God forms and evocation of yourself

Our god fomr our Self the one who is us the truely available part of our selves came as ouy “names” our true name.
Well we evoke spirits can we evoke our godform selves and also is ut possible to be possessed by iur Selves and if so how long for?
second Angle of thought in this: Wiccans teach that you must not speak it in case someone uses ut against you or that you can be bound if someone uses your true name. I find this absolute twiddled dog shit. Wacko fear based bs I was told but could not bring myself to believe or accept it.
But you can evoke someone elses godform so you can also evike “gods” and some “bind” said spirits to themselves or object. Therefore its curiously posinlb to do that to some one elses form. But we don’t bc its “bad gorm” not advantageous?
Third strain of thought in this topic is:
Is there any reason why we cannot be evoked if we have nit yet become “living” gods yet?
Lastly. How can we find iur god selves sigils?


Yes and for an indefinite amount of time. Anyone and anything can be evoked. That means you too.


Any living person can be evoked for any reason. A godform is really nothing more than an astral construct that someone has made and infused with a lot of power. That is godforms done right.

There is a school of thought that believes that your divine nature is floating around on the astral living its own life and that finding it and putting it on like a suit results in ascent. It never does because the premise is flawed.

A persons divine nature is already within them and they are about as merged with it as they are ever going to get.


If I may, not necessarily disagreeing merely curious, what’s the premise for that?


Interesting, in theory I don’t see why one couldn’t.


I’ve had friends evoke me using my own self made sigil, I don’t believe names hold that much power personally but to each their own. However, when people used a old sigil I made for myself they saw my true self. Of course I disconnected myself from that sigil and destroyed it. I do plan to make a better one at some point.


My premise for it is based on soul travel but also my observation of those who subscribe to the separate godself school of thought. The only thing that I have ever seen result from these “mergings” is megalomania and unhinged behavior.


“Menolmania & unhinged behaviour”
Interesting. According to which measurememt unhinged. Ok ok
Thank you for your input.

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Interesting. What makes it unhinged?


What makes people think we are separe.ww are a part of everything so then iur Selves is already a part of us…yet we still evoke. And still posess
Perjamps our “connection” is seperated by no more than a thin sheet or condom.
All we have to do is “render the veil” so its expressed.
I understand these concept quite well.
I don’t consider myself separate from Myself I am the personality Morgana and I am the personality Xxxx.
I have always felt one with this more so on that say of calling forth my name that near threw me backwards (I dis not yet have the strength to withstand the blast att).


I heard you had a godform scanning service. Did I hear correctly?

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I’m curious when they evoked you using your sigil was your energy ok? Like you did get more tired? Or did it not effect you at all?


That didn’t answer me though. Oh well.


Personally, I follow both camps. As above, so below. As within, so without. Who’s to say everything (including divinity) isn’t both within and without?

I don’t usually run into someone who follows both, but hearing the debates is always interesting.


I asked the question because if you have a vested financial interest in this subject then it makes me wonder where this is headed.

To answer your question, when I see people say things like “You wouldn’t talk to me like that if you knew who I really am. Do you know who I am?! DO YOU?!” That is unhinged. When someone is convinced of their godhood but can’t conjure their way out of a wet paper bag, that is unhinged.

When someone says that they have ascended to full godhood and then changes their mind and runs back to church, that is unhinged.


So Dante Abiel? Well sort of. Not quite the exact same thing yet similar.

Read the post above your response I quoted. I explained why.


Dante Abiel ran back to church as far as I know. And his methods are flawed and dangerous.

Years ago in spiritualist circles, it was trendy to claim that you are the reincarnation of some famous figure. This current obsession with discovering personal godforms is just the latest incarnation of that. It has become a kind of fantasy escapism.

Show me someone who has merged with their personal godforms and evidenced an enhanced ability to manifest power over their own lives as a result. Maybe those people are out there. I just don’t know who they are.


Well people respect C.Kendall, so. Then there is Velotak, if you remember or know him (old user on here).

Either way it’s not my responsibility to prove something to you. You really want to know, go see for yourself.


C Kendall is capable and has done things that directly result in ascent. Namely soul traveling and rising through the planes. So making a correlation there would be premature.

Been there and done that.


Not quite. Iirc, he has made a couple mentions here and there about a successful business venture.

As for my “vested financial interests”. I offer divination and consultations specifically. I never originally included nor really considered Godform readings until recently. Any that I have done were because I wanted to for certain individuals, which is why I will sometimes ignore public requests. I’m 1) not required to. 2) I may not even want to 3) why should I when there are tutorials on how to perform it step by step. 4) I work a 35-40+ hour work week and attend high school while living on my own. I don’t have time I can just spare to sit down and hold someone’s hand. So when word got out I can do that sort of thing you bet I fucking charged every last person that contacted me. May as well get something out of it. I never originally intended to offer a service for it.