the energy of overcontrol.)
I wouldn’t say that makes it worth the price: the skills to create the artisan jewelry is worth the price… but you can consecrate anything you want yourself and it’s not hard, so I don’t consider that alone to be worth paying for myself, no. If I could make that jewelry I wouldn’t buy it either but I can’t and the equipment costs a fortune. I do enjoy art and like to support skilled artisans where I can.
Personally, I would get into trance and communicate with the talisman on getting it to find out for myself what it’s condition is on getting it. (I’m not the trusting type. ) I would use it to contact the entity and test the entity is not an impostor. If that was as described then I might get more from that artist another day, if not I’d chalk it up to experience and not buy from them again.
You don’t have to look like you’re doing magick to do magick. If you can sit quietly looking like you’re reading a book or meditating you can do magick right under people’s noses and they’ll have no idea.
Look up what an “astral temple” is and use astral travel aka shamanic methods to journey there in the astral and do your magick rituals there.
Look up the “Core Shamanism Tutorial” here for instructions.
Similarly you can enchant your talisman or communicate with it telepathically just siting quietly. There’s no real need to use any props, walk around waving your arms about of anything ceremonial like that. All that is fun and all, and it can definitely help to get your energy in the right space to do the work: but you can do that in your mind too.
Thank you so much for all the information. Although I cannot practice openly at the moment I believe that I want to purchase one. You’re right, I want a nice piece of jewelry. Since the jewelry is already enchanted it shouldn’t be a problem for me. I have a disability and find solace in magic and magical items.
Thank you again :).