Free readings using the Quareia Deck [Closed for new requests, backlog in progress]

Yes, absolutely.

And here I depart from McCarthys opinion that parasites are a type pf being and see it as a behaviour that any entity can do, not all entities die if they can’t feed off others, and some cases of parasitism are accidents or misunderstandings. It doesn’t exist in isolation but requires relationships.

It occurs to me, there’s no card for in this deck for symbiotic relationships that are mutually beneficial or at least not harmful to one party.

Quick card pull: Elder, Light Bearer, Disease re emerged. It’s very old. it’s aligned with freedom not control, and it seems more lost and out of place, a stranger in a strange land.

As you say the place is full of life and it could be something else hiding behind the snake.

That makes sense. As well as having to get really deep to get through that gate. It seems connected to the land and ancient. A lot of fresher energies can be “louder” and drown that out in the daylight.

That fits, especially if it’s a gate to the Underworld, they could come and go through that and some would be attracted to it and be passing through rather than staying around.

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Yeaaah, a lot of that hits home.
The reading validates a lot of things I’ve had on my mind, little questions I had.

So that’s something going on already right ? Asking because I work with Anpu lately, for everything about shadow work pretty much. But could it be a spirit that did not reveal himself, and just be working in the “shadows” ?

That’s funny, because the thing I seek the most is knowledge, so the Akashic records thing could be quite accurate. I assume it’s not for right now though.
Yep, there has been lot of healing already, and still more ahead. I’ve been untangling a lot of issues, that either happened in the past, or happens now. Always felt like everything I ran into, all those experiences might one day help someone.
Also, I’ve been told a few times already, that I had really good powers when it comes to manifestation, and I started realising it myself too.

Thank you a lot :slightly_smiling_face: Not writing much more, don’t feel super good atm, but at least wanted to give some feedback.


Yes, Initiation means beginning. so it’s something recently started or in the planning phases. It won’t be something you’re been doing daily for many years.

That’s fine: the Akashic records are the repository of all human knowledge, that’s exactly where you want to get info from… the “not yet” bit was coming up in the future: the Archon & Aion card is warning of a limit that will damage you if you try to cross the abyss in a forced way. But if you keep learning then you’d find the way around it. The librarian is a guide, he’s got nothing to do with the abyss or the archon/aion gatekeepers standing in your way.

Much appreciated, thanks! Hope you feel better soon. :slight_smile:


I would agree with this. It makes more sense to me.

Thank you for pulling clarifiers. I will keep trying to work with it and help it find balance :slight_smile:

Between wondering dead (and potentially complexes of them) and the spirits in the grove stones themselves, one of which appeared to me as a fiery hound, there are a number of candidates. Intuitively I’d say it’s the deity.

Thank you :slight_smile:

  1. Center: The Subject. “Luna”
    The magickal power of the moon, yin, cool but bright, fertility, rhythms of the tides, bringer of complexity and illusion, this card means we don’t have the whole story and should be extra careful not to be fooled with the reading. As this is related directly to the subject, which is your entity relationship, it’s probably a good idea you’re asking questions. But let’s see if the cards will explain what we don’t know.

  2. East: Initiation. Spring. “Place of Healing”
    The waters that soothe and heal. The spirit seems to have brought a healing presence and started or helped you with some inner healing process. Could also indicate the need to work with water in a healing capacity.

  3. South. Future, Work, Summer. “Archon & Aion”
    (Weird how this card comes up so much.) This cards says there’s a limit coming up in the future that you won’t be able to cross at that time, and you’d sustain damage trying. I think this points to the confusion coming from the moon, if you’re expecting something from this entity ad it’s not quite what you thought, you could be heading into an impasse.

  4. West. Home, Ageing, Autumn, Legacy. “Path of Hercules”
    This cards reminds us that with challenge comes opportunity, so it’s not always a bad thing… in this case the opportunity to learn a lot and to walk the path to adept-hood. It’s also the light at the end of the tunnel after a struggle.

  5. North. Ancestors, Death, The Past. Winter. “Regeneration”
    Health, energy and renewal, the results of the healing and the end of the heroes journey seen above are the release of stress and burden, and completion. You come out the other side stronger than you went in.

  6. Union. Biggest Influence on the subject, Relationships, Input. “Inner Librarian”
    An inner guide that will help lead you to the knowledge you need throughout this journey. Can help you find the Akashic records and connect to the ancestral wisdon in the human collective unconscious,.

