Gatekeeper QnA!

@cleocat they will be back soon

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I’m on then other side of the world though… but they should be back in around 2 hours or so, right?!

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Oh that one goes in the archive :smile:

Hi if this is still open could you ask all the gatekeepers if

  1. Will humans ever stop being cruel?
  2. Can anyone really see the future, e.g. a oracle?
  3. How much truth is there with the zodiac?

Is this still open?

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Is there any chance that the qna that got deleted will be brought up as a locked thread? My questions and their answers are lost :pensive:

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Hello everyone! I’m sorry I didn’t make the 4:00 post like I said. today in half an hour I will make a new post where you can ask questions.


It moved to the “lounge” I have access and it booked mark. :heart:

Can you send me a link?

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It doesnt seem to work unfortunately :confused:

That sucks :frowning:

AGAIN??? Seriously wtf :woman_facepalming:t2:

actually since I had some things to do, it hasn’t begun yet!

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We are ready to go now! Please use the rules above!

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Any advice for me Belial?

“Use your head chump”

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Thank you, this is to all of them. Who was the one that visited me the day before yesterday and why the color?

Me again, with one last question.
What is different after yesterday night?