Free godform drawing readings

Yes , as it pleases you to do, not a godform as of yet, but something else please? At your convenience and time. Thank you aplenty! :rose::earth_americas::fire::horse::fox_face::paw_prints::butterfly::lizard::unicorn:

I’d be very interested in one, if you are still doing the drawings.

@Sha who are you currently working on if you don’t mind my asking?

I’m interested if you’re still doing them

I can understand that, take what time you need. Let me know if you need anything.

I’d be very interested in one, if you are still doing the drawings.

I would like one if possible. Thank you!

I love this idea if you’re still open!

Wow! You are very talented!!!

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I need one please

i would like one

i would like one, please!
If you’re still open!

I’d like to see if mine is different when you gather the time. Thanks in advance. :3

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I honestly think she is done.

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Oh I dont care how old this post is… I need some of that reading lol.

No…not yet, my dear bruther

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First, I saw something like this: then she turned into a typical witch with crows on the shoulders.


Sorry for this messy line but I didn’t remember details.

