Group servitor for DNA repair(anti aging) and vitality (life force)

@Drachir It’s a group servitor. For public use. You will still have to evoke it, and add your own energy to it.

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Hope you don’t mind that I have translated it for those who don’t read German…

The dream is ancient: Even in prehistoric times, humans wanted to overcome death and into the early new times the search for the fountain of youth continues. Now immortality becomes a possibility! The Science magazine “Science” wrote that a team of French researchers led by Maurice Dupree, that it should be possible to switch off genetically programmed death.

Maurice Dupree has discovered that the ends of all human chromosomes have 250 to 1500 TTAGGG bases. These bases are called telomeres, and determine internally the differences between cell types. The same Telomeres were found in more than 100 animals with a spinal column such as birds, reptiles, amphibians and bony fish. What purpose do telomeres serve? Dupree’s research unveils the the reason, cell again and ultimately cell death. With every cell division a piece of the telomere is lost through biochemical reactions. This is no great tragedy as the telomere does not contain any information that can be inherited. It is after a specific number of cell divisions simply “exhausted”, only then the genetic material is taken. The chromosome falls apart and the cells die.

I will come back to the third image and translate that later when I have some more time - but essentially it’s discussing the future and the possibility of pharmaceuticals to attenuate cell death.

Hope this is helpful.


I’ve done a bit of a translation for you… I will try to come back to finish but summed up the last image.:slight_smile:

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Of note:

From that link:

The study revealed that telomeres – the protective units of DNA that cap the ends of chromosomes in cells – were shorter in the white blood cells of survey participants who reported drinking more soda. The findings were reported online Oct. 16 in the American Journal of Public Health.

The length of telomeres within white blood cells – where it can most easily be measured – has previously been associated with human lifespan. Short telomeres also have been associated with the development of chronic diseases of aging, including heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer.

A good buddy of mine online got off his Monster & soda habit by going to sweet fruit & herb teas with a teaspoon of sugar, and black coffee with 2tsp, then reducing the sugar over time, he’s a black tea man now and looks miles better. :thumbsup:

Sweet tooth can be unlearned pretty easily for adults, hit me up via PM for what I have on this if anyone is interested, bit too OT for here. :wink:


Sugar and artificial sweeteners are disastrous for us.

This may be off-topic but I also want to warn people that if you are on medication, especially those that dissolve eg painkillers; that many contain sweeteners as excipients. In my case I have discovered a sensitivity to aspartame (not an affectation but a real issue that causes migraine) so I can’t and don’t drink diet drinks YET in many pain medications they use aspartame as a sweetener!

I really don’t get it, I want pain relief NOT a cocktail. It could taste like marinated mothballs for all I care, it’s not about taste so why do they put sweeteners in pain medication? I think we can hazard a guess.


I’m 100% of the way there with you on that stuff, OMG… vitamin C tablets often sneak that in, and they’ll change the formula without mentioning it so you have to check the same brands every time, or buy the more expensive kinds, but really they should be in the same affordability range as basic OTC drugs in my opinion.

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THANK you <3

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While we’re awaiting a wonder-drug, there is some evidence that fasting can have a beneficial effect on telomeres:


I think jaggery is a good natural substitute for sugar.

They still use jaggery in parts of Asia. But not as much as before…

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Fasting helps with getting rid of toxins from the body. It is really wonderful and people should definitely give it a go. It can be exhausting yes, but the result is worth it.


I think the issue is if it all ends up being processed in the same way whether refined or not it’s the same C6H12O6 molecule that will end up wrecking your body and messing hormonal levels.

Having said that I use coconut sugar and oil, and this has helped my husband and my own health although we have in the last year regained a little of our weight after losing on a carb restricted diet.

Telomeres are one area but the real killer for many is under the radar chronic inflammation.


I know this may sound gross, but not sure if it’s yrue. I heard going to a professional and getting a regular colonic for some days will flush alot out of your body like certain metals. Never tried it, but hopefully someone can pipe up and confirm it’s good for or not, or doesnt make a difference.

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I think he’s talking about mutations from radiation


Just saw this video yesterday.

Every scientific study I have ever read about detoxes say they are too extreme. Eating a variety healthy food is all the detox the body needs to “detox”.
I make preparing and eating food a sort of ritual. I love delicious food and I was a really crazy health nut, aka : woudn’t eat a thing that wasn’t organic, thought all food and water was poisoned by Monsanto and the government. I am not saying that it isn’t all poisoned BUT believing that the food I am ingesting is poison does more harm than eating whatever produce I can afford and believing that it is wonderful for my body. While I prepare and eat my food I think about how wonderful it is: the taste and the nutritional value go hand-in-hand in my mind. Also, it helps that I make fucking delicious food.

There was a study done on the placebo effect in weight loss on people who had physically laborious jobs but didn’t view themselves as physically active (maids/housekeepers)

I’ll pull a Lady Eva and paste the good stuff right here:

"Perceptions Matter

What was even more bizarre, she says, was that, despite the fact all of the women in her study far exceeded the U.S. surgeon general’s recommendation for daily exercise, the bodies of the women did not seem to benefit from their activity.

Langer and her team measured the maids’ body fat, waist-to-hip ratio, blood pressure, weight and body mass index. They found that all of these indicators matched the maids’ perceived amount of exercise, rather than their actual amount of exercise.

[He then changed their perception and…]

One month later, Langer and her team returned to take physical measurements of the women and were surprised by what they found. In the group that had been educated, there was a decrease in their systolic blood pressure, weight, and waist-to-hip ratio — and a 10 percent drop in blood pressure.

[It was also noted that the maids did not change their routines] "

This reinforces an idea I try to live by: Everything you do, do with intention.


“The universe is mental…”

:frog: :thumbsup:


he. is. everywhere. :scream:

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just eat some more vegetables/greens or fruits,
and your body’s detox program works faster.

A steak needsl ike 50 hours or more to leave your body.
Vegetarian food 12-24 hours.
Raw nuts 8 hours.
A banana 3 hours. (no artificially concentrated sugar and not sugar substitute that is a nerval toxin)
and it has vitamins and aminoacids to help your deal with the sugar, and minerals to better absorb the vitamins.


I would always take a perfectly prepared steak tartare over a banana.

Talking about radiation - have a look at what 5G radiation does to your sweat glands - apologies for lack of links but there are government and other reports online which essentially state that your sweat glands will act as antennae.


Crème brûlée and glass of Sauternes work wonders, especially if I didn’t eat anything during the day.

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No kidding:

  • slowing down metabolism
  • rising up kundalini
  • no exhaustion on any level
  • stretching up your body
  • keep your mind in good shape