Group servitor for DNA repair(anti aging) and vitality (life force)

Late reply because I’m just now having some internet time, but damn, this is grim reading:



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In the 90s/2000s, they already put warnings in the handbooks of mobile phones.
Things like: “having at least 7m distance to the device while using it.”
And that they would not recommend the use of such devices for pregnant women.

Now, we have those little microwaves in our pockets.
And people got their brain literally heated up because of the radiation.
We got people, who quit using smartphones, and who expierence backaches, headaches and concentration issues less often.

Put plants right next to your wifi.
Put the same kind of plants, in places without or less radiation and compare it to those right next to routers.

EDIT: being in a car or public transport makes it just worse.
Its echoing in that metal construct

For some time, i used to put my phone on a sheet of aluminium foil, and put a colander over it.

Thats also working for RFID


Smartphone addiction is literally killing people who read their phone instead of looking at traffic, and whenevr we go to a cafe or reaturant most people are immersed in their phones and not really paying attntion to the people they;re woith.

If I became Queen of the World tomorrow, I’d ban the damned things outright, you get your simple candybar phones for calls and texts, none of this crap (and while this is about women, men have their own version, especially London “metrosexuals” who live for likes on their latest witty remark about something): A Typical Tuesday.

They’re rotting people’s brains in more ways than just the radiation.