Games of chance, betting, sports trading etc. Hail Bune, Lord Clauneck, Lebezerin Gremory

mammon isn’t the only demon working with money. Other demons can help network as well .

small steps. work with other demons to be somewhat skillful first with magick. . If mammon is the big boy then we can work with him when we have funds… to show we are serious. So get money by way of other demons, bune, asmoday, etc… Then leverage those money for mammon. Since the ring is silver , it’s right up mammon’s alley. He likes silver and gold. so i dedicate the ring to him as it’s silver.

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I have zero money :’(

that’s why i like that site. the owner works with mammon and infuse the energy to the ring already. His day to be contact on is thursday according to those who work with him.


abundance and wealth isn’t only related to money. U can be rich with other stuff. =o) money is use for trade. U can barter without money. Some people still do that. Lots of business too. they will barter service for service.

Also your pretty so you should have plenty opportunity for jobs and making money or getting rich bf. lol. Attractive looking people have lots of chances. If not than you not using your looks to your advantage. =o)

U can work with paper sigils until you have enough to get some nice sigil rings.

this might be useful for those striving for wealth freedom.

It’s not wrong advice. Everyone use their looks for opportunity. they dress well. professional. make up. proper hygiene . etc…

I didn’t say be gold digger. I think your making assumptions. Many people have other who have money that can support her goals. Maybe she wants a person who’s successful and great man that also have money. THink bigger my friend. Think with higher vibration. Not lower vibration thoughts. =o)

I’m just saying her looks have advantage .use them to influence.

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I am not for sale and I would never use someone for their money. It is beneath me. As for a job there is nothing available on the island I live

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Thank you.
I also choose brain. Beauty fades but the soul stays the same

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No one ever said anything about selling yourself nor using others for their money. Your misreading the message. let me try to re-explain since your attractive you have more opportunity to open doors then the normal looking folks. It’s easier to network and stuff. It’s a fact that attractiveness is a tool of persuasion. It’s also easier for you to meet way more people in the dating scene so you got choices. Your also more able to meet more financial stable people and get more doors open as well as learn from them. U two are reading with low vibration thoughts. :man_shrugging: don’t dismiss beauty. your were born with it for a reason and use it if it’s to your benefit. And i know you probaby use it without knowing. IN this world we function base on looks and it matters a big deal in business. A unkept person will get less chance than someone who looks clean. Thats a fact.

Try from Franz Bardon’s Spirit Evocation, this spirit 195: Iserag (21º Virgo)


I don’t know if the divination helps with the proper timing too. :man_shrugging: Maybe combination of all. The divination to figure out favored timing and include the spells for luck. I also look at the astrology too if it’s more favorable day to me. Like today. i went. It wasn’t good due to pig hr which clash with my wealth element fire. One should not do important activity if there is a clash of one’s birth date. I only went cuz i was off work. I could of avoided the lost if I was more careful to not play at tables with bad players. I could of stayed with slots and maybe i would of done good. I actually won with my free play however i decided to go to table and that’s when it went downhill. I didn’t lost all that i won last time. just some. There were times of being very lucky streak but i didn’t let it ride. I should. I predict the outcome on the bonus too yet didn’t put out the money. So i could of gotten ahead if i did.

How can a beginner be very perfect at these very methods of us?

Welcome @Halordgingerbell It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so please click the link below and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick ie what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


It’s called practice. There is no perfect skill.

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I did it again. Argh!!! After asking asmoday to win on free play for couple to few hundred, he delivered. 2nd spin won 250 on free play. Then got stupid n lost it all n then some . Should of left. Down and ask asmoday again to get to positive n he delivered. However, I got stubborn n lost it all. So the lesson is . LEAVE!! When your request had been fulfilled by demon. I know it’s demon helping cuz I ask on specific machine.


Great results man…I think it’s time to follow your method. Also you got to ask from an entity to help you control your emotions and be humble when you are winning,it’s also very important for one’s growth and for your wallet also.

It’s getting consistent. Greed for more will get u . Lol

Over here in the UK, the year’s biggest horse racing festival is about to start tommorow. I’ve already got some bets set in advance, but also I’m exploiting the offers bookies promote around these events, so will be getting some risk free bets eg bet £10 if your horse doesn’t win get £10 refund. It’s my way of targeting no risk or low risk gambling to practise this stuff!


to sum it up. I have asmoday ring. mammon ring . and 2nd and 4th pentacle jupiter. I also wear 7 olympic spirit pendant. Any one of those can help me. I ask petition for asmoday. I do the activation words for the key of solomon. And do the sigil ee-ell money ritual.

I think asmoday alone can work as he’s gambling demon king. I ,however, use all those to cover my bases. I think the jupiter key of solomon talisman has some contribution. AS for mammon. I didn’t ask him or invoke him. I just like his sigil. lol