Guide - How to create and use your own cleansing/holy water

If you’ve ever been so fascinated, looking at priest who splatters “holy water” on faces of disoriented people, and you desired to have your own more practical bowl of this secret, sweet watery holiness for yourself, then this guide is totally for you.

Symbolism of water exists in all ritual and religious practices from the beginnings of ancient times. The water is commonly used for purification and ordain places, people, material stuff or general space, because of its well cleansing and absorbing properties. In occult work, you can often meet negative energies, energetic pollution or energy residues which is settled on your magic tools or in your place/temple/home. It can greatly affect your everyday magic work, so It’s very important to have some of your own cleansing weapon at your handie :wave: and take advantage of its powerful properties.

You will need 4 things;

  • Bowl (best white or with light colors)
  • 3 white candles
  • White sea salt.
  • Water (of course) Best mineral/bottled water.
    (+) (additionally) some herbs or sigil of an entity.

Calm your mind. Take your ritual dagger or simply use your finger and draw a triangle - while doing this, visualize protecting, white or gold lines forming this triangle.

(2) Place 3 white candles on the corners of the triangle. Place the bowl in the middle and pour water into it.

(3) Place your hands above the surface of the water. Close your eyes and visualize everything that reminds you with purity or cleanliness. Feel this pure energy and throw it into water, visualizing as the water becomes clean and shining white. Imagine, the water is so clean that it devours all dirt, negativity and black parasitic forms. Say aloud or in your mind - “May this water become clean and purifying. I bless this water on behalf of my highest existence”. Feel your power and your unlimited being affecting the water with its will and purity.

Take white sea salt in your hand and keep it covered with your other hand for some time. Visualize again the purity and whiteness of this salt that burns all negative energies. Say in your mind or aloud -“I bless the purest salt that cleanses all negativity on behalf of my highest existence”. And add it into the water. It’s done.
(+) You can also add herbs into the water that will strengthen and maintain energy of the water, especially when you want to keep some water for later use. It can be pieces of yarrow or other herbs with healing properties.

(+) (5)
If you want to boost the water with the energy of other entity, take its opened sigil and place it under the bowl. While visualizing purity of water ask in your mind your chosen entity (best with healing abilities like Raphael, Anu e.g but it can be also any multifunctional spirit like Lucifer for e.g) to bless this water, then feel its power and thank your entity.

Yeey, now you got your own holy water. :+1:

Here’s my photo how it should look approximately;

(There are my two precious stones bathing, so don’cha worry)


  • As above, you can bathe and cleanse your precious stones, stone runes or other things which are generally durable in water or waterproof (Stones should be cleaned after buying, once a week, depending on how often you use them or to what work you use them also) Just leave your stones in the water for a few minutes.

  • You can cleanse your magic stuff, using drops of cleansing water. You can apply a few drops on each card of your tarot (it’s a bit time-consuming but satisfying) or just spray whole deck of cards with the water. This also applies to your other magic tools.

  • If you want to protect a small, specific place in your house, soak your fingers in water and draw a circle on the ground around this place or thing. If you want to clean the room or space from the negative energies just spray the air with water, visualizing how it becomes cleaner and free from all negativity. It’s also a good way to prepare a place for your ritual.

  • You can soak your finger in cleansing water and draw protecting sigils (if not sigils, then draw just crosses) on a wall/thing, while reciting protecting formula, like -“This place/thing is protected from all negative energy and entities, on behalf of my highest existence” e.g.

  • You can make a cleansing bath by pouring the whole bowl into prepared water in the bathtub. While taking bath visualize shining, white light devouring all negativity inside and outside your body, relax.

  • If you want to drink cleansing water, do the all actions as above but skip salt. Do not add salt or herbs into the water. Just drink clean, blessed water from the bowl (bottled water).

  • To bless and cleanse your body, soak your fingers in cleansing water and apply drops of water on 5 places of your body - (1) the tip of head (2) forehead (3) shoulders (4) heart area-(As my picture shows;) Visualize white/or gold light that spreads down from these points to your entire body.


I hope my guide helped you and opened you for greater use of your magic tools and unlimited power of your will. Feel free to ask and enjoy your own holy/cleansing water. :+1:


Is it just me, or do I see two indigo orbs on the lower two candles

Pretty dope
Nice work


Nope it isn’t just you. ^___^


Thanks! Yeah, my camera had a problem with focusing on the view and those “orbs” are quite visible. You can see also lines of the triangle of energy between the candles, if you sharpen your senses.

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I’m so very late, but thanks for sharing🤗

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Hello. I was searching for a way of doing this and I just want to know if Holy Water can be stored and how? Thank you in advance.