
I dont know, why should Angels protect us? lol, maybe they just want to help for the sake of it

I don’t know about angels. But in mythology, these are service creatures, unconscious, and the demons realized their essence and began to act independently.

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who? the demons?

Angels. Some of the angels realized and became demons.

Angels are not service creatures, they have free will, some have fallen (like Lucifer) just because they wanted to

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Yeah the spirits dont like this method man that’s the truth.

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I’m a lazy bitch I use a sigil and their song and that’s about it :slight_smile:


Hehehehe yeah me too!

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Do an intro OP

But if it’s all too confusing how you’re trying

Magick of Angels and Demons is a book I like that uses shem angels as a union of power and I feel offers me the safety I prefer as a beginner without the complexity of what you seem to be doing

You can of course do it the way you have begun

Some people here don’t like it, do you … it’s your walk, you’re the one who will be having the experience


In ceremonial magick, the triangle is connected to Saturn, the god of densest matter, so for that reason it is used in evocation to help a spirit appear in full form.
In calling them to a non-physical plane, a circle is usually used.

The Great Misinterpretation.

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Yeah that was my bad completely :sweat_smile: thought was saying he found someone in the thread offensive

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As another note, in Master Works of Chaos Magick, if you look at the sigils of the Olympic Spirits, you’ll see that their sigils are within a triangle in the somewhat complex geometric figure that makes up the whole sigil. But the Olympic Spirits are considered to be Angels, so why would there be a need to constrain them? Like I said, the triangle is not always used to constrain. Many ceremonial magicians would use it for Angels if they are performing an evocation. This is just to help the spirit to appear on the physical plane. And in the context of that ritual in the Master Works of Chaos Magick, they do not follow you because you have constrained them, they follow you gladly because the use of the divine names with a sense of authority have given you the authority to do so. The triangle have other uses that are not offensive to spirits at all.

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You meant me? I think I know which comment you’re talking about, the one to Mulberry?

No, I meant, I find the triangle method offensive, the same as Mulberry as she finds it offensive too :slight_smile:


Yeah my b.

No I can see the misunderstanding too


Lol same

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going to add, just because you use the solomonic method and imprison them in a circle, doesnt mean it will actually work and that it will actually protect you


You do know the circle is for the magician, right? The triangle is for the spirit.

And it is ridiculous to think a mere triangle is “offensive” to the demon. That’s religious demonolator propaganda. The triangle simply demarcates the area set out for the spirit. If you have ever used one, you’d know that the spirit naturally gravitates towards it, as they understand it is the “chair” for them (it usually has the manifestation base set in it, instead of having it throughout the room).

The only part of a magick triangle that could possibly even remotely cause offence, would be the godnames usually inscribed around it. And, for the record, it’s not only Hebrew words of power, and angel names that are used, as I’ve also seen triangles that have Leviathan and Lucifer’s names used in a similar manner, to ensure cooperation from the entities that are summoned. It’s basically whatever “Higher Power” one draws authority from.

EA Koetting’s book Works of Darkness uses a simple circle of visualised blue energy, and a triangle of red energy during the evocation of demons, neither of which I have ever found to offend a spirit.