Overall, staying with the entity, in a relationship that is complex and contains hidden aspects and implications that you don’t know yet, could be the harder path, but you will learn a lot in the doing, and potentially make faster progress on your spiritual path. Eventually the entity itself will help teach or guide you to the knowledge you need, and it’s not what you’d expect. If you stay open and positive, focusing on the benefits and the learning you can get a lot out of it.
On the other hand it would be easier to walk away and not deal with the stressful parts, you do have the inner librarian, (who isn’t the entity) also helping you reach knowledge, and the slower path is less risky and more peaceful, and doesn’t run you into a wall in the future that you have to learn to avoid.

It might come down to your personality at that point, whether you prefer a more controlled and steady part time kind of pace that could take years more time, or the short fast intensive. Both work, they are just very different experiences. If you go the intense approach, I’d say take full advantage of the healing abilities of the spirit.


Thank you Mulberry, I’m still a bit taken aback by your reading. This morning when I first saw what you wrote for your reading of me I found it so thought provoking and inspiring and almost in disbelief that you tapped into a subject matter that has been in the forefront of my mind.

I noticed that you posted the reading just a little short while after I had been typing a reply on another topic, I’m yet to post that reply but the concept of ‘balance’ was all through what I was thinking. The question in that topic wasn’t about finding balance but balance was the answer that I was trying to explain.

The funny thing is that in what I was trying to write depicted using scales and thoughts that add weight. I have found that in all things, balance is key, balance is king and balance creates. So my eyes popped seeing you writing that balance is so prominent throughout my reading :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m sorry but at the moment I’m not aware of anything to add or suppose from this.

As for your “note from me” about you having the same conversation with a work colleague, I’m not sure if you were referring to 2 or 3. If you meant 2 then it might be your synchronicity.

This is very encouraging :slightly_smiling_face: I wonder if this union, with myself, is something along the lines of: I now remember times when I would berate myself all the time, knocking myself down, having a go at myself anytime something went wrong. I’ve not done that for a long time now, that behaviour is like a distant memory now and this popped into mind while reading the above, 3.

I’m just really loving the way Pure Balance keeps showing itself :grin: and yes I have done workings for relationships and also for self improvement. I have to say that I am at ease and therefore have my sense of balance and I feel positivity. It’s nice to see you say that ‘it’ is on it’s way.

Again this is encouraging. It’s like you are saying that it really takes something to get to “fruition of the Union” and experience on top of experience is what leads to a reliable seed of potential growth.

So encouraging :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve always seen balance as being important to me, in trying to see both sides of a story and what is fair. But I think in more recent years I’ve noticed that creating balance where there is none is a very powerful thing and gives me a sense of that is where progression is and not to just be an observer like I have been in the previous years of my life and nowadays I feel much more strongly that I really am able to create balance on my terms.

Hmmm me thinks that Mulberry is psychically copy and pasting the inner me :grinning:

I have to say that there are areas of my life that I do feel much more positive and at ease with and I feel that I am moulding things to suit me and altogether I do get a sense of power and being able to achieve in me.

Thank you again Mulberry you have sparked my imagination and given me lots to think about :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m super glad it was helpful! I had no idea balance was also on your mind, love it. :smiley:


THIS. :exploding_head: How the natural order of things play out is amazing


Thank you for the reading.I chose to take the hard way,i hope to understand some things about her.I got a reading from another member earlier,in which i was told to end the relationship with her,but I don’t want to drive her away.She has been with me for more than six months.This with her is turbulent and frustrating,but i will not give up.

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i cant wait to get mine! ugh i wish i found this thread as soon as it was posted


I know you guys, I’m sorry. I haven’t forgotten you, I have a deadline at work and I’m pulling extra hours for it. I will keep going as soon as I can.


Thank you for doing this either way! I hope your efforts pay off and you get a sweet bonus :relieved::relieved:


That’s really sweet of you to write this, even if you didn’t have to! I hope you will earn like 1 gazillion dollars for your work too, lol.


AMEN, NEMA, Naamah, So mote it be…

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Hello, could I have a general reading of it please? Thank you for your time

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Can I have one more if it comes to me eventually? It’s obvious this has been one hell of a thread lol

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I can’t believe I didn’t see this thread before… If you get a chance, I would like a reading. I am happy to reciprocate when I get my first tarot deck and you can be a crash test dummy for my divination practice starting next week.


If you’re still doing this I’d like one too. Nothing fancy just a general reading.

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@Mulberry, sorry for bothering you but with respect this thread is still alive?

Thank you

Yes, sorry everyone I’m off my feet with work trying to finish some development and it’s not playing ball, I’ll get back to this as soon as I can.