Gatekeeper QnA part 3!

Do you think it would ever be possible during earth’s lifespan for the masses to turn against and fight the elite?

Hello :smiling_imp::heart:
Is there anything for me
is it true that i am azazels mage

(For the Gatekeepers) What can I do to improve myself as far as magick goes?

@Nolan_Toney u haven’t stopped these yet have you? I made sure to pm.

To Asmodeus

Why do I feel such a strong bond to you?

To the others, what advice do you offer?

Hail to all, and thank you to OP.

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If I may, how can I know if I’m ready to work with them?
Should I be waiting for a signal as happened before or it is me to do the first step?

I’ve just started my spiritual journey. What is the advice or message for me

Do they have a message for me?

Anything to say for me?

Do they have something to say to me ? Like an advice or something ?