Friends with Benefits III: For a Few Dollars More

UPDATE 03/28/2013: I’ve compiled all the data on a spreadsheet, and will get the initial schedule up very soon. I’ve posted secondary threads for each group where the organization/planning info will be posted, just as the previous FWB threads had.

Please use this thread for discussion and results, so the other one can stay uncluttered and readable. And yes, please discuss your practices and results in this thread - it adds great value to everyone reading and participating both.

The calendar threads are up:
Group 1 - [url=][/url]

Group 2 - [url=][/url]


Original starting post:

Third go around of the Friends with Benefits project, woot! Inspired by necromaster’s “call to arms” thread, we’re on for round 3.


In a nutshell, there will be ten workers over the course of a month, who perform workings on each others’ behalf.

Here’s how it will work this time around:

First, you sign up by posting in this thread your interest, and then private messaging me your goal. I will work with you to ensure your goal is focused enough that it is suitable for evocation or other rituals.

Next, you will use the time leading up to the workings to make yourself ready. In addition to any personal preparations you may make (getting your ritual space ready, consecrating your altar, evoking a guiding/guardian spirit, etc.), you will also perform the Death of the Old Self ritual. The purpose for most of you in joining a group working like this is to better yourself, so it is appropriate to start your workings with this ritual as your catalyst:


Then, everyone who signs up will have an assigned number posted and know what days they will receive the focus and benefit of the ritual effort of all the others - on those days the target does nothing except just receive. Everyone else will work for the benefit of that member to increase finances (or health, love, etc.); whatever is requested. Each member will list what they would like the others to work on toward their behalf. This is a diverse group, so keep that in mind when making your request to get maximum benefit - while a request of improved finances is relatively benign and most would be happy to help with, a request of death to your enemies might have less takers (and it denies you the satisfaction of doing that job yourself).

Those working will use the spirit connection as they see fit - this is a group of individuals working for mutual benefit, rather than a group ritual per se. So know that each of you may have demons, angels, candle magic, and other media working in your direction. If this makes you uncomfortable, either air your concerns here, or build another more focused group yourself.

It will then be posted the number/days, name, and the objective desired and post here for all to see. This thread will also be used as a discussion forum for the results received - so the thread should also serve as an interesting showing of the efficacy of multiple intents focused on a singular goal.

There were good and interesting results in the past, with the members of a group such as this one all working to one purpose.

If you want in on this, private message me your name and your desired object/outcome. Once I have the list, I will perform a triage and then randomization of the list to determine our schedule and directives. I’m aiming for about 10 people on this list, to do a month worth of workings and give everyone two to three days or so for each working. If we can get the list together in time, I’m aiming for April.

Remember, while this could be a huge boon to you in terms of what you receive, the real benefit will come in the gains of performing so many workings in a directed and structured way. You will gain the most benefit from this by doing the workings - receiving the boon on your scheduled day(s) is merely the added bonus.

If you don’t intend (or don’t think you are able) to do the vast majority of the workings, you should probably wait for a project that you can commit to.

This is an exercise in “evoke often!” Let’s get it started!

I highly recommend that anyone interested go read through the original threads, and get a better idea of how this worked out last time, go here:

Discussion pages:

Implementation pages - [suggested working info is here]:

This is the list. We had enough people for two simultaneous groups, so I will make two separate working threads, one for each group. If you’re feeling especially giving (or you want more practice), feel free to do workings for both groups - but make sure you complete all the workings for your own group.

Two groups gives a very doable amount of workings - about 2 per week. This should give you time to prepare without being overwhelmed, so you can give each working your ALL.

