Geomantic readings


Will the rest of my online semester for these college classes go well for me?

I know this is a mundane question, but due to the sudden shift of everything and the quarantine I need a bit of certainty/advise with this matter.

Thank you for the answers I seeked.

You are blessed my friend.

May I have one, please? :blush:

Any time

I’ll do yours tomorrow

If you’re still doing them, I’m game. Also, if you could give me a few pointers, geomancy is a form of divination I’m unfamiliar with and would like to learn more!

Take your time, there’s no rush. Also, thank you for humoring my request.

I could use one pretty badly right now. I’ll PM if you’re still up for it

Anyone still want one?


Wait, I do have a serious question, is there an entity that has been trying to reach out to me, and if so, who?

I want one too, please

Yes please, I would like to ask, “Is there anything I can do to better my relationship and if so what?” If that’s ok.

Alright… Whats your questions…

Okay hold on

From the reading that, I did it feels like you should most definately:
Work on your communication skills most, definitely lol… Screaming, there
Work on your, “INDIFFERENCE”
i see also loss of money… Do no whether its due to bad spending habits… Better check that too
OOF your reading, shows, an, abrupt, change, and seems like your relationship is, at, a, critical, point and is, highly likely to, end of certain things are not resolved
Ohh and don’t, GEt pregnant

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Unless you already are

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Oh geez your good. I was actually worried wasn’t giving him enough attention. Also I spend all willy nilly, yea I’m impulsive with money. Oh geez oh whiss I hope it won’t end! We already have a son together and I love him and our son so much…

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Alright try and work things out…

Many blessings to you and your family
(I don’t know why the reading suggest an arrival of a new child) but probably just a glitch…
Infernal blessings

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I have been thinking of one lately >\\> but haven’t asked him