God protected me from Satan

Touting 1+1=2 is not proselytizing.

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first satan does not go around attacking people like that, otherwise i would be dead long time ago and not just i but most of these people here in the forum. and i strongly believe no one attacked you, it was just your own imagination it was like when you are alone in the room at the time when you are kid and you start to get afraid all by yourself im sure it similar situation to you,

you already have this notion demons are bad so even if you will fall down while walking you may say satan pushed you down, so your mentality is the one that attacked you (if you were really attacked ) but not satan that i know

and secondly magic needs patience no one performed magic today and tomorrow he was powerful magician doing miracles all around the world, no such thing exists but if you feel the christian god helps you sure stick with him and you can share your success stories but dont put him like "hey jesus here to help you forget about the demons" i guarantee you this forum wasnā€™t built for that.

We love satan (the one who you claims attacked you) with all of our hearts, soul, mind and body and he is the protector not the attacker, he is savior not the deceiver ,therefore my friend you protected yourself from your own imaginations sokeep it cool

  • me reading through the whole thread *


In all seriousness though, yes you have the right to talk about what you experience. We all do. The thing is people have different experiences with beings (some get along better with some more than others). Just because what you experience is eight for you doesnt mean it works the same with everyone. If you care about god so much, its okay. But different people connect with different energies.


I have no problems with your beliefs. I just think we are all on our own spiritual journeys. I am fortunate to have the experience of meddling in the occult and religion (and they really arenā€™t all that different despite the opposing energies). I choose to drop it all because it is open to too much manipulation (in real life and the psychic realm, like deceiving spirits).

I donā€™t love satan, fyi :smiley: but more to the point, I just want to point out the staggering similarity between your respective views, that thereā€™s a good being and a bad being, and theyā€™re fighting over you, and one wants to give you unconditional aid while the other wants to deceive you.

I wonder what would happen if people dropped the labels and just had a chat about their experiences of the Saviour Force & the Deceiver Force?

Genuine question, it may be quite interesting to see if there are similarities in experience, symbolism, ways and times you got attacked, etc. :thinking:

:point_up: This is entirely correct.

But if you have anything like these featuring your own methods, youā€™re welcome to share @roulettekid :


Yasssssssssssss! :revolving_hearts::cupid::revolving_hearts:

I will not explain my views, as they are all over the place after a conversation with my Dad this afternoon. I was a bit more open about the LHP and the Occult.

He told me his views on the afterlife, I about fell outta my chair.

Can I just honest say, the more I heal myself, the more accepting I become of others? And I am learning itā€™s okay to know not everyone is going to like me.


Iā€™ve read through this whole thread and it seems that youā€™re missing the point of why many people come here. I canā€™t speak for everyone else but Iā€™m not here to pray to someone else for my needs. Iā€™m here to recognize my own power.

Nothing compares to the satisfaction of witnessing my own growth, and opening up another avenue. Even the smallest step forward is beautiful and amazing to me. Praying cannot provide me with what I get from advancing on my path. Just saying. So, my way is best for me. Asking another to give me what I can use my own power to achieve is just not the answer for me. Ashe, my ninja.


i am stupid curious and lazy but I am interested

I donā€™t believe this. Itā€™s just our subconscious and reality that weā€™re fighting. When things are going badly for us, we attribute it to outside forces, e.g., a Deceiver Force. Such outside forces may exist, but we cannot always do something about it. The real secret is to learn to control ourselves (our own minds) so we can react in a positive manner. This is the true door to personal growth and success.

Neither am I. I was just sharing previous experiences. I tried something else ~ something that is not normal. It worked for me for the time being.

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I should have quoted first, because this is what made me comment. Your idea that your way is better is what I believe most people have a problem with. Speaking on your experience and stating that itā€™s better for you specifically is one thing. It seemed like you were saying itā€™s better for everyone in general. Thatā€™s the idea that I disagree with.


This is so beautiful to read. It all starts with yourself. Which is why I am doing my 80 days of self work.


I believe you are spot on with this. No one wants to be told that they are not right and someone else is better. Especially if they put their life, heart and soul into it.



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@roulettekid what made you reply to 100 comments here, was that God saved you from Satan when you were ā€œattackedā€ (in the same imagination field where you saw aliens also i guess :roll_eyes:ā€¦)
So what all the other people should do here, when demons help them finding jobs, saving marriages, relationships and friendshipsā€¦?


Keep faith with the Lord

question mark, question mark, question mark???

Mental breakdown?


question mark, question mark, question mark???