Grimoire Wiki

Well - after some consideration, I’ve decided to start on a project that may be quite supplemental to the study of entities and magick.
One thing that struck me as something to consider heavily is when somebody mentioned that EA was weary of grimoires containing entities of opposite disposition. Another thing that concerned me was the level of access a simple net surfer might have to this material. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am in now way opposed to people learning and progressing. However I am worried that some people might run into material they aren’t ready for (including myself :P)
Nonetheless, I finally decided to go ahead and get this going. I have registered the domain name:
I have only just begun working on this, but I would like the input of others. The server I’m currently running this on has been somewhat slow lately and I have considered moving it to another location.
If you go to that address, you will see a parked site. Which is on purpose. You must append /gw/ to the end of the domain name to see the actual wiki. For now, I ask that this is not revealed to too many other people. There is a lot of work to be done.
For instance, in order to keep our friends of the spiritual realm in a suitable environment, I will be constructing categories and sub-categories with background colors and/or images pertaining to that particular kingdom. This is so Angels and Demons aren’t side by side on this site. They will have their own category.
If this seems like I might be going outside the space of what is proper, please let me know.
However, if you feel that this will be a benefit to the community and would like to help enter and categorize, please let me know.
This is why I’m seeking the input of the BALG community. Though this is my little side project for the time being, I think it would be quite beneficial to have our own online, searchable (when you’re looking for a particular entity for a particular task), and totally detailed interlinked mega grimoire available only (only for now - depending on what you guys think and how this all goes) to our enclosed community.
I have begun categorizing the entities and their sigils of Bardons works for now. I will be inputting them into the wiki very soon under both categories: Bardon, and Planetaries.
If you would like to gain an account, simply go the the address listed and sign up. Only those who have an account and are approved are capable of making entries.
What do you guys think?
Thoughts and ideas?
I feel like I may be on some thin ice with this project, however, I also feel it could be an incredible boon to our community. How many times have you pored through grimoires looking for just the right entity for a task?
I am hopeful that this can take off in the right direction. So any feedback and help will greatly be appreciated :slight_smile:
(I use arbitrary means of writing the actual url so as to not tip any type of bot off as to where it might gain access to the actual wiki. I’m not totally sure how Timothy has this set up to handle bots, so I’m just being careful for now)

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My hopes for this discussion is to 1) come up with what is an acceptable means of categorization. 2) discussion on the development of this project and how it can best server our community. 3) resolve and possible apprehensions to this project. and 4) discuss the possibility of adding rituals, spells, and other non-entity topics and how that might be accomplished.
I’m also somewhat apprehensive as that I’m not sure what EA and Timothy have planned. I’m not in the business of stepping on toes. I only want to do my part to help our community grow with the best possible tools. :slight_smile:
Much love! :slight_smile:


I love the idea! That said, it really is a grand scheme; lotta man-hours, even more brain-work. If this bunch pulls together, we might actually grow this * lil wiki * into Maturity! Amazing ingenuity on your part; I can’t wait to find out Timothy’s reaction to this - being so UberTech, as you seem to be, bet his mind will be off like a rocket! My Tech knowledge is woefully inadequate to be of any assist in the implementing of it, but I’d be more than happy to pitch in with research on topics & data entry … THAT I CAN do.

Lotta Luv back atcha :wink: Z

Excellent Zoe! :slight_smile:
I am actually quite relieved and extremely excited that the first response was positive :slight_smile: thank you!

I think compiling a straight-forward, richly detailed, obfuscation-free catalog of established spirits would be the milestone that definitively moved magic out of the Middle Ages. (The BOA was a huge step in that direction - my first thought reading the spirit descriptions was “The grimoire has FINALLY grown up.”)
Instead of the scant, murky two-sentence descriptions of old grimoires, a wiki format would allow you to maximize information, providing tables of associations, descriptions, accounts and experiences, and straight-forward descriptions of each spirit’s field of influence. None of that “He appears as a bald haberdasher, teaches shoehorning, and gives knowledge of the making of spectral fruitcakes,” crap where you have to call them up and interrogate them to find out whether or not they can actually help you.

[quote=“Sultitan_Itan, post:5, topic:111”]I think compiling a straight-forward, richly detailed, obfuscation-free catalog of established spirits would be the milestone that definitively moved magic out of the Middle Ages. (The BOA was a huge step in that direction - my first thought reading the spirit descriptions was “The grimoire has FINALLY grown up.”)
Instead of the scant, murky two-sentence descriptions of old grimoires, a wiki format would allow you to maximize information, providing tables of associations, descriptions, accounts and experiences, and straight-forward descriptions of each spirit’s field of influence. None of that “He appears as a bald haberdasher, teaches shoehorning, and gives knowledge of the making of spectral fruitcakes,” crap where you have to call them up and interrogate them to find out whether or not they can actually help you.[/quote]

I can’t agree with you more. This is and has been one of the major driving force behind the project, from conception to beginning construction. :slight_smile:
Thank you for your support!


I love the idea! It would be nice to have category searches tied to specific goals or paths your trying to work. Also would like to see a monitored comment section for each spirit, that way anyone who evokes the spirit can add to the description. I am concerned about it falling into the hands of the idiot, so as long as it’s protected and an invite only site I’d be interested in seeing it come to fruition. Good luck with it!

Question? Is there any account you know of that had any idiot being able to manifest any spirits through the process of using a sigil or any evocation? Hell, plenty of individuals with experience are not able to get in touch with ANY…and it appears that is what has fueled this site…to educate and pass on the process correctly.

Just curious.


