Going to try Djinn Magick

Read this as well

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Djinns get into your brain, they work with telepathy, smart a**, working with them looks like miracles, they all can do everything but have specificities

when they are connected to your mind you get flashes as if you were watching tv, i 've always found that amazing

Yeah, they even prompt some memories from childhood sometimes. Itā€™s really refreshing to have that nostalgic flashback. Gives you a sort of buff in your motivation.


A writer named " Hassan Elgendy" he writes horror stories about his experience with jinn ā€¦ Itā€™s the most amazing things i read in my life ā€¦ He tell the story as heā€™s a third party but thatā€™s happened for him for realā€¦ Unfortunately thatā€™s in Arabic only ā€¦ Thereā€™s a pdfā€™s for all his works but Arabic too

Also thereā€™s ā€œshams elmaarefā€ itā€™s abook for islamic magick with djinns and alot of things about them and there lifesā€¦ How to conjure them and all that stuff u wanna knowā€¦ Donā€™t know if thereā€™s English versions or any other language but Arabic


If u really want to know everything about djinns good luck finding the book called the book of the sun of gnosis. It has all the knowledge about djinns and how to summon them

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Its an old book but forbidden in almost all arabic countries due to its forbidden knowledge

Do watch out with Djinns. It always comes with a price. Lets say u wish for something, something else will take ā€˜the beatingā€™. So in my case i wished for my best friend to pass even though he had 0 chance. While the djinn did made me pass as well, a really good friend of my best friend failed but i asked for that because i knew that if i wanted my best friend to pass it would only work with a sacrifice


It always works that wayā€¦
Djinn will do anything you want but you need to sacrifice something of equal valueā€¦ Or sacrifice other things that you normally would think isnā€™t in your moral compassā€¦ Such as sacrificing an animal. But it all depends on what you ask for.


Yeah exactly

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Shouldnā€™t the sacrifice be more personal? Like something that would affect you as well in one way or another? To sacrifice something that belongs to someone else is really convenient, that way we can wish for everything and sacrifice the bad neighbour 2 blocks away!


I just purchased this. thanks

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Most people donā€™t seem to grasp what a sacrifice is, seems to get interchanged with an offering. I agree with you though.


It was personal since only the 3 of us were planning on going to a school in Utrecht and we planned on sticking together (3 of us) the entire length of the course

He is a good friend of me too but i met him through my best friend and it affected me too because i really wanted to go with the 3 of us. Sorry i made it sound like the friend has no connection to me.

Hi.@ebdr did you get any results?
What are your experiences so farā€¦
I am planning to purchase the book too

hi! yep! i called for abundance of paying clients, and 5 days later i got purchased :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the quick response.
Any side effects as claimed by others?
Which are easy and safe to work ?djinn or daemon?
I have the same djinn and demons books from gallery of magic

no side effect so far!
no dangers, no noise, nothing
i did use a tealight candle during the day
i got in a transe like state tho before calling

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I tend to believe there is a definite distinction between gifts/offerings and sacrifice. Sacrifice for me is something personal of self that I value highly that I would offer freely expecting nothing (but certainly hope Itā€™s not in vain). A bargain or trade is different still in the exchanges deal. A bribe is perhaps something even more of a trade. And then thereā€™s blackmail.

A sacrifice should truly make you think.