

I honor both the feminine and masculine not just to balance myself but because both are necessary in many animals to procreate (not all but most eukaryotes).


I agree!

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Thanks for these. I want to work with a Goddess who will help me with my path, who tells me secrets of the universe, teaches me tricks to trade to help the world, and with whom I can chill and also watch Netflix :smiley:

I’m a guy so I definitely don’t degrade my own species, on top of it I love to piss feminists off when they try to portray all men as pigs and try to emasculate all of us. Yes both men and women are equally important.

There is a wonderful mythic story from India …don’t know the source but I read it somewhere. Shakti, the cosmic female was lonely, yearned for love and created three men out of her body - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Brahma said I can’t be your lover because I was born from your body, you are my mother, Vishnu said something like my nature is totally different from yours so I can’t be your lover either and she decided to annihilate all three of them so they begged Shiva to be her lover. Shiva said I can be your lover only if you give me your third eye and she agreed, and when he gets it, he destroys Shakti and turns her into three different women, each as a consort for Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

If you read any proper Tantric text, it is a dialogue between Shiva and Shakti… to me she acts like she doesn’t know and let Shiva tell her everything but it must be intentional on her part :slight_smile:

The problem I have with wiccans is that their spirituality seems seems to be tied to identity politics. Many seem to be functioning from an unhealthy victim mindset. Of course, this is an opinion formed based on personal experience.

I don’t have a problem with people having different beliefs as long as they are not trying to impose it on others. This seems to happen a lot in wiccan communities.

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Of course shakti only pretends not to know, she knows. In some tantras, shakti teaches shiva. I can’t say which is superior, both are technically the same. But I usually see shiva as superior, as the active principle helps us to realise the passive principle, also that shakti without her shaktiman will usually lead to destruction. I hope you know initially shankaracharya was against shakti.

Regarding the story, I’d like to infer the esoteric aspect of it. I’m not sure, but maybe it is something like this.

Shakti is the sense of self identification, the ego, and the we know that the ego is possessive about everything it self identifies with. The three gods are rajas, sattva and tamas personified. Hence we see the ego is enmeshed with the three gunas. ( shakti wants them as a lover, possessive like ego) . Shiva, who is tamas, asks for the third eye, hence destroying the duality of his mind. By destroying duality, he also destroys the limited sense of self identification, which is the limited ego. Burning is probably a metaphor for tapasya, as it generates heat. Hence by opening our third eye through tapasya, we can trancend duality.

Should he something along the lines of that. Not sure btw. Would love your insight on what you think could be the esoteric meaning

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Well I am a feminist who also happens to love men not just romantically, my best friends are guys, and I’m a mom to sons. So I absolutely believe that both men and women are equally important. I don’t think all men are pigs. I was lucky to have the best Dad any kid could want and my brothers are great.

So why am I a feminist? Well I feel that the religion on my childhood (Catholicism) treated and promoted females as 2nd class people.

I have never felt that patriarchy was about all men oppressing all women, Not not at all instead, Patriarchy has always been about a small group of mostly men (and a few women) promoting hereditary rule by that small group over the rest of the population.

So I’m a feminist that thinks most men are great.

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Yes, yes! This is soooo fucking true! Some of the most judgmental people I’ve ever met have been Wiccans.

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IME goddessess rock! I haven’t met as many gods as goddesses, but ones you form a bond with are often the most intense connections you can experience.

Mahakali, Aditya, Lilith, etc. seem to be way stronger than the male versions of their energy.


I have worked with Lilith before and i am planning on working with her again. I sometimes work with Erzulie Dantor. But presently i work with Olokun and Santa Muerte.

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Lol. That would never happen.

Freya, Frigg, Sif
Just to name a few. Goddesses and the Feminie Divine in general are very pleasant to work with. Tiamat is such a wonderful teacher, but can teach hard lessons. Freya is much more gentle. She is full of so much love. I’ve done very successful Love and lust spells with her.

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Happens all the time! Lilith is more powerful than Samael, Mahakali is stronger than Mahakala, and so on. It seems to be dependent on what the energy does, and female energy is more widely adaptable than male energy.


I don’t understand please explain?

Matriarchy was around for quite a while before patriarchy.

Sometimes. If Wicca would stick to working with Nature and her elements that would be great.

So many times both identity politics and petty witch wars and jealousies get in the way. I’ve been Wiccan since 1987 so I’ve seen it all.

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@Kaamdev I didn’t know about that Shankaracharya was against Shakti. And the esoteric meaning to the myth differs as per interpretation… I agree with you to some extent. If I remember correctly ego comes a later stage after the gunas come out. If that is the case then Shakti is not just body or self identification but gestalt of every thing. She is the giver of forms and also the void into which all forms dissolve.

Aditya… which goddess?

@idea gods/goddesses

Meh… neither and both.

I am saying that goddesses can never have supremacy over gods.

Lol. How is female energy more adaptable than male energy?

Aditya is to space as Kali is to time. So, if Kali could be considered fire and earth, Aditya would be water and air.

Raven, Yin, AKA ‘feminine energy’, is the operating system on which the universe is built. There’s just so much more of it than anything else, so the consciousnesses that draw on or are based on feminine energy naturally have more to work with than masculine energy variations. Yin is also the essence of the senses, because it is the primordial ‘input’- negative to Yang’s positive. Adaptation isn’t something that occurs on its own, there has to be a stimulus which is being adapted to, by definition. Whereas masculine energy provides the vivifying stimulus, feminine energy is the observer that receives it, and can adapt according to what it wants- to shut off the stimulus, extend it, change it, and so on.

The easiest example to point out is in the Hindu deities. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva- some of the main deities in modern Hinduism- are all compared to bubbles in the ocean of Kali, who is herself a head on the body of Durga, who is but an eye of the Dragon Mahakali.