Group 1: [url=][/url]

TheWanderingFool [request confirmed]
Sinata [request confirmed]
necromaster [request confirmed]
Divinator [request confirmed]
taokua [request confirmed]
PyreOD [request confirmed]
HGA-7-5 [request confirmed]
Defectron [request confirmed]

Group 2: [url=][/url]

Count Zero [request confirmed]
Azesiel [request confirmed]
Soundwave [request confirmed]
Frater Apotheosis [request confirmed]
Malice [request confirmed]
DarkestKnight [request confirmed]
HedoNNN [request confirmed]
X [request confirmed]

Saying it now, if I organize another one of these, I’m calling it

Friends with Benefits IV: Son of Friends with Benefits

(this is more of a mental note to myself, but I’m putting it here for your amusement)

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redcircle pm of request sent.

I’m down, getting ready to send the request right now.

Yeah I’m down for this

Ok, so I’ve filled up the first list, but that doesn’t mean we’re done necessarily. So keeping sending your names and requests if you’d like.

The next set of names will get put on a secondary list which will be used to either:

a) replace anyone who drops out before it starts
b) be on the next FWB project
c) split the total list relatively evenly, and run both lists at the same time

Also, there are a number of peeps on the list that I need some clarification for, see the list above.

I’ve sent my PM.

Yup, and you’re on the list above. :slight_smile:

Is it required to PM our full legal names? Would the firstname be sufficient enough?

I was curious about that myself, a username could be suffient I’ve used a nickname to get a guy that was following my little sister around to fuck off but I also knew what he looked like. I never even spoke to the guy and he started telling my sister he was scared of me and wouldn’t come near her.

It really depends on the working and the workers involved. If this is for you, we should be able to build enough of a link based on your handle on the forum and the connection made that way. Sometimes workers have requested more - like a real name and/or photo. I haven’t seen it on the FWB threads, but other magicians will also ask for things like a birthday, general physical location, some of the target/recipient’s hair, etc., just to give you an idea of various media used to create a link.

You don’t have to give your name in the initial private message, and most of the workings have been done for nicknames. Hell, I know some of the workings were done for “Magician X’s mother”.

In some cases, a name and a picture would be very helpful. We can certainly keep any information used in this way within the working group however - it doesn’t have to be posted publicly on the thread. A lot of times, it’s also about what you’re willing to give for what you get.

In summary, no, you don’t have to give any information - just your request. If there are requests from the workers for more info, I’ll pass that request along. If you wish to provide more info, then you can do that as well - and we can work to keep it semi-private.

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My PM with my request was sent. I then sent another one with a short physical description of me to help visualizations.

I wouldn’t want to give my real name if possible. I feel that my nickname is targeted to “me” enough.

Thank you everyone. I’m eager to practice my sigil opening magick (or whatever I’d feel appropriate to your requests)!

Yea your handle should help if you also use it a lot. I do because the mythos behind my handle name historically matches my real name. I use it on at least 3 other occasions, and right now I am more active here than anywhere else. But yea, I’m excited to get started with this, too!

Pm me! I never got a chance to be in the FWB before.

It goes the other way, you need to msg me with your request. :slight_smile:

Just did the Death of the Old Self Ritual.

A spontanenous “evil” burst of laughter at the end of a working is always a good sign for me… 3:D

I do have one question in regards to receiving on the day you are assigned to. It is stated that on that day, you just lay back and receive, but does that mean you should halt all you stuff in terms of spiritual development? For example, shouldn’t you be able to still do energy work, meditation, hatha yoga, etc.,? As long as it has nothing to do with the goal you placed here, it should be fine, correct?

Yea, you can do other things on your day(s). The intent is several-fold:

  • you get to see objective results of others’ actions
  • you experience less attachment to your goal because you are not working (work on decreasing the attachment to improve success)
  • the workings you perform for others also have very little attachment, because they aren’t your goals, so you get to see success from your combined effort with the group on another’s behalf

There are plenty of other gains for this format, but you get the point. Of course, you CAN work toward your own goals as well. But I’ve outlined some of the theory why it is suggested that you focus on the workings for all the others.

And you most certainly can work on other things besides your own workings or the workings of the group. Of course, if you’re doing it right doing the work for the others, you’ll probably be too busy and too spent to work on other things during the project month.

Do as you will.

Any dates yet for when this starts?