Hail King Paimon!

I recently started to meditate on King’s Paimon sigil because I somehow been drawn towards him and his power. I strongly believe that He can guide the current me towards, so that I can became the future me that has achieved the goals that the current me craves for. I won’t talk about it until I achieved it. My first success story starts in a cold night. I was hanging out with my friends at a restaurant where we usually play pool. Counting me and them, we were 4 guys. We had a warmup match, after that, one of my friends comes with the idee of betting some money. We formed 2 teams and started betting 5lei (approximating 1€). The winner team wins the money and splits the money between 2 winners. Somehow my hand starts to hurt( cause an old injury) and I can’t play like I used to do. At the verge of losing the game (the only ball they had left on the table was the black one and we had just 6 balls left on the table, excluding the black one the number of balls witch must be putted in the hole is 7) I close my eyes, try to calm myself and ask King Paimon for help, to wins or at least not to lose the money. The enemy team started to have a dispute and roast each other, but not in a conservative and fun way, they were literally cursing and making fun of each other. They started to miss. We lost the mach, but we and them were left with the same number of balls, wich is 1. We, like any other normal human being, wanted to make profit so we risk it and started another match with another bet wich every single one of us bet 20lei(4€) and the promise that the winners of this match pay the cost of the games and the drinks . This mach I was stressed and I played even worse :)). I asked King Paimon to make them put the black ball in the wrong hole. And it happened. We were on a profit.
The second story is connected with the 3rd. I was at high school, at the Romanian language hour. The teacher usually puts me to answer her questions because most of the time I am not paying attention to the course. It happens every single day, every single hour. The day before, I got a 4 for making the wrong homework. That day I was tired of her and had enough of her attitude. I tried asking King Paimon to make her not pay attention to me. It worked to the point that I was talking the whole hour and making noise. She didn’t even looked in my direction once. I called King Paimon again and asked Him if He could stop the rain so I could skip classes. At the end of the hour the rain stopped. In my way to home I stopped at a grocery store to buy an offering for King Paimon and some sweets for me (The offering was an apple, I didn’t know that He prefers alcohol and this alcohol thing I learned it yesterday). When I got back at home it started to rain again.
Well that were my 3 successes with King Paimon. You probably can observe that when I requested Him to help me, I wasn’t in a TGS state. I was merely asking him and He helped me even when I wasn’t in TGS, not even in a trance. So I came with the conclusion that just by simply thinking of a spirit and saying it’s name, you create a link with that spirit witch makes Him present and that TGS is important so that we can talk with the spirits, receiving answers, a communication that goes both ways. Is my ideea wrong or good? Please enlighten me . Anyway, HAIL KING PAIMON. Thank you KING PAIMON!
Ps : sorry for the bad english


Wow that’s a lot of nice thing king paimon has done for you. I’m jealous.

When referring to him dont say “it” or treat him like Sth utopian or distant from you

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I won’t. Actually I’m trying to get a closer relationship with Him and hopefully He will became my patron demon.

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He is a powerhouse. Trust me. He has chosen you. Rise to the occasion

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I am trying, but the road is long and hard. I hope that I could learn to enter a tgs state so that I could hear Him. I tried the method Darkest Knight developed Tutorial: Trancework and the method Lady_Eva developed Simple English Demonic Evocation Guide , but it was futile. Well at least I could do is to open a sigil and do a petition spell. I hope I can enter tgs soon so that I could have a conversation with King Paimon and other spirits. Well no pain, no gain. Hopefully it won’t take too long. "Grind it till you make it " well that’s the answer I got from Ea Koetting when I asked him in his live

It’ll have to take time. But don’t worry too much on hearing his voice lol. He will communicate in ways thatll get you. For a nice tgs.try meditating in the same place. Use mudras hand madras. And call on the king to assist you. He once opened a portal for me but I was too chicken to follow


Could you give me the appropriate madras for the job?

Any hand madras that feels comfortable to you. Google’s that shit man. Do the work. Try and get one that’ll circuit energy to your third eye region

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You are developing skills that 99% of people never develop. It was not futile. Consider doing this. Perform both of the exercises for a certain amount of time. (Like, every day for a week) When you feel that you have done solid work by yourself, then consider asking King Paimon for aid. My experience is that he favors that format; doing some regular work then asking for aid.

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Thanks for the guidance. I will try to throw in both methods in beside the daily meditation, also some madras. Hopefully I could dedicate myself for 2 hours a day to the occult. It’s already pretty hard cause I have school (6 hours a day) and after that I gotta do the homework and the daily workout. I know that in the end hard work pays off and it’s all about the time and the dedication you put in. I learned this on my own skin. Hopefully I will succeed fast cause this is my last high school year and at the end of it, I have an exam (BAC)(math, romanian and chemistry) witch I have to pass with a high grade so that I can attend a good college.

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I see. Go with your intuition. I have graduate school, so I cannot dedicate multiple hours per day. I have been doing 30-45 minutes a day, and this works for me. Consider that whatever amount of time you select, the dedication is what counts - not the amount of time. 10 minutes a day every day is better than 10 hours once a year.
If you care about studying/learning, and mastering the material, King Paimon is an excellent choice. Feel free to toss me a P.M., if you desire.

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Really nice! Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks thats a great advise. I need to manage my time better. Quality over Quantity :ok_hand:

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Hail King Paimon !!!