Yea, I think so. It’s in the opening post, but that’s a giant wall o’ text so I can see how it would get missed.
I was thinking April is when it would start… so, a little over a week from now, cool? Also, since we have enough peeps, I’m going to split everyone into two groups - should be plenty of workings for each.
I know it may be a lot of more work to do, but you know, for Dabbler-to-Practicionner people like me it would be awesome to have suggestion for spirits to work with with every work as well as their sigils…
Nevertheless thanks again for organizing everything Redcircle.
HedoNNN: I’ll do what I can to provide suggested entities again like I did the last time, and I encourage everyone else to do the same. And you’re welcome.
Your a legend redcircle, I’m sure you’ll out do yourself again.
I’ll be keeping a keen eye on this thread. I learned a great deal in Friends with Benefits MachII, it was unreal. Everyone who puts in the effort will benefit in more ways than just having their request fulfilled.
Updated the group listings, in the second post of the thread. If I missed anyone, you need to let me know ASAP or you’re going to have to get in on the next round at some unknown time in the future. (or organize your own!
UPDATE 03/28/2013: I’ve compiled all the data on a spreadsheet, and will get the initial schedule up very soon. I’ve posted secondary threads for each group where the organization/planning info will be posted, just as the previous FWB threads had.
Please use this thread for discussion and results, so the other one can stay uncluttered and readable. And yes, please discuss your practices and results in this thread - it adds great value to everyone reading and participating both.
As I’ve already suggested numerous times in this project, you should read through the threads of the previous FWB projects. You will learn about different approaches to achieving the goals, suggested workings, and more. If you are puzzled as to how you should proceed, search the forums and/or ask your question in this thread. This project is about helping each other in our practice at least as much as it is about helping each other with our goals. Make use of it!
Also, I highly recommend people share their ritual choices, experiences, and any results they’ve seen here. This should be a good learning experience, and that will be greatly facilitated by sharing.
If you have other suggestions for the various workings (or need a suggestion), this is the place for it!
Do my eyes deceive me? You have put in all this fantastic effort and you aren’t even on the list to have a working done for you?
Thanks for organising this once again!
Yesterday while taking a look at this topic and operation schedule, this particular question arose to my mind: How do you guys manage to visualize the outcome of specific situation for a person you have never seen and felt his presence? For example, if I’d like to aid somebody I know to increase his income I would perform a ritual visualizing and feeling intensely that he is already having more money, spending it, looking happy without being troubled by financial difficulties etc. In the particular case that I have to do the same for somebody I’ve never even seen a picture of, am I supposed to simply make up an image of him in my imagination and just adapt the visualizations to this image?
I asked redcircle about this and he recommended me to restate the question here in the forum in case that it would be useful to other members as well.
[quote=“Dimitris, post:34, topic:899”]Yesterday while taking a look at this topic and operation schedule, this particular question arose to my mind: How do you guys manage to visualize the outcome of specific situation for a person you have never seen and felt his presence? For example, if I’d like to aid somebody I know to increase his income I would perform a ritual visualizing and feeling intensely that he is already having more money, spending it, looking happy without being troubled by financial difficulties etc. In the particular case that I have to do the same for somebody I’ve never even seen a picture of, am I supposed to simply make up an image of him in my imagination and just adapt the visualizations to this image?
I asked redcircle about this and he recommended me to restate the question here in the forum in case that it would be useful to other members as well.[/quote]
That’s a great question and I definitely want to see what the other members have to say.
I have participated in the second round of FWB and it was the first time that I would do workings for people I’ve never met. I wasn’t really sure how to proceed in the beginning but then it came naturally and effortlessly. I would write down the username of the person to whom the working was directed at and focus on it until I felt that a connection was formed. During that process I realized that I wasn’t really focusing on the username but on the general feeling that this person’s posts (writing style etc) induced to me.
I’m not sure if this will make sense to be helpful, but I see it like contacting an Entity, and then interacting with it… the first step is getting on the “right page” to make contact (tuned in) and then making Substantial Contact, as EA terms it, but then there is the “interaction”/conversation and Knowledge of.
The key is connecting to the "situation" or energy pattern-flux you are seeking to interact with (the description they give, used just as a jumping off pt, sort of like scrying into).. but then you connect with something...
that "something" is then zeroed-in-on (which likely will require a mental-shift, especially from what you thought you were going to contact, to what you actually did)... then you have it directly. [ or else you are working Indirectly ]
<<the very last part of Nereid comment above seems on same pg>>
if one has the Divination vidCourse by EA- the part about Invis Tarot… both the layout, but then the part about 1 card… ride it like a horse… where does it take you?
-these words read literally aren't quite on target, as if you are in the thinking_through_words mind-state that's not quite on (like holding a conversation through listening to an echo and seeing someone in a reflection in a window, vs turning and being present with.. not thought of but exper)
[a headache swooped in as a wrote this so it may be less clear, hope it might be of some use]
[quote=“Dimitris, post:34, topic:899”]Yesterday while taking a look at this topic and operation schedule, this particular question arose to my mind: How do you guys manage to visualize the outcome of specific situation for a person you have never seen and felt his presence? For example, if I’d like to aid somebody I know to increase his income I would perform a ritual visualizing and feeling intensely that he is already having more money, spending it, looking happy without being troubled by financial difficulties etc. In the particular case that I have to do the same for somebody I’ve never even seen a picture of, am I supposed to simply make up an image of him in my imagination and just adapt the visualizations to this image?
I asked redcircle about this and he recommended me to restate the question here in the forum in case that it would be useful to other members as well.[/quote]
I planned to do some divination to see what aspects could block the success of the goals of the individual receiving the work, and then work to remove those problems. I also thought about visualizing the universe aligning itself to the persons will to complete their goals.
I tend to focus on the username and use that as my link, my visualisations at that point are fairly abstract but I focus my intention heavily. Intention is key I think
[quote=“Dimitris, post:34, topic:899”]Yesterday while taking a look at this topic and operation schedule, this particular question arose to my mind: How do you guys manage to visualize the outcome of specific situation for a person you have never seen and felt his presence? For example, if I’d like to aid somebody I know to increase his income I would perform a ritual visualizing and feeling intensely that he is already having more money, spending it, looking happy without being troubled by financial difficulties etc. In the particular case that I have to do the same for somebody I’ve never even seen a picture of, am I supposed to simply make up an image of him in my imagination and just adapt the visualizations to this image?
I asked redcircle about this and he recommended me to restate the question here in the forum in case that it would be useful to other members as well.[/quote]
What I personally have done, is to use their username (or real name if they give it) to form a connection, and visualize the success from their perspective - as if I were them.
At some points in time, for specific workings, people have asked for more details to hone in - names, birthdates, pictures, etc. If those are needed, I put the request back onto the person receiving the rituals - if they are willing, I’ll share the info back to the other workers.
To associate off of what TheWanderingFool wrote about doing a divination before hand- I was in the practice of doing divination-scryings to see how things are (prior to any interaction-influence) as well as to see an impact-repercussions…
but as per recent instruction by EA in email newsletter (Becoming a Mouthpiece of your own GodSelf)… he wrote about using Divination to see what the result (or Working) would be, and then doing that Working… and seeing did it end up.
similar but different seeming in its focus, so I’m looking to contrast the distinctions- I wonder if any-one saw that N/L-email and had thoughts on its relation to this thread, or just practice in general.
I wondering what EA what making a distinction about in that newsletter, different then discussed above.