And I apologise for tardiness on responses. I did mention the hoard of children, though
No apology needed. Thank you for sharing.
I just began Draconian Ritual Book and am attracted to Tiamat, anyway, last night I had a really vivid dream that I stood at an altar calling on Tiamat with a giant dragon claw, really creepy energy and power!
Is there a specific area of energy work that you think people should be proficient with or just energy work in general
Absolutely fabulous Grimoire, perfect for anyone who feels that Tiamat is calling to them or anyone interested in Tiamat & her brood. Magically intense and extremely powerful.
Any kind of energy work will do. The important thing is to be able to sense and identify energetic patterns, knowing the difference between internal, external, primal, individual, etc.
I’ve had this book for a while but the invocation / evocation processes kinda bugged me out, felt it was a bit too complicated for where I’m at currently.
Interesting read nontheless.
I didn’t know you could the meditation on their own. Seems to be quite powerful.
You can do the meditations or the dreamwork independent of the actual rituals. They can be quite useful.
I’m gonna dig into it for sure !
I’ve read your post about changes that happened in your life following your work with the Grimoire.
May I ask, during your meditation, were you focused on the changes you wanted to see or did you just let yourself drift through it and it happened anyway ?
I don’t have a goal as such during any of these workings, just allow the experience and the journey to happen, the energy in your life will shift and goals just manifest.
Thank you for your advice
Do you have any recommendations for books on energy work?
this is a great thread. hard to find info on this book.
I felt Tiamat pulling me a long time and finally grabbed the book and spent a LONG time researching then getting the Draconian ritual book to start on the energy exercises.
Finally got around to doing the full Tiamat invocation and connect to her current. Wow, the ritual was intense in a very loving and powerful way. This is also my first ‘full’ experience of Asenaths ‘proper’ invocation as I had not explored these realms as I am not ‘LHP’ etc, but reading enough Asenath I now understand her approach and resonate strongly with her philosophy. A true professional. I have plenty of Goetia experience but this was next level. It was very very powerful.
Life is going all yo-yo now, haha. so i am tuned in, woah. scary at first! I had an evening the a week after where I felt her current very very strongly;…a real experience of the kind of energy I am now attuned to. There’s strong tension within me which balances out when I do any energy work, especially the fire meditations from the DRB. Purging is going on.
My approach is just to tune into her as I felt her pull. I am not calling her to task or ask for chicks and money etc. It feels more as a HUGGGE level up in ‘being’. I’m not sure how to ride the current and confused as how to proceed a little bit. I’d like to start exploring her demons perhaps just through their meditations but the book does not really state why the meditations are there. Can someone elaborate on this?
Also, is their dreamwork for Tiamat? There is for her spirits but not her? Also, can I user her meditation as a regular thing or do I just let the invocation do what it needs to do?
My approach for this is not for the malediction work, although goddamn it feels like you’re sorted if you need any with this book, but for tuning into this wonderful ancient, powerful energy as we are all one in the end and this feels like the current one needs to really power up not only their magick but their sense of ‘self’.
thanks so much for posting your experiences.
how often were you doing the meditations and dreamworks?
oh last question. i love working with the gallery of magick books and i also work with shems, goetias and archangels…can I continue tasking these kinds of spirits whilst developing the draconian stuff? thanks!
Wow, not sure why I never got notification on this thread, sorry about that. I don’t see why you couldn’t continue other works, just please don’t try to mix them until you are really acclimated to the GoT.
gallery of magick books is what ?
Can i ask how often you do the invocation of Tiamat, followed by one of the meditations? Several times a week, less?
Can you explain the book a little bit? Amazon is kind of vague. What has the book done for you that is special from other magick books?
I use the invocation before each meditation, 3-4 times a week.