Get a girl to DM you

Some people try too hard to sound wise and all knowing on something hella simple :joy:

However I agree with Faustus. You kind of have a problem if that’s the case. Especially if you have no contact with them lol.


Dude, even in this day and age, girls like to be courted, so take the advice from the women who have commented and make an effort to reach out. Casual conversation isn’t that hard, especially from behind a screen.

There is no amount of magick that will get her to message you first unless you can catch her attention in some way. Even magick can’t build something from nothing.


Do you know each other or not?
Is it a person you saw online and liked?ً Or is it a person you met in real life and did not give contact information?

Here is what you have to do. It has a slight chance of working.
Make a fake account with a fake name.
I am going to use @Angelb1083 and @Brand_New assumption that the platform you are using has comments and likes and posts.
So use your fake account(s) to spam her comments and likes.
She may think you are a stalker at first.
But keep repeating with your fake accounts
Use magic to make her DM you.
At that point you may have already been noticed by her, so either she will keep blocking you or she may DM you. So do what I said Above. Skew her decision making towards having her DM you.
She will initiate and you can spark a great conversation.
Then if she likes you, you can tell her your real account.
There is a chance she won’t dm you. And if she has lots of comments, she may not even notice your spamming.

That is some Wile E. Coyote shit right there. Have you actually gotten women like this?


Could he not implant his username, name, and face in her subconscious and when she sees it thinks that it looks familiar and investigate and dm?

No I dont desire relationships, so I have never tried. It is just an idea I had.

Thats what I thought

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It may work if it is tried

I like this question because its simple. Be yourself. You come to a point where you realize that’s what woman actually like. The quirks. Your hobbies. You passions. Your talents. Whatever you got going for you. Wear it on your sleeve. Wear your heart on your sleeve. Don’t be afraid to get hurt. don’t be afraid to get rejected. Find that confidence within yourself. Remember… it’s just a DM. worst case she doesnt reply. you delete forget about her. Your magick is your passion your wisdom. you yourself are the dam spell . Hope this helps. if not im sorry haha


No it actually won’t


Pollo, that’s terrible advice!

Dishonesty is the absolute worst way to kickstart a relationship with someone, any sort of relationship.

I would take a Wile E. Coyote plan instead.


It is a way for him to get noticed

Lop, I think you’re the last to be giving girl advice…js.


He could also get noticed by lighting himself on fire. Doesnt make it a good plan


You can borrow my Acme gadget catalog


Totally trying some of that shit. Not because of this thread, but just because I’ve always found it fascinating.

Oh, I do remember the road runner sega video game, that was so damn awesome!

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She is out of your sphere of availability, you have to make a bridge.Just PM and then try some magick if its really neccesary.

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Read her profile and posts to get a feel for her vibe. Message something that gives your vibe. See if they mix.

All there is to it

I’ve opened in person with “Hey this is random but I thought you were attractive and I wanted to see what you were like.”

Works online too, though your mind should be on the numbers game. Even with magick you’re going to have to sort through a bunch of weirdos to find the cool ones.

The question is, why do you assume your value is below hers? You’re talking like her responding well would be doing you a favor. You’re bringing half the equation to the table, frame the interaction that way.

Think of how cool it would be to be able to show her your entire world if she clicks well. See how cool the girl is, not if she sees you as cool. Can’t strongarm a good dynamic

If she friendzones you then “NEXT!!!”

The Yes girls are great, and the No girls are great. They don’t waste your time. It’s respectful and you can move to a better prospect quickly.

The Maybe girls… are the ones to worry about. Be careful. If she’s not interested you get to find someone worth your attention who will meet your criteria.

Friendzone is always something guys do to themselves. If she says it’s not gonna happen, go find someone who will. Guys abuse the living shit out of themselves by continuing to hang around and try to nice their way into her pants.

Never worth it, there’s always another dance partner. No pedestal stuff man, she’s just a girl who has insecurities just like you do. Go vibe and see what happens.

Worst case is “Well she wasn’t interesting… Let’s go see what this girl is like!”

That is classic Lop Pollo. :joy:

Yes, like how to proceed with the restraining order she has planned.