Halloween oracle cards

Thank you for this, it makes alot of sense right now in my standpoint! :blush:

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Ari…do you have patience for one more spread?:hushed:
It’s about me and azazel…my 3rd eye still not open
And I’m messing things up…:exploding_head:

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Ok I’ll give it a go

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  1. the heart of the issue

Black Cat
Fortune meets opportunity

Be prepared to take advantage of special opportunities when they cross your way.

Are you missing signs of opportunity with Azazel?
Azazel was standing by me btw when I was pulling these cards. He’s still here.

  1. the challenge
    Let go of regrets if you missed something it’s ok.
    If you don’t succeed at first try try again. But don’t beat yourself up about it. Move on. Reminiscing regret gets you no where.

  2. The solution

The veil
The Future

Know the gods are very close. Especially right now. From now til a couple days after Halloween is a great time to work on communication with spirits. Sieze this opportunity and make it work.


Wow thank you ari for your time and effort!!!:heart::black_heart::heart::black_heart::heart::black_heart::heart:
It all accurate on the spot amazing!!!:smiley::smiley::smiley:
It’s just that it’s so hard not being able to communicate
So I always in doubts. Couse I use telepathy but I never know when azazel talks with me or when I’m thinking to my self and then from the fear I mess up…:cold_face: and start to panick and mess up more…
But you are right and I’ll do like you said!!!
Thank you much ariana for all the hard work and guidance!!!:smiley::smiley::smiley::heart::heart::heart:
I thought he was pissed at me and well …freaked out!
But now I relieved thank you so much ari!!!

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Your welcome :sparkling_heart:

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Can you make a reading for me please?? I would really appreciatte one

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I’ll try to do one for you tonight :slight_smile:

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Thank you.

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  1. the heart of the issue

    The sacredness of pausing

Let what no longer serves you die away. Anything that is burdensome. .let it go.

  1. the challenge
    Skull of flowers
    Creating through the Ashes

Don’t be afraid to start over fresh. Like a new seed starting to bud

  1. The solution
    The Vampire
    Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence helps us defend against emotional and psychic attack.

I take you need to let things, situations or people that becoming burdens or that are draining you somehow, die away… release them.
In doing so build your defences and start over with a clean slate. Rebud like flowers in the spring.


wow that was great, Thank you very much, it was most useful.

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Hopefully this is not too late, but may I get a reading as well?

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I’ll try to get you tonight :slight_smile:

  1. the heart of the issue

Community and Web weaving

The spiders Web can be a symbol of connection.
Review the way you communicate with the community at work or I general. You made need to make some tweaks. Improve it . Or change it a little.
There should be balance between what you do for yourself and what you do for others as well.

  1. the obstacle
    Happiness in our hearts and our homes

Your being asked to look at what family and home means to you
Make your relationships a priority.

  1. The solution

There is strength in vulnerability
It can be the bravest action and the most frightening.
Often it is a catalyst for growth.
Dare to show strength and vulnerability if that is what you really feel. Shame, pride, grudges or embarrassment are burdens that need not be carried.

What I get is that you need to truely connect and open up with someone. Communicate more openly. Make your relationships priorities. Say to them what you need and want to say.
You’ll find happiness in your heart.

Have the strength to be vulnerable. Go out on a limb. Be bold be brave. Take the chance and say it. Communication is key. Say how you feel and what you want. Put your pride, shame, embarrassment to the side. Just do it. You’ll feel better and quiet possibly end up happier than ever :slight_smile:

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Would you be willing to read for me? I’m more than willing to return the favor.

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@Narsonix of course :heart:

  1. the heart of the issue
    The Veil
    The future

As the veil lifts , know that the other world’s are close. Listen to what messages might come up about your future. Divination will be effective for you on Halloween.

  1. the challenge
    Trick or Treat
    Mischief and play

Examine the role of play and mischief in your life. You don’t have to be a child to let go and have some playtime.
Ancients understood there were both mischievous and benevolent spirits wandering around and they dressed up to confuse them so they wouldn’t be attacked
The idea of causing a little chaos as imitating one of these spirits was part of the fun. .
Let go and have some fun …
Trick or treat :jack_o_lantern:

  1. The solution
    The Hearth
    Happiness in our hearts and homes

Every home has a heart where the fire burns.
Resolve any conflict in your home …
What needs to happen to keep or make it happy?
Work on happiness of heart and home

So what I get is that. … when the veil is thin you should listen for messages from your ancestors and the gods about your future and what will bring happiness into your heart and home …
The challenge is gonna be to not get so caught up in the seriousness of it all and forget to have some fun.
Do some divining and then have some fun!
Halloween is a fun night!
And for life in general don’t let things constantly weigh you down its ok to cut loose and have fun.

Think about what needs to happen for you to be happy in heart and home then ask the gods for direction to make this real.

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Those are really beautiful cards.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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Thanks so much for the reading! It hit hard… very accurate

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Hey where did you get the cards at? They’re lovely.

Also, would you like to trade again?

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