Girlfriend broke up with me because I practice Palo Mayombe

Fuck that girl. I’m not gonna sit here and whine aww my girl left me blah blah because she cant except that I practice Palo. She’s Protestan. I’m a fucking magiacian and bitches be crazy. anyone ever have a chick leave cause she cant except this?

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Sounds lame, but i guess that’s how true christians are - They won’t accept us as anything else but devils. We’ll see who wins.

So magic upon her to akccept your workings :slight_smile:

Lol but seriously, if she can’t accept you because of your spiritual beliefs then she doesn’t deserve you. My girlfriend is Catholic and has no issues with my occult practices. She even gets curious every now and then and reads some of my grimoiro, asks, questions, etc. She supports me. You’ll find a girl like that man, just keep looking. Better yet, the Palo spirits will guide you to one. Don’t worry about it. It might hurt now but there are about 98 million single women that are of legal age (assuming you live in the US and are of legal age yourself) so plenty of bitches out there to give you and your spiritual path the respect they deserve.

Most people join churches when they are younger out of a ego development need to become part of a group. Many never progress beyond that stage.

I used to be a zealous christian protestant. However my unending focus and interest to discover truth revealed the limitations of that path, and I went beyond it.

If she has independent will to truth or power it’s possible. If she’s a follower, not so much unless you can reveal to her a better leader she will accept. She may eventually grow beyond it.

I’m Catholic. My religion is Catholic.

A practice of mine is black magic.

I don’t see the reason for people
to give in to one side. God, created
everything so and you need divinity
in order to give spirits orders.

And the demonic kings are just helpful beings.

I need both to get places. Saints and Angels to heal
and enlighten. While I need black magic for knowledge
and to change aspects of my life.

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My last bitch always got mad at me for being into the occult. I could never even mention it or else she would get mad and say I was obsessed and I am opening doors I will never be able to shut… uh yeah… that’s kind of the point. The cunt even had the nerve to go through my rare grimoires and try to get me to sell them on ebay. With most people it is all about control. If you are not easily controlled then they make your life hell until you submit. Be happy you got out of that when you did. It would only have gotten worse my friend. I for one distance myself from EVERYONE. I have VERY few that are close to me. The mundane do not understand us and probably never will or care to for that matter. The reason I am so against control of any kind if because believe it or not I grew up a Jehovah’s Witness… talk about control… those fuckers take the cake.

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How old are you? Just wondering because it’s pretty common knowledge (most) Christians are intolerant of magickal practices, at least here in the U.S. Don’t need to be able to tell the future to know that. You’re lucky you didn’t get an obnoxious lecture before she left.

You just got saved a lot of heartache, imo.

I know a few christian person too. They are nice people, but they have some conception’s about magic. Every man with he own mind.

This is something that would ever happen to me because it’s pretty much inconceivable someone who is any semblance of a normal person would want to get into a relationship with me. Don’t tell my ex girlfreind I said that.

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NO relationship is worth me having to be something/someone I am NOT. Stick to your practices. Shit if I could find a woman that practiced Palo, Quimbanda, or Satanism…I’d be in Heaven…er…uhm Hell :slight_smile:

^^^ THIS!!!

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[quote=“blacklamb, post:8, topic:3107”]How old are you? Just wondering because it’s pretty common knowledge (most) Christians are intolerant of magickal practices, at least here in the U.S. Don’t need to be able to tell the future to know that. You’re lucky you didn’t get an obnoxious lecture before she left.

You just got saved a lot of heartache, imo.[/quote]

I’m Mormon (a branch off christian) and yet i’m here, doing my thing. Orismen used to be Mormon, yet he is here too. I was just fighting the stereotype. Carry on.

[quote=“Omnipresent, post:13, topic:3107”][quote=“blacklamb, post:8, topic:3107”]How old are you? Just wondering because it’s pretty common knowledge (most) Christians are intolerant of magickal practices, at least here in the U.S. Don’t need to be able to tell the future to know that. You’re lucky you didn’t get an obnoxious lecture before she left.

You just got saved a lot of heartache, imo.[/quote]

I’m Mormon (a branch off christian) and yet i’m here, doing my thing. Orismen used to be Mormon, yet he is here too. I was just fighting the stereotype. Carry on.[/quote]

Not to mention E.A. Used to be Mormon

And although I wouldn’t say I’m a “Christian”, I was raised in two different Christian traditions (Catholic & Orthodox) by my mother as an effort to derail the whole indoctrination process.

I would say I’m a gnostic, who practices several forms of ancient sorcery, and spends a lot of time reading the bible.

