Gods of justice

Glad you got away

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He is also a god of justice. He watches everything because can look in every direction of the world at the same time.

Edit: Nevermind. Just make sure that the vampirism is real and not only imagined.

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That is interesting.

Even if imagined, learning chakra work amd parasite removal is a good thing.

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I went to a palm reading once the lady nearly told me everything about myself

I mentioned her because she stated my mind chakra was drained and I only had a few chakras that where strong.

Wellā€¦work on chakras and see if things improve. One step at a time.

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I will do my best I was thinking yoga would do me some good.

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Anyway. If the vampirism is real it will be interesting if you as a westerner try to work with this deity. You can share experience here after this.

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You are very inciteful and Intelligent. You are right I am a westerner.

Souls dont haveā€¦a raceā€¦or culture. One can work with deities from all regions of the world. I work with Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Scandanavian, etc. pantheons successfully. Current region isnt a hinderance. However, I think pantheons from certain regions can fill some important roles. This being a war god, I might give it a swing. :slight_smile:


I read on another thread there is a coming war between gods of some sorts.

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This is old Polish monument from 9th centuries which shows him:


Its just something the gods have told several pplā€¦about some type of conflict.

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That looks pretty old!

No. Oh. A lot of Spam ā€¦ This is my last post in this topic. Maybe I am wrong but entity is just an entity. If you receive results it doesnā€™t matter from where is it. Sorry if a offended someone.


You didnt, bud. No need to leave :slight_smile:

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No you didnā€™t offend anyone. I like your input.

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I will try him and give you results.

You can made divination before this. You can choose every god of justice from every pantheon. This was just my first idea. I like him because he has four faces and see everything. You can ask here if you need a help with pronunciation (if you really decide to try it).