Any folks out there who primarily (although not exclusively) work with Goddess’ in any of her forms.
I would like to start a thread for us Goddess people to talk about working with Goddess’ and how that pertains to the LHP.
Any folks out there who primarily (although not exclusively) work with Goddess’ in any of her forms.
I would like to start a thread for us Goddess people to talk about working with Goddess’ and how that pertains to the LHP.
I worked with Lilith and her children. I believe that there are many goddesses, all different ones to work with. I have yet to met and work with anymore goddesses.
I’ve worked with Bastet and Sekemet and Hekate before but now work with The Morrigan.
The ones i’ve worked these Goddesses their great.
sorry one question, what sigil of Hecate worked for you?
Neither they are basically symbols which are associated with Hecate, I instead called her name and spoke her titles.
I then channeled a personal sigil for her, you could do the same.
They both work @anon2428374 I have used them both
@C.Kendall @itsnathanm7 thanks
Chinmamasta- currently working with her. She is beautiful, isn’t she???
Aphrodite my gurl also Artemis, Nyx, Gaia and Medusa - love every one of them
Medusa has always had my back
Right now I’m working with Cybele, and Danu, and Gaia mostly right now. In the past I’ve worked with Brigid, Demeter, Persephone, Aphrodite, Athena, and Hekate.
Invoked the moon as a goddess, Lilith (once, mixed results), and Hekate.
Now how Goddesses pertain to LHP… Same as everything to me.
Not just Dark Goddesses either.
I’m not sure where the idea LHP is Daemons only came from.
It’s the idea of not just believing in some Deity being out there but realizing that Deity is a part of you and you are the God. I think at that point what Spirit you speak too shouldn’t decide if your RHP or LHP.
There should be a forum dedicated to working with Goddesses.
Why? Why segregate LHP. LHP is LHP. Why waste time with labels.
It’s no different than Daemons. Also there are it’s called Wiccan.
I didn’t mean to create a separate section here for goddesses… I wish there were exclusive forums just for goddesses.
Why, though?
Because…they deserve?