I mean, I study the books of it that the Catholic Church burned that have resurfaced over history. Not the 4 anonymous books they slapped names on and said it was the official story. There were 24, much better books, and most of the ancient world agreed with me until they burned all those books, and most of the people who believed in them.

This has enabled me to have some pretty cool conversations with E.A. about the magick of “Jesus” and the sorcery he practiced.

The Kennedy Assassination has nothing on the character assassination of Master Yeshua.

Those who know the real stories, know it was all about sorcery and magick to begin with, and that the whole story has been changed. Even the snake was the HERO in the garden of Eden.

Keep your mind open, the original Christians described the modern ones who exterminated them as “Empty”, and “Without Souls”.

And why the HELL would he do that?


How about you use Palo to get a girl who’s into Palo also?

Someone who is right for you.

I have to ask what you are even doing with puritan girls? Interesting conversation? For you? Heh.

Trust me, I have spent more than enough time with women who weren’t right for me.

The truth is your partner is a big mirror, and any real problems you have with them, are pretty revealing about yourself.

It’s not your partner’s problem, you picked your partner, it’s your problem.

If you don’t want someone like that, they shouldn’t be in your life, and you shouldn’t have let such people be so close at all.

I just wasted two years with an intelligent girl, who was spiritual, beautiful, and a bit of a freak if she wanted to roll that way.

But she wasn’t right for me, she didn’t share the same values, beliefs, and even basic philosophies of life with me.

And then I realized, I was just interested in all those things, and not really who she was as a person, and the best thing I did for myself, was to get this woman the fuck out of my life…Because I was wasting their time, as much as they were wasting mine.

The bird of paradise comes only to an open hand, and if you try to grab it, it will slip through your fingers and it will fly away, and may be many many years before it ever comes back again.

The bird of paradise comes only to an open hand,
-Frater Apotheosis

Oh it’s not just the christians! There was a time when I had numerous pagan friends,… not anymore now! Even pagans turned their back on me once they knew I turned “black” (their expression ha). Most of the pagans don’t realise that they still live under some christian dogma. Good riddens, I say!

When someone suspicious identities as pagan these days I quiz them about the meaning behind bronze and iron age human sacrificial practices.

I agree! I think it also has to do with the lack of control people have in their own lives. So they feel they must control others.

[quote=“Omnipresent, post:13, topic:3107”][quote=“blacklamb, post:8, topic:3107”]How old are you? Just wondering because it’s pretty common knowledge (most) Christians are intolerant of magickal practices, at least here in the U.S. Don’t need to be able to tell the future to know that. You’re lucky you didn’t get an obnoxious lecture before she left.

You just got saved a lot of heartache, imo.[/quote]

I’m Mormon (a branch off christian) and yet i’m here, doing my thing. Orismen used to be Mormon, yet he is here too. I was just fighting the stereotype. Carry on.[/quote]

That’s why I said “most”. While I no longer consider myself such, I was a crazy, on-fire-for-Jesus-slain-in-the-spirit-bride-of-Christ Christian. Just looking at my post history you’d know I’d be the first person here who doesn’t consider Jesus to be a dirty word, and a worthwhile god to work with, even as a black magician.

There’s no denying that even the kindest of many Christians would find their relationship with you damaged if you came out of the witch closest. I’m super close with my mother, and I live in fear of the day she finds out what I truly believe. Would she still love me? Sure. Would it make both of us miserable? Absolutely.

[quote=“blacklamb, post:19, topic:3107”][quote=“Omnipresent, post:13, topic:3107”][quote=“blacklamb, post:8, topic:3107”]How old are you? Just wondering because it’s pretty common knowledge (most) Christians are intolerant of magickal practices, at least here in the U.S. Don’t need to be able to tell the future to know that. You’re lucky you didn’t get an obnoxious lecture before she left.

You just got saved a lot of heartache, imo.[/quote]

I’m Mormon (a branch off christian) and yet i’m here, doing my thing. Orismen used to be Mormon, yet he is here too. I was just fighting the stereotype. Carry on.[/quote]

That’s why I said “most”. While I no longer consider myself such, I was a crazy, on-fire-for-Jesus-slain-in-the-spirit-bride-of-Christ Christian. Just looking at my post history you’d know I’d be the first person here who doesn’t consider Jesus to be a dirty word, and a worthwhile god to work with, even as a black magician.

There’s no denying that even the kindest of many Christians would find their relationship with you damaged if you came out of the witch closest. I’m super close with my mother, and I live in fear of the day she finds out what I truly believe. Would she still love me? Sure. Would it make both of us miserable? Absolutely.[/quote]

I left a JW organization around 10 years ago. I had to make an entire new group of friends, half my family cut me off as well. That was just because I left.