Group Grand Rite of Wealth with Duchess Bune


The Golden Gates of Wealth & Divination await all those who would come knock on this door. This ritual will open a door to wealth and prosperity in many different forms. From a deeper growth and expansion, to increased income; Duchess Bune will provide!
For many years I have worked very closely with this incredible Duchess to open doors that I had only dreamed of opening. I have had times in life where I was able to get extra income out of nowhere when I was in dire need. Some of the best paying jobs I was able to secure by working with her. My greatest psychic breakthrough with my astral sight was working with her.
Now for this all you must do is draw her sigil (which I will have at the bottom of this post)
Open it and let the Duchess know that you would desire to have your help with.
You can do this many weeks before the ritual and carry her sigil with you. And the night of the rite just burn the sigil. Now if you want to get a candle ,chocolates , write her a letter of appreciation or place blood on it; that is up to you. It will add more potency in my opinion if you share your energy and appreciation to this Goddess.

This is more of a custom intention you can set for what you’d like to gain from this ritual

Golden Gate Rite
Awaken & Strengthen your Clairvoyance
Increased Wealth & Abundance
Destroy Blockages Holding back Prosperity
Opener of Doors & Opportunities

If you want me to make a personalized offering for you just DM and i’ll let you know what I will offer


I definitely need in on this one. Thanks for offering it :grin:

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Oh, yes! My favorite lady! I have been working with her for some years now. I have several posts about her on BALG.

All the faces of Bune, as she appeared to me:

Same here. I’m always appreciative of her. I can’t thank her enough! I’m definitely joining this ritual.

Hail Duchess Bune!

Alash Tad Alash Tal Ashtu


You nailed her appearance on how I see her. She is filled with so much wisdom and assurance. And she’s a absolute smoking fox :crown: she is incredible!
So happy to have you join in! @CyberLord


Happy to have you join in!

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I’m down. Thanks L

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I’m in for this one!


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Im in, many thanks

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Thanks for another great Group Rite!

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I want to participate in this ritual.

Thank you!

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I also would like to participate. Thank you for offering this! I have not met Bune yet. What do you recommend I do prior to the ritual?

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I would also like to participate in this ritual.

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I’d say open her sigil and place a drop of blood on it and just carry it with you till the night of the ritual :metal:t2:

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Hell yeah!!

Thanks I am pretty excited about this one!

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Thanks for this, Hail Duchess Bune

I am interested in joining please

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I will be making a video this weekend diving deeper into what you can do to enhance your rite :metal:t2:


Hello,I would like to participate,thank you for this opportunity.Hail Bune!:orange_heart:


Yes! Please would love to take part in this ritual. Is there any more recommended, reading or researching, spiritual baths ect for Duchess Bune that would help before the ritual ?

Thank you in advance