The idiots hands I’m worried about are the ones who would post sigils of entities they’ve had no personal experience with, no real knowledge about, and are just looking for some kind of attention. Or someone who would intentionally mislead other members with phony sigils or things designed to bring curses into their lives. I’m all for educating and passing on real information and real experiences as we each ascend our own path to god hood.

DKM, I think you’re idea of creating a sort of online grimoire is a great idea! I think this project will have to take the effort of quite a few people. Unless you have a collection of several grimoires at your disposal to input sigils and descriptions from. I’ll be more than happy to help any way I can. The more, the merrier. I also agree with Sultitan_Itan and ZachD555.

I think it’s a fantastic idea, I can see where the idiot comes into play. This would indeed be a great idea to add to our community, love the idea of being able to comment and share experience with the entity as well. Gives people an idea of what to expect as well. The more we all know the better. Thanks for a fantastic idea and the hard work and time. I’ll try and chip in what I can as well as we all should.

Another thing I was just thinking about…personally my financial situation is just basically run into the ground. I want to research and read more but cant afford a lot. Tried some money spells a few months ago but no luck. Anyway, sorry about the rambling. I found a site with an extensive book collection and grimoires of all sorts. It’s called, it’s completely free and you should have access to plenty of info. Might help everyones quest I’m hoping. Great reading in there. Hope this helps.

A general comment from the other side of the fence regarding the aforementioned “idiots” …

Just how much responsibility ought we assume for protecting these idiots from their own idiocy? AND: Are they really idiots, or are they us, 10 years ago, stumbling along trying to find their way?

Just another perspective I’m throwing out there… :wink: Z

[quote=“Zoe, post:13, topic:111”]A general comment from the other side of the fence regarding the aforementioned “idiots” …

Just how much responsibility ought we assume for protecting these idiots from their own idiocy? AND: Are they really idiots, or are they us, 10 years ago, stumbling along trying to find their way?

Just another perspective I’m throwing out there… :wink: Z[/quote]

That’s a GREAT point Zoe! Sometimes when people first come across occult information, their “curiosity” gets the best of them. So those people who want to just jump into the deep end without studying, experiencing, and mastering certain skills first, then that’s on THEM.

I think the assumed responsibility would be to post only that which you are knowledgeable and experienced with, after that the responsibility of the outcome is on the practitioner. I guess my fear is that a website like that would turn into goobily-gop of untested unproven nonsense that only wastes our valuable time. The idiot is the one who posts without understanding, without care of others and with out feeling the responsibility of really doing his homework before contributing. The idiot is not the person trying his best to learn this secret art, stumbling through rituals, and putting his whole being into mastering himself and the power of godhood.

As I mentioned before I’d love to be a member of a website that was a directory of sigils, I think that would be so helpful having that much combined knowledge at our finger tips.

[quote=“ZachD555, post:15, topic:111”]I think the assumed responsibility would be to post only that which you are knowledgeable and experienced with, after that the responsibility of the outcome is on the practitioner. I guess my fear is that a website like that would turn into goobily-gop of untested unproven nonsense that only wastes our valuable time. The idiot is the one who posts without understanding, without care of others and with out feeling the responsibility of really doing his homework before contributing. The idiot is not the person trying his best to learn this secret art, stumbling through rituals, and putting his whole being into mastering himself and the power of godhood.

As I mentioned before I’d love to be a member of a website that was a directory of sigils, I think that would be so helpful having that much combined knowledge at our finger tips.[/quote]

@ZachD555 : I agree. There is a large range of volatile hurdles that need to be treated with great care. Especially in the beginning of its creation. The more I think about this, the more I would like to offer a static version to the public. Possibly even in PDF form. However, the live version I think should be maintained and contributed to by a select group of individuals. The more experience each member gains, the more can be added to the site. I think it would be safe to say that it would be a rare occurrence to have false data submitted on purpose. I think the safest way to start out would be to input entities, descriptions, and their sigils from the most classic and well known grimoires. Also, those entities who have appeared in more than one grimoire would be a safe bet as well. After that, it would be up to the community to suggest an entity and have a rule of - say - 3. Where an entity will not be submitted until at least 3 of the more experienced members can confirm what is said. I would also like to remain open to the idea of allowing new entities discovered by members so long as they pass the same Rule-Of-Three test.
Through this method, I think this would actually begin to clean up and refine a lot of the mistakes that have been passed down through the centuries and merely kept around simply because there has not been any form of validation such as a wiki.

@nordichammer : Excellent! Thanks for the link. I also happen to have the entire DigiMob Occult Submission Digest collection. So, the more the merrier! :smiley:

I think I’m going to get the site moved to my Linode account for speed’s sake, get some graphics going, and open it up for registration. I’ll make a post as soon as I have it ready.

So - shall we start compiling a list of the first and most important grimoires to start with? Just quote and add to the quote - I think that should be fine :slight_smile:


  • The Practice of Magical Evocation - By Franz Bardon
  • The Lesser Key of Solomon (Goetia) - Unknown
  • Grimoire of Honorious - Pope Honorious III
  • Necromonicon - Lovecraft???
  • The Book of Abremalin - Abremalin The Mage
  • Book of Azazel - EA Koetting
  • Honoring Death: The Arte of Daemonolatry Necromancy - S. Connolly
  • Kingdoms of Flame - EA Koetting
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I think the “Grimoire of Honorious” and “Necromonicon” would be useful…

alrighty :slight_smile: Added

goetia, book of azazel, Honoring Death: The Arte of Daemonolatry Necromancy, and kingdoms of flame would be good additions