Free Healings

Amazing and spot on

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I am having some lower back spasms on my left side. Itā€™s causing Piriformis muscle issues as well as sciatic nerve pain. Chiropractic care is helping a little but not enough. Thank you again

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Alright. For you and @Nengeleth, more than likely, like with @DarkestKnight, Raphael may rush in.


I have skin allergies

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Me too when you have time .

Can you do one for me too? A general cleansing and maybe a healing for menstrual cramps and my skin would be perfect :relaxed:

You know Iā€™m still fighting this spider bite but it is healing

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Can I suggest a poltice and salve? My son was bite by a poisonous one and those 2 things got rid of it in 2 days


Hello, I just joined this site, and I stumbled upon this post. I am in some need of spiritual/physical healing for sure. Should I go into details about what or can you find out?

Please post an introduction in our Intro thread and tell us something about yourself and your magical experience. It is one of the rules of this forum. Just click on the link below:


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For me, a sinus and respiratory infection that still has me coughing yellow, sticky phlegm even after two days in a hospital.

I want to commend you on the healing, my friend. 5 hours in and the pain has completely gone, and that is beyond the ability of the painkiller I took, which usually wears off after two or three hours.


Thank you so much. The spasms are gone and I just have some slight muscle soreness. I havenā€™t felt this close to normal in a long time. Thank you so much.


Well, less pain now but otherwise my right foot is the culprit and canā€™t be fixed, it is deformed. So I fully expect it to get painful again, due to bones rubbing together, nothing is fixable there. The pain is less for now, thanks. Not sure it was Raphael, but I heard someone say, am I breathing okay and I said this comes and goes, and thenā€¦ my violet collecting became an obsession, thinking now that this angel told me to collect it for the lung condition! I looked it up and sure enough violets are good for lungs and coughs!!! Phew! Thank you!!! Glad I picked them before the lawn got mowed down. lol


Tooth pain returned after eating. Your healing was temporary but did provide some relief :+1:

Thanks, man!

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I would like to put my name in

Iā€™d prefer you go into details please @Adam_Aquino

Well, I dont know if my chakras are blocked or its an underying problem, but I have been having trouble with libido/sexual functioning for a very long time now and is deeply upsetting. I have been taking measures to improve things my such as changing habits and im about to talk to my doctor, but I would really like to be healed so I can have normal restriction free relationships.

@Fallen_Angel, are you still accepting. I would like to PM you because itā€™